Chapter 2

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Varian Vatter stared at his asleep patient on the clean white cot he had made just minutes ago, smiling softly at his every snore. He ran a hand through his thick, messy bangs, rubbing his neck as he glanced at the clock of the room. 11:30 p.m. His shift was over, but Joseph wasn't here yet. Varian's heavy eyelids fluttered as he heaved a sigh, pulling a wooden stool up and sitting in front of the occupied cot, watching over his new patient. He wrapped his arms around himself, the chilly air biting at his skin. Despite working here for almost a year, he still didn't really get why they turn the AC down so low, even now that they're approaching winter. It was everything but warm and comfortable, even for patients huddled up under thick duvets. He shuddered as another draft swept past him and he closed his eyes, dosing lightly. He was really tired. He wanted to go home.
The door creaked. Varian immediately snapped out of his half-sleep state, groaning deeply when he heard a low chuckle."Tired, kid?"
The young nurse peered up, meeting Joseph's black eyes with his own blue."You're late for your shift." He simply grumbled, rising from his current seat and shifting into a light stretch. Joseph looked apologetic for a moment "Sorry." He cracked a grin and patted his raven colleague kindly by his stiff shoulder "I'm here now. Go home. You look like a walking dead."
Varian stifled a yawn as his lips twisted up, only slightly, pulling on his cloak which was hanging on the washing stand all day and threw on his backpack "Thanks. Remember to give him the pills every four hours." He gently punched Joseph's arm and smiled sleepily as the blonde laughed softly "See ya next Monday."
      Joseph nodded warmly, reaching up the wave a goodbye to Varian.
      Descending the polished stairs leading to the sliding doors, the young man stepped out of the hospital, his eyes squinting to adjust to the dim atmosphere of the midnight streets after crouching in a fully lit white room for hours. He clopped over to his old car in his heeled clogs and threw the rusted door open, slipping onto the faded brown seat as the vehicle shuddered under his weight. He started his car, the engine moaning in its old age. He sighed, stepping on his pedal as the car sped out of the lot, the dices hanging over his head jingling wildly.
After about an hour of driving, his flat's building came in sight. He pulled his car onto the roadside, wincing as it screeched and quivered into a complete stop. Dragging himself out, he walked up the stairs to his flat, gasping a little when he saw his door slightly ajar. He glanced down a bit, soon melting into a grin when he saw his raccoon, Ruddiger, standing on his hind legs, a pair of too-big-for-his-mouth slippers hanging from his jaws.
"Aww, thanks bud."
Varian crouched down, ruffling his pet's furry head before scooping him up, bopping him on his wet nose "Y'know, you don't need to wait for me, you should sleep first."
The plump raccoon chittered softly, snuggling into his master's hold. Varian laughed, toeing his front door open before stepping inside.
Ruddiger plummeted out of his arm, prancing on the matted floor as the tired young man let his bag slide clumsily down his tensed shoulder onto a wobbly coffee table. He shrugged off his coat, then his white shirt, and bundled himself into a furry bathrobe, rolling his neck and shoulder until he heard a satisfying creak. After venturing to his bathroom to slap water onto his freckled face and drying his damp bangs, he padded back into the main room. His slipper stepped onto something squishy and soft, and a pained squeal erupted from underneath his toes. Varian jerked back, crashing down on his rear onto the floor.
The poor raccoon continued to scream in anguish, and the nurse immediately sat up, pulling his best friend into his lap and stroked his tear stained face affectionately.
"Oh buddy, I wasn't looking where I was stepping, I'm so so sorry."
Ruddiger purred in his arms, curling into a soft ball as his tiny paws patted his owner's forearm, brown nose still twitching and sniffling from the stinging pain in his tail. But soon, he nuzzled up close to Varian's chest, ears drooping as he chittered sleepily.
"Heh—Does that mean you forgive me, eh?" Varian smiled, continuously stroking his pet. The raccoon yawned, small head dropping onto his masters shoulder as he was at last lulled to sleep by the makeshift cradle he was in.
Varian sighed huskily, gently moving his limp raccoon and plopping him onto his bed, pecking him on his warm forehead before sitting back up, doing something he did most frequently-- stare into blankness, with sky blue eyes wide and unblinking. Whenever his brain wasn't focused on something more important than sticking itself into clouds, he would feel like he was... missing something, or rather someone. He felt like his heart was not complete, his dull life and job stuffed into it like a puzzle crammed into a wrong place. He wanted someone he could talk to, listen to, someone who understood just how he felt. Ruddiger was the best, sure, but the young man wanted someone who could keep him company, someone he could love.

Yes! Another chapter out! 916 words, a bit less than the previous one and I'm really sorry. But don't get me wrong, Varian and Cass are both my babies and I love them both so much. Hope you liked this! The next chapter is a little... interesting, so stay tuned!

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