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Warning  --  bxb 

Flashback to Michaela's Birthday.

Larry and Leyla had just about finished the cleaning up, as the last of Michaela's friends left with her parents.  It had been a fun day, for the most part, apart from Laurent's call in the middle of it.  Larry hugged his daughter to him, kissing her soft hair repeatedly.

"Did you have a good day, my lovely, 9 year old girl ?"  he smiled.  "Nine !  Where did that go ?"

"I had a nice day, thank you daddy.  Thank you Miss Leyla !"  she shouted towards the kitchen so that Leyla could hear her.  "I'm sorry if papa upset you daddy.  That's why I didn't want to talk to him, I knew it would upset you too much"  Larry's heart just about broke at that statement.

"Sweetheart, look at me."  The eyes that were so much like Laurent's gazed up at him, and it made his breath hitch.  He held her chin in his hand.  "Don't you EVER not talk to your papa if you want to.  You shouldn't even be thinking about me, your papa and I ....... those are grown up problems, not yours.  Understand ?"  She nodded.  "You talk to him if you want to, OK ?"  He kissed her cheek sweetly.

"Thank you for a lovely day, daddy.  I love you"  

"I love you too, darling girl.  So much"  Leyla walked down the hallway to collect her charges then.  Another party was waiting for them.  Leyla's family was visiting from Turkey, and they had wanted to meet Michaela and Kayden.  They would stay at her mother's house for a while, just to be sociable, then they would be having a sleepover at Leyla's apartment.  

"OK, no alcohol, no drugs, and no men !" Larry shouted down the hallway as they left.

"Who is the warning for ?"  Leyla quirked a brow at him.

"Both of you rowdy women !"  he laughed.  They closed the door, and he could hear the excited chatter leaving the house via the front door steps.

Peace.       Quiet.   

Larry sat on a kitchen stool, closed his eyes and let go a huge sigh.  He had had a good day too.  He was so proud of Michaela, she was maturing into a beautiful young woman with a heart of gold, a sweet nature, and a stubborn independent streak, just like her daddy.  She was already an amazing young lady, and he couldn't wait to see what adventures her future years would bring. 

He thought of Laurent all of a sudden.  His smile curved into a tight grimace, his heart rate elevated slightly.  He just felt so ..... sad.  So bereft about the whole thing.  He decided he needed a drink.  He poured himself a not so wee dram of 15 year old single malt, and added a huge rock of ice to the heavy crystal tumbler.  The overall effect was stunning, and just looking at it made him feel better.  He poured another, then another, running his tongue along his teeth, squinting and hissing as the amber burn warmed his insides.  

Better eat, he thought, or he would be buzzing before he knew it.  He settled on a piece of Michaela's birthday cake, unaware that sugar would only elevate the alcohols effect in his bloodstream.  So two pieces of cake, and three very expensive scotch-on-the-rocks later, Larry was somewhat rolling and fumbling around the house.  Not drunk, exactly, but, well ....... yeah, slightly drunk.  Feeling sorry for himself, talking and grumbling, with a little yelling and swearing at Laurent in absentia.  He felt better after a good cry and his seventh scotch, but, as one would expect, his mind was cloudy and unfocused.  

And not working correctly.  If he had been in his right mind, he wouldn't be trying to do what he was thinking of doing.  He grabbed his phone, plopping down on the sofa heavily, sitting upright as best he could.  Crossing his legs nonchalantly, but giving up on that idea once he found he couldn't make his legs do what he wanted them to.  He frowned deeply.

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now