Chapter Two

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A/N: Book 1 got #1 in BadBoyHalo and #4 in SkepHalo! Thank you guys! ^^


"N-No body was found..?" Darryl stutters, hugging the hoodie to his chest.

a6d shakes his head, "No..they said it was either the owner of the hoodie was taken or..worse."

"No!" Darryl shouts, tears flooding his eyes. He stands up and grips a6d's shoulders tightly. "He..! He's not dead! I don't believe it! He can't be..!"

a6d sweats, "C-Calm down! I don't believe it either! There was no evidence that he was killed." He gently pries off Darryl's hands off his shoulders.

Darryl sniffs and wipes away the tears off desperately. He picked up the hoodie that fallen from his hands and pats off the dirt on it.

"It'll be fine, they will find him." a6d soothes Darryl, patting his back.

Darryl frowns and mutters, "You seem oddly calm about this."

"What?" a6d asks.

Darryl shakes his head, "Nothing. I didn't say anything."

After some questioning and the investigations...

"He can't be gone." a6d spoke, breaking the silence.

"He's NOT dead, a6d. I believe he's not so stop doubting." Darryl replies back.

"Where could he be..?" a6d asks no one. "Was he kidnapped?"

"For someone who is a Youtuber and has lots of money. There's a possibility..." Darryl mutters.

He cries and covers his face with the hoodie. "I'm scared..! What if they're doing something horrible to him..!"

a6d tries to comfort Darryl by hugging him.

"We'll find him. We'll try..."

Darryl sniffs, "That's it. We are going to get some help and we'll find Skeppy altogether."

"That's a good idea." a6d nods.

"But, not right now. We have to do it together, just the two of us for now. We have to start small and go investigate." Darryl grips the hoodie tight.

"Yeah, that sounds smart." a6d says, letting go of Darryl.

"Is it okay to go back to the crime scene?" Darryl asks, standing up and tying the hoodie around the waist.

"Let's go see." a6d replies, standing up as well.

The police left but the cafe closed down and there are police tapes, surrounding the place where the crime happened.

They went to the back of the cafe and saw trash bins, scattered along with the trash in it.

There used to be blood as well but it was cleaned up.

a6d sneaked under the police tape while Darryl stays behind, hugging himself in fear and looks around.

"Come on." a6d gestures for him to follow.

Darryl let out a small whimper and follows a6d.

He went under the police tape and looks around.


The person watched them afar. They held onto their scarf and try to lift the scarf to cover half of their face more.

They brought out a remote and pushed a button then swiftly left.


"Hey, what's that sound?" a6d asks, pausing what he's doing as soon as he heard a beeping sound.

Darryl's head perks up and tries to follow where the sound came from.

He got around a trash bin and saw a bomb.

His eyes widen.

In a split second, Darryl runs to a6d and grabs his hand.


"IT'S A BOMB!!!"

They both ran away from the crime scene and into Darryl's car and drove away just in time as the half of the cafe exploded.

Darryl's hands sweat as he grips the wheel tightly. He breathes heavily.

a6d's eyes were wide and he looked back at the cafe.

"D-Did that just-"

"Y-Yeah, looks like someone left a bomb. What a ragamuffin." Darryl answers back, his eyes on the road.

a6d let out a sigh. "That was close. I can't believe that just happened..."

"Me too." Darryl nods.

They were both still in shock.

"This is not good." Darryl says, pulling into his house's driveway.

"Why?" a6d asks.

"The person, responsible for this, knows we're onto them." Darryl answers, getting out of the car.

a6d gets out as well, "What are we gonna do now?"

"I...I don't know." Darryl gestures for him to follow him into the house.

a6d follows, "You don't know!? Then how are we-"

"I'm sorry! It's just, the person just blew up the evidence! There's no use!" Darryl shouts, startling Rat.

Rat whimpers.

"I-I'm sorry, my little muffin." Darryl apologizes and kneels down to pet Rat and ruffle her fur.

A device then fell from Skeppy's hoodie pocket.

"Wh-?" Darryl trails off and picks it up.

"Skeppy's phone!" a6d exclaims.

"I can't believe it! I thought the ragamuffin would've stolen this..! Oh thank goodness." Darryl then turns Skeppy's phone on.

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