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Warning  --  Possibly Offensive Language

The doorbell rang.  It was 12:45, and they were early.

"Shit !"

"Exactly !"  exclaimed Leyla, "They're never early !"  She and Larry were putting the finishing touches to a lunch buffet for Leyla's family.  Larry and Laurent, as hosts of her and Chucks  wedding, wanted to meet her family, and ask for help with the arrangements.  Well, not  - help -  as such.  Not  - ask -  exactly.  Leyla had told them that if mum and the aunties couldn't arrange at least part of her traditional Turkish wedding, they would not attend.  And the guys could not have that.  No, that would never do.

The guys also had a feeling that they would be run roughshod over by these strong, intimidating women, if Leyla was anything to go by.  She had gained her standing in their household now, and much to do with the children, most to do with the household, and yes, everything to do with Chuck, had to have her approval now.  Her permission, but her love and her wisdom, too.  She had earned it, and her decisions were always in everyone else's interest, and never her own.  She was The Boss Lady.  But she had assured them that she would do her best to keep the aunties and her mother in line.  Her very best.  The doorbell rang again.

"Shit !  Shit !!"  Larry exclaimed louder this time.  "Lau, can you get that, please !"

"OK, OK !  I got it !"  Laurent yelled from the other end of the hallway.  He adjusted his clothing in the hallway mirror just inside the front door, to make sure he would pass muster for these obviously intimidating women.  That he was presentable enough.  Normal enough.  As he got lost in his thoughts and nervousness, the doorbell sounded again.

"Laurent !!  Please, can you GET that !" Larry was exasperated now.  He had his own kind of nervous to deal with.  

Although her aunties and cousin attending the lunch today did not, Leyla's mum knew he and Laurent's situation, that they were a gay, married couple with children.  She had lived in New York as long as Leyla had, and so was used to the way of life here now.  Culturally, it was night and day from what she had been brought up with, from what she had married into, from what was expected of her as a traditional Turkish woman.  But she had welcomed a new life, a new way of being for her daughter.  Leyla was far too feisty and independent to be some kind of an indentured servant to a Turkish husband in their mother land.  She was a very well paid, very well respected servant here instead.  But the feeling, and the respect for Larry and Laurent was mutual.  She had never been made to feel anything other than their equal.  

Laurent grabbed the door handle, took one last large breath as he opened the door, plastering his most winning smile on his face.

"Hos Geldiniz !"  he greeted them in his best, recently learned Turkish.  "Welcome to our home!"  Five women stood on his doorstep, looking up at him with blank expressions.  All but two, unimpressed at the very tall, very dark, very beautiful, TOO beautiful man that stood before them.  One was Leyla's mum, Dawn, who smiled at him.  She had a soft spot for both he and Larry, because they had been so good to her daughter.  The other woman, who was very impressed at the sight of this luscious specimen of manhood, was Leyla's cousin, Minira.  They would find out about her later.

"Cok kara " one auntie whispered to another, frowning. ( "He's so dark !")

Laurent's smile dropped.  It had already begun.

With Leyla's help, Laurent ushered the ladies into the living room, all of them babbling their greetings to one another in Turkish, laughter, and sign language, it seemed, hugging and kissing Leyla, but giving him the side eye for good measure.  Neither contingent were too sure about the other yet.  They would know soon enough.  

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now