Chapter 4

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      Cassandra just knew something bad would happen on her first day off. That feeling settled over in her gut like a heavy yolk. The young officer was hesitant about even waking up in the morning, hoping she could curl in her bed all day, blocking herself from the world. If it wasn't her judgmental owl tugging at her curls and biting her cheeks, she would've gone with the original plan for her day.
Reaching up tiredly to swat Owl away, Cassandra had to hastily retreat her hand to shield it over her still drowsy eyes as the bird swooped over to her curtains to sail them open.
"Owl... I swear I'm gonna kill you once I'm up."
      The owl cooed smugly, fluttering onto its mistress's mattress, tapping a little victory dance. Cassandra blinked at her pet's triumph, and gave a tiny smirk. She shifted silently without a rustle as Owl continued to hip hop with satisfaction. The officer looked for the right moment, and she struck. Reaching up and swatting again, the young woman stifled a laugh as Owl tumbled onto the ground along with a thump, squawking and flailing his feathery wings.
      "Hey look, at least you woke me up." Cassandra grinned, pushing herself to sit upright with her elbows. Combing back her tangled locks,  she couldn't help but pity Owl, who was squiggling and huffing on its rear, trying in vain to get up. Her eyes narrowed for a moment, but she kindly bent down, popping it up by its wings and and cupping it onto her duvet.
      "Stay put in there, okay?" The young officer yawned softly, twisting her hip and everything to get them awake. The owl rolled its eyes, clearly disgruntled by its unfortunate fall as it buried itself into the many layers of blanket. Sighing a bit, Cassandra slipped towards her bathroom, concluding mentally that she wouldn't be a coward and would go outside.
      She was still a bit uncomfortable about the whole taking-a-walk thing even whilst spooning cornflakes into her mouth. She was worrying that she was gonna get hit by a fallen ladder or twist her ankle during her jog. Owl, who preened its feathers and ruffled its chest up proudly despite its little accident, had decided to take a perch on its owner table. As if piercing right through her mind, it rolled its eyes yet again and nudged her in the cheek, trying its best to tell her that she was paying too much of her attention on unreasonable worries.
      Cassandra stared, then slumped down in her seat, clinking her spoon around in her cornflake bowl in slight defeat.
      "Y'know what, you're right. This is ridiculous." Cassandra mumbled, swallowing another bite of breakfast as she looked at the golden eyed bird, determined "I think I really need some time outside to clear my head." Owl's eyes squinted and it hooted in agreement, happy its mistress was finally getting some air. The officer shoved her early meal away as she took a swig of black coffee, still gagging a little on its bitter taste in spite of drinking it for a whole year. She stood up reluctantly, heading over to her closet. Cassandra had made sure to bundle herself into winter clothings before stepping out of her front door. She in no way would let herself fall victim to the ruthless winds again.
      Cold was not even close to describing the weather outside. The young woman was sure it would've been snowing if the temperature dropped just a bit lower. Shivering and grumbling all along the way, she spotted a dock she had never noticed before a few hundred paces ahead, and just behind it, a little coffee shop was tucked in a corner, quite cozy looking if you asked her. Her stomach and taste buds suddenly twitching for cream cheese croissants and warm bread, Cassandra cracked a smile, picking up her pace as she walked towards store.
      But something was definitely not right when she encountered the dock. People were crowded around it, buzzing with noise and whispers. They were also hollering as if they were seeing the Loch Ness monster. That caught her. Turning on her heels with an arched eyebrow, the young woman squeezed through the crowd, managing to get to the front. She stumbled a bit, and then she gasped.
      She finally saw what all the commotion was about. Clamping her hand over her agape mouth, she froze. Blue pleading eyes were looking up at her with utter desperation as its owner, a young man, struggled in the cold sea, coughing and sputtering. The young officer looked around, and people were still in their unmoving positions, gaping and pointing like stupid idiots. Anger sparked in her chest. The young man was drowning, and no one was going to help?! Someone had to! A ragged choke pulled her from her train of thoughts. The young man stared up from the water as he bobbed around, and the young woman stared back, eyes clouding with worry as she inched forward, reaching for him.
      "Please, can you hold on?"
      The man shook his head the best he could, going under for a moment before coming up gingerly, coughing "N-no—!"
      Cassandra gritted her teeth as she looked straight again into his tempting blue eyes. They fluttered, she swallowed. He couldn't hold on anymore. She had to do something, fast.

