Chapter 5

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      Varian stared wide eyed at the young woman kneeling beside him, patting him comfortingly by his coated shoulder. He swallowed thickly, his heart swelling with warmth. But he was confused "Why a-are y-you doing this...?" He rasped, shaking his head occasionally. Cassandra blinked, fern eyes narrowing in concentration, and sighed, breath puffing white in front of her "Y-you needed help, t-that's why." She then softly flashed him a small smile, and Varian's heart melted. Her hand reached out, gently squeezing his arm, and she rose from her crouch. Looking at her feet and shuffling awkwardly for a moment, the young officer slowly walked away, dripping sparks of water as the crowd of people parted a bit for her to get through, eyes fixed into a stare. She huffed a quiet sigh, this was not how she thought her day would go. She had never planned to jump into the obviously icy sea and walk home trembling pathetically. She hunched smaller, her face burning as she felt pairs of eyes trailing her back and she padded hastily away from the cursed dock.
An abrupt hand clasping around her wrist caught her by surprise, and she jumped.
      "Must you go, Milady?"
She already knew this voice too well.
      The way he addressed her flourishingly made Cassandra turned around, looking at the young man who she had rescued just minutes ago in the eyes. She hurriedly slipped her hand back, securing it around her arm. The man flinched.
      "What do you mean?" She murmured, eyebrows arching in a sceptical way. She didn't have the patience, or strength to explain anything, she just wanted to go home.
"What do I mean? You saved me! I don't think I've thanked you yet. And you should get properly dried up before you go anywhere in your wet sweatshirt. You are... turning a bit blue..." Varian once again grabbed her by her joint, wincing as the sleeve of her shirt dribbled with salty moisture.
A gusty sigh escaped the young officer's lips, and her head dipped into a slight nod. She hated to admit this to a stranger, but he was right, she needed to stay warm. Cassandra peered up, and found herself getting lost in the beautiful hues of sky blue that were somehow pumping her heart to run faster and faster. She bit her lips, flustering a bit "... fine."
"Great!" Varian's enthusiasm startled the young woman, and even himself, a bit. He reached his vacant hand up to rub his neck, suddenly losing his cool. Cassandra looked at him, head tilted softly.
"I-I mean, sure, I guess." He stuttered, his hand around her wrist sliding away as he tugged nervously as at his borrowed coat, face heating into a scarlet red.
Cassandra softened a bit at the young man's distress, biting back a fond chortle. Her gaze fluttered onto his reddened face, and her lips twisted up "So, somewhere to warm up, huh? Got a place in mind?"
Varian immediately lit up, to the officer's delight, and subconsciously grasped her hand, guiding her gently towards the warm cafe she had noticed earlier, and ever so carefully leading her around the dreaded dock. His blue eyes glistened as he looked back "You bet!" Cassandra decided that his friendliness was a bit overwhelming, seeing as they had just met, but nonetheless comforting and dorky and... sweet. She cautiously sneaked a glance at his hand warmly wrapped around hers, and her face turned into a shade of fiery crimson.

The pair were ushered into the unoccupied shop by the chubby blonde baker himself. As they stumbled into the little store to refuge from the sharp cold, its owner clapped the young woman on her back with a pink grin on his dimpled face, making her cough. They selected a table near the oven and hearth of the bakery, propping themselves into the purple plush arm chairs. The nurse almost immediately raised his hand once he was seated, gesturing for service. Cassandra raised a brow, looking at the untouched menu laid out on their little table, and back at the young man. The blonde baker instantly came hurrying out, and what the young man asked for made the officer blush red.
"Will you please bring this lady a blanket?"
The shop keeper nodded.
Cassandra looked away, wet hair tumbling. Varian flushed and smiled a bit, too, glancing at his fisted hands.
The little man came out with a brown cover just moments later, placing it on the coffee table curtly. The young man popped the neatly folded duvet open, hesitantly draping it over his companion, before retreating his hands in an anxious fashion, sweating inside his damp cloak. The young woman tucked stray curls behind her ears, eyes daringly making contact with his, though her heart was drumming wildly "I— thanks."
Varian timidly shrugged, showing her a goofy smile. Then there was a deep, awkward lapse of silence between them. They fumbled with the menu, eyes wide as they stared at the same row of choices over and over again, fingers twitching and lips pursed.
Finally, getting a little impatient after five minutes, Cassandra reached out to flip. The page flickered against Varian's hands, and he yipped in surprise. The young woman snapped to attention, and she looked apologetically at the nurse as she recoiled "S-sorry... I didn't—"
"It's ok, Milady."
Varian blinked, puzzled.
"Cassandra, I'm Cassandra."
Varian froze, face a bright red. What a beautiful name—for her. It suited her perfectly, quickly clicking into place. He pulled his makeshift blanket tighter, his blue meeting chestnut hazel.
      "I'm... Varian."
      He saw Cassandra smile, eyes glittering with genuine fondness as she gazed at him, somewhat captivated. They blushed simultaneously.
      "That's a great name." She murmured.
      Her tone was firm and sincere, and Varian knew it wasn't just a friendly reassurance or reply. He nodded, and couldn't help but smiling himself.

