Chapter 18

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Betty Pov:
He inhaled sharply, averting his eyes to my legs that were laid in between his own. "I... I just don't understand. Betty, I knew that you had mental health issues back then. I love-LOVED you. I would've stuck through it with you. You just didn't seem like yourself at that... that moment when you...".

I knew he would figure it out sooner or later, also knowing that I would never be ready for his realization. "Why, Betty? I don't understand... And also, this situation between us and Lola has been complicated, yes, but you haven't hurt her, like you said last night. She's been through a lot. You've been doing as much as you can while struggling with your own problems. Also, it hasn't even been a week since this all started, and I feel like we're doing... better with each other, and a lot faster than I would've expected.".

I smiled a little, though he didn't reciprocate. "But why did you... break up with me? All I w-wanted was to help you. To l-love you.". A single tear fell from the corner of his eye. I tenderly wiped it with my thumb while contemplating my response. I couldn't tell him... could I?

"Jug, I needed to protect you. You had a rough childhood, and I was scared that you would get hurt even more if you stayed with me.". This wasn't untrue, though the majority of the reason behind the breakup was more selfish on my part. I had to say SOMETHING. "But also... I was scared that you would break up with me eventually because I got- because you would realize that I wasn't good enough for you.". Vague, but enough.

I sighed, both out of relief and guilt. I dreaded the thought of revealing the truth to him. It would crush him, the thought of having a biological child and NOT knowing. His eyes softened, him placing his right hand on my shoulder, gently caressing it. "Betty... You know as well as I do that I would never have left you for any reason. You were my world. It hurt me more leaving than I would've been hurt if I were with you.".

We both knew that he was right. He always was. "I-I know that now, Jug. I was- I was a scared teenager. I was insecure; you know that. And you DID deserve better. You still do.", I said, mumbling the last part. He heard it, his eyebrows raising slightly.

"Betty, we all have our complications. And you had no reason to be insecure. I told you all the time that you were the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen. And... I didn't want anybody else. I wanted YOU. And I... I...".

By now, I was turned around, on my knees facing him while still between his legs. I could feel his warm breath brushing against my neck, our faces only a mere few inches apart. His breathing accelerated, adrenaline and desire rushing through my body.

We sat in silence, just staring into each other's eyes. I couldn't take it anymore. It's shocking how so much can change within a few days. Less than a week before, we had hated each other. Well, we could never TRULY hate each other, but we were both devastated and wanting nothing to do with each other. And then... we were there.

"Can... Can I kiss you, Jug?", I asked in a hushed voice, longing and aspiration stringing my words together like a fine string of yarn. No words came from him. Instead, not a moment later, his hands cupped my cheeks, him slowly pulling my face into his. Our lips connected, bliss and exuberance clouding around us. Oh, how long I'd waited for that moment to happen. I melted into it immediately, my body sagging against his as I leaned forward, threading my hands through his hair carefully.

He finally brought his lips back together, lingering a second after before our lips pulled away with an audible pop. He rested he's forehead against mine, his heart beating rapidly as he calmed his breathing.  A soft, content smile rose to both of our faces. For a fleeting moment, life felt complete.

You're welcome 😘

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