      As an officer, you have to always be ready to help, whatever's the matter.

      She sighed. It seemed like she had no choice. She had to take a dip.
      Giving a firm nod, Cassandra threw off her coat, leaving it on the ground. People gasped, and she rolled her eyes. Feeling her body already going numb, she sucked in a shaky breath, took a few running steps, and dived.
      The water was ice cold, very very cold. Cassandra nearly opened her mouth to scream, but she bit it shut. She treaded water, wading around to reach for the one she was going to save. It wasn't exactly hard to find him, really, as seconds later, she was smacked squarely in the face by rapidly waving hands. Cassandra blinked a bit from the pain, but she kicked towards the young man and wrapped her arms around his chest, hauling him up by his arms. She broke through, coughing and gulping air as she panted into his dripping hair "I've gotcha."

      Varian had never felt so desperate in all his life. He was drowning, and no one was there to save him, well, at least he thought so. He heard a splash, and he out of relief and surprise, oh-so carelessly slapped someone in the face, his rescuer in the face. He wanted to face palm himself, but not even enough air was flowing through his body. He was falling limp. But what seemed like seconds later, arms wrapped around his torso, and they inched upwards blindly, at last settling over his chest. They tried to pull him up, but there was some obvious struggle going on as the body behind him was thrashing around furiously. Fortunately though, he was soon yanked through the water surface. He blinked, and his mouth immediately dropped open. Air had never, ever tasted so sweet before, and he gobbled it down hungrily, wheezing and shaking. A coughing fit broke out behind him, and the young man's heart quickly fluttered, his pale blue face flushing. Though every cough came out harsh, he could clearly make out the softness of it. It was a girl's. A young woman's.
      "I've gotcha." She was panting in his ear, and he grew hot.

      Cassandra was still breathing heavily as she turned the young man around to face her. Supporting him from falling into the depths again, she must say that swimming for them both was not easy. As he slowly looked at her, she noted that he was just as breathless as she was.
      And she caught herself staring at him.
      His beautiful blue pupils were glossy and bright, his soft yet mature face pulled into a small, grateful smile as he tried to shake his unkempt, wet bangs out of his eyes. Her immediate adjective for him was charming, a charming young man. She blushed as he clung onto her tighter, gasping nervously into her ears.
      Varian, despite still being dazed and dizzy, was gazing at her, too.
      His rescuer had pretty hazel eyes, narrow but dazzling. Her ebony curls that should have been chin length when dry hung off her shoulder in sodden heaps, causing her milky pale skin to stand out with the morning sun. Varian breathed shakily. She was definitely beautiful.
Cassandra blinked, and ducked her head a bit, blood rushing up to her cheeks. Her arm around the young man's ribs tightened as she towed him behind her, starting to paddle back to the dock. People were immediately throwing down a rope ladder, watching anxiously as the soaked pair waded slowly towards them. The young officer gripped firmly onto the rope, shifting the disoriented Varian onto her back with a grunt. For having such a lean frame, he was really quite heavy. She hastily clambered up the ladder, swinging and staggering as Varian clutched onto her, cold nose buried into her drenched hair. Genuinely thankful for the warm hands heaving both of them up from the dangling rope, Cassandra collapsed onto the dock in a sopping heap, panting and squirming lightly away as Varian did the same.
The deep chill hit them like a suffocating wave. Cassandra shivered in her wet sweater, already reaching for her coat on the ground. But the poor young man next to her was literally racking with trembles, sniffling as people stared with worry. Her stomach dropped a bit at his tired, sapphire eyes, and she stood up, shuddering and pulling her cloak over his hunched shoulders.
"H-how 'bout y-you?" He murmured brokenly, shrinking into himself.
Cassandra breathed through her nose to calm her quivers, and knelt down, patting him on his shoulders as she swept dripping curls out of her eyes "Take care of yourself first."

      1690 words! For the next chapter, they bond! See y'all around!

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