      It turned out both of them ended up ordering honey croissants, and they asked for it at the same time, causing them to chuckle cordially. Minutes later, the smell of rich honey wafted through the wooden cafe, and the pair sat straight up eagerly, peering into the kitchen. Both of them could use a good snack after their exhausting and unplanned swim. Another baker came to serve them, a plump and kind old lady, who they assumed was the little man's wife. She slipped their respective plates of warm bread in front of them, telling them to enjoy in a hushed and gentle way. Varian beamed gratefully, already breaking the golden pastry into halves, licking the oozing honey with the tip of his tongue as Cassandra watched tentatively, her own piece cupped in her hands. Despite being famished, the young man still devoured his treat slowly and delicately, finishing his licking with a satisfied grin as he reached for his napkin, sprawling it over his lap. Varian caught her watching him, and he turned to her with a slight smile, but not daring to open his mouth which was stuffed with bread and syrup. Cassandra ducked her head, turning a little pink, and decided to focus on her own croissant, though she knew she had developed an unmistakable liking for the young man.
      And if she could read minds, she would have known that Varian felt the same as well.

      "So," the young man broke the comfortable silence between him and Cassandra, wiping his mouth "What's your... job?"
      Cassandra was in mid sip on her coffee, and she gulped it down, looking up "I'm... an officer."
      "Wow," Varian mused softly, looking up from his bun and putting it down, eyes shimmering with awe "I mean, really, wow. I've always wanted to be an officer when I was small. But not now, my father wants me to get a... safer job. It just kinda caught me that you're a real officer." He muttered the last part a bit shyly, reaching up to push his loose, damp bangs out of his face. Cassandra's coat slid down from his shoulders, clumping around his waist.
      The young woman edged forward, pulling her cloak up his back once again, before scooting up closer to him, chuckling "it's not really a dangerous job, Varian. It's tiring, sure, but fulfilling—yeah, fulfilling's the word." She sat back, relaxing in the warmed wing chair. Then she turned her gaze towards him, a soft smile etching across her lips, as she tugged her duvet tighter "And... yours?"
      Her question pulled Varian out of his daze, and he blinked at her, replying with a little shrug "I'm just... a nurse." He slowly looked down at his clasped hands, not ready for Cassandra's reaction.
      "That's the perfect job for you alright." To his surprise, was all the officer commented, in a warm, appreciating tone she had used earlier. No sarcasm, no nothing.
      Varian decided to ask.
      "You mean it?" He whispered, looking up.
      "Yeah, 'course I do. I know you are a great nurse." The young woman replied, giving him a heartfelt grin as she shifted into a crossed-leg position, wriggling off her waterlogged boots and tucked her legs up "I just see it through you. I think you're a real kind... and loving person." Cassandra finished with a soft nod, and the young nurse melted again.
      He had to admit, no one had ever said that to him, ever. And a person he just met immediately touched his heart, right in the spot where he had felt so empty for years. She appreciated him. Someone actually thought good of him.
"Thank you." Varian whispered quietly, voice small but happy. Cassandra smiled again, and Varian continued.
"Thank you for saving me and... believing in me."
They stared at each other long and hard, and somehow they felt like they were a lost pair of lovebirds, and it was written in the stars, that they were meant to be together.

9a.m soon rolled by, and the little bakery was getting cramped up. People started to stop by for, to them, early breakfast of pies and coffees. Some were in such a rush that they simply asked for a takeaway, stuffing their pastries into their bags before heading out for the day. Most of them, though, walked in the glass door and picked a seat, deciding to have a warm meal on a cool, lazy morning. The cafe was getting noisy and stuffed.
"It's getting a bit too loud." Muttered Cassandra, flopping back in her seat and burrowing into the provided pillows.
"Hey," Varian said, rubbing her tensed shoulder and turning her over "You wanna go somewhere else? Somewhere quiet?"
The officer rolled over herself, arching an eyebrow over her lidded eyes. The nurse sat back a bit, plopping his arms behind his head and looked at her with a slight, questioning grin "So?"
"You've got somewhere in mind, again?" Smirked Cassandra, pushing herself up. Her curiosity was getting the best of her.
Varian chuckled softly, tossing a few coins onto their table before gripping her hand, pulling her up after him. She stared at his eager face, and her heart raced. He flushed too, gently helping her slide her blanket off and wrapping his borrowed coat around them both.
      "You bet!"
      Cassandra lowered her brow, relaxing into his warmth, and she had to laugh.

      1892 words! I'm going real nuts! Next chapter: Fluff !! Hope y'all like it, and thank you for reading this far.

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