Chapter Four

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"What do you think?" The hooded person smirks to themselves, showing off a clipboard full of pictures.

Another hooded person, hiding their face with a scarf, leaving the eyes stepped foward to see. The same person who set the bomb at the cafe.

"Seems impressive. Are these the people we're both targeting?" They ask.

The leader plays with their knife and smiles, "Yes they are. We have to be ready for our next victim, great job on setting the bomb at the cafe."

The assistant bows in gratitude, "Thank you."

Both of them went quiet as the leader puts down the knife and writes down something on a sticky note and sticks it on the clipboard.

"Is the next person gonna be a problem?" The assistant asks, lifting their scarf more to muffle their voice a bit.

The leader lifts the knife and starts walking away. "Not really, this next person will be a piece of..CAKE!!" They shout the last bit as they turn around to throw the knife and it stabs a picture on the clipboard.

The assistant's eyes widen at the amazing throw.

"Let's get out of here before we get suspicious." The leader says, walking out the door.

The assistant watches them leave and looks back at the stabbed picture.

Their eyes seemed sad and full of regret for whoever is on the picture.

The assistant then leaves then locks the door.

Who's on the picture?

It seemed to be a brown haired teenager, wearing a green scarf and a hoodie. He was kneeling down, petting a cat. His eyes not on the camera but on the cat.



Bad wakes up that morning and yawns then stretches his arms.

He gets off the bed and immediately, Rat comes in and barks at Bad.

"Aww, good morning Rat..!" Bad greets, lifting Rat off the floor and cuddles her.

She barks happily at the loving gesture and starts licking Bad's face.

Bad giggles, "S-Stop! That tickles! Hehe!"

a6d walks in and his eyes perk up when he saw Bad awake.

"Oh..! You're awake!" He exclaims.

"Yeah, good morning a6d." Bad greets him, letting go of Rat.

"Yeah, good morning." a6d greets back, bringing out his phone and taps on it.

"What did you find on Skeppy's phone?" Bad asks, curious on what a6d had found.

"Wait, hang on. I forgot but I do remember...Mega and..Vurb." a6d answers as he brought out Skeppy's phone.

He then hands it to Bad and then Bad looked at the DMs.

The conversation was just Mega being angry at Skeppy about the server and Skeppy made a joke and promised that he would fix it with him.

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