Chapter 4

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The next morning...

Betty Pov:
I looked down, glancing at the small white stick in my hand before I covered my mouth, bursting into tears and sobbing uncontrollably. 'Pregnant', it read. I wasn't ready! I was only 17! I wasn't even out of high school yet! How was I going to tell Jughead? He would surely leave me. There was no way in hell I was telling him.

That left two options: abort it, or break up with him. I shivered at the thought of aborting it, ultimately deciding against it. I quickly decided against it, knowing there was only one this left to do. I sank to the floor, wishing that there was another option.

My doorbell chimed. I reluctantly slid off of the couch, answering the door to find just who I'd expected on the other side; Jughead. The love of my life. The one who's heart I was about to break. It would hurt immensely, but I'd rather break up with him than face rejection. "Hey Betts! What- Woah, what's wrong?", he asked lovingly, holding my cheek as tears fell from my eyes.

I had to lie to him. I had to hurt him so that I never had to see him again. I couldn't bare the thought of having to see him after having his child. "Jug, We- We're not working anymore. We need to br-break up. I'm sorry, it's the way it has to be.".

His face fell, tears rushing into his eyes as well as he gripped onto my shoulders. "Betts, no. What's wrong? This can't be it! We-We've been doing great! Wh-y would you w-want to break up?", he asked, lip quivering. I couldn't be soft about this, I realized.  I had to be harsh, even though it would break both of our hearts even more. "I don't want to be together anymore, Jughead. Now please, get out of my house.", I yelled. He stumbled backwards before he spun around, not turning back as he slammed my door shut.

I sobbed, falling back onto the couch. My mom came rushing to my side, shaking me as she asked what was wrong. I explained everything to her. She tried to convince me to tell him the truth, but I refused. I was alone, and both of us were left broken. It was all my fault.

I shot up from the bed, hyperventilating as tears streamed down my face. I looked next to me, muffling my cries with my hands as Jug slept with a distressed look on his face. It really was all my fault.

Jughead Pov:
I woke up to the sound of soft cries coming from my right. I turned my head, opening my eyes groggily as I saw Betty with her face hidden in her hands. I was still furious and hurt, even though it happened 5 years ago, but I couldn't help but worry about her. "Betty? What's wrong? Why are you crying?", I asked, more kindly than I would have liked to. She quickly turned to look at me, wiping furiously at her face to rid of the tears. "N-Nothing. You don't even care anyways.". I opened my mouth to argue, but she got out of bed, making her way over to the bathroom. "Get up. We have an orphan to pick up today.".

🥺 There's the back story. I promise you, the story gets more interesting later on!

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