Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: Pic above by the awesome and the muffin lover himself, BadBoyHalo :)

He streamed for 10 hours the other day I-


A black figure growls as it swiftly
lurks by. Their eyes lay upon a certain house and it flew inside.

Their eyes widen at the sight of no living being in the place and they grit their teeth. It stomps their foot on the ground and the walls, everything collapsed.

It disappears.

Meanwhile, Skeppy stares out the car window as Bad has his eyes on the road, on Dream's car and driving.

Skeppy's eyes were drooping. He didn't