Chapter 8

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      Varian was roused from his restful slumber by a headache. It actually was the dull throbbing in his brain that stirred him into consciousness. He blinked into the lightness of the gentle morning hues and the little bunch of yellow songbirds warbling back and forth on their frosted treetops. Varian blearily sat up, and despite the peacefully flowing morning, groaned as his every bone cracked in protest. Then his full attention was caught by a low, soft whimper coming from below him. He peered down with wide eyes, and immediately melted into a soft, fond smile. The young nurse was met by a head of pale white drooping flowers, and a mess of unkempt, black curls, the fading wreath a beacon against the midnight ebony. Soft snores escaped the still asleep officer, who was huddled up to his chest under a blanket. He pondered for a moment, and gently wriggled out of her limp, sleepy hold, tensing up when she mumbled some incomprehensible words under her slow breaths, before slumping down tiredly into a fortress of pillows. Making sure she'd dozed off again, Varian huffed a breathy chuckle, slipping on his slippers as he shuffled through the early light of winter— for an ice pack. He knew he shouldn't have drunk so much.

      Cassandra awoke to screaming and ruckus.
Her eyes immediately snapped open, and her head swam from the sudden movement. Great, aftermath of a night of profuse drinking. But she all the same stood up, her blanket pooling down to her waist and clinging on to her in a loop. She immediately tripped, and that left her latching onto an armchair for support. Nausea swept through her in a sickening wave, pushing at her lungs and kicking her gut. But when another shriek erupted from the kitchen, she hauled herself up with all her existing willpower, stumbling towards it.
      "Varian!" She cried, her voice hoarse as she swung the door open, choking a little as she was welcomed by a cloud of greyish smoke.
      Thick, oily gas smeared her vision, and squinting, she spotted a hazy figure of the young man, who was swivelling feverishly around, swatting to clear his lungs in vain.
What the hell is he doing in this darn kitchen at 7am?!
      "Varian, what the heck?!" She darted into the kitchen, immediately blinded. The unwelcoming and sudden heat prickled against her skin, and her nose wrinkled at the smell of burnt... stuff.
      "Varian!" She screamed when he heard a strangled choke, and a breath-hitching thump.
      There was a cough a little further down from her, and she staggered towards it, luckily grabbing a wildly shaking hand. Another cough, and a cry tore through the grey, unforgiving clouds.
      "Where's Ruddy?!" Varian rasped, his voice frightened and breaking.
      Simultaneously, a bundle of stripped fur landed on Cassandra's face, a long, fluffy tail curling around her neck. A piercing chitter scraped through her ears, and she winced, swearing under her short breaths."I've got him! " she managed, a hand reaching to support the creature perched precariously on her shoulders "Now c'mon, let's get out of here!"
      Hand in hand in desperation, Cassandra, with a bit of struggle, tugged both of them out of the damned kitchen. They, people and raccoon, all collapsed to the floor in exhaustion, and Varian slowly sat up, coughing.
      "Whoo! What a — cough— morning!"
      The young woman followed suit, wheezing "Y-yeah, what the heck?! You'd... Varian...?"
      The young nurse's eyes were wide, and terrified, and she tracked his gaze, confused, until she saw the red, burnt gash across his forearm. Varian was utterly silent, and not in a good way. Cassandra blinked, reaching out.
      "Varian...? Uh..."
      The young man's face went ten shades paler, and the young officer panicked "Varian, don't pass out on me—!" But he had already promptly slumped onto the floor in a dead faint.
      Cassandra flinched back, mouth agape. Before she knew it, her mind and body were already in natural action, hands fumbling with her patient's tight buttoned collar. Plopping them open, she slid her arms under his drooping form, heaving as she hauled him on the sofa.
"W-whoa..." Cassandra breathed as her eyes roamed over Varian's newly exposed form. Muscles. Muscles everywhere. He obviously didn't have the bodybuilder type of muscle, but how the thrumming tight flesh slid under his honey-golden skin like heavy wire, how his sunburst freckles darted here and there on his trembling collarbone, how his lined torso quivered as he sucked in each shallow, wheezing breath, made Cassandra weak. She hovered over him, her bitumen curls tickling his chin, and her eyes softened, dreamy.
      Wait. He's unconscious. He's a he, I'm a she. He's got such charm I can't resist. What if... a kiss...?
      "Darn," Cassandra muttered, pursing her lips, "I'm blaming this on my drinking." The young officer leaned in close, and closer. Varian smelt of cloves and honey and baby raccoon, and she could feel the heat of his frowned lips radiating through the short distance between the two of them.
      "You'd better appreciate this..." she whispered, as the tips of her mouth grazed his. A kiss. It felt like the sweetest, softest marigold petals between your teeth, the warmest, melted chocolate over your inner lips, it felt like the foaming crystal shells from the finest sand leaking into your throbbing heart, and she felt like kissing a king who was perched on his diamond throne. it.
      Cassandra didn't pull away. She wasn't intending on doing so anyway. That was, until sapphires snapped open, and her pupils went pinpricks.

Chapter 8 y'all! 934 words! I had great fun writing this! Look out for more~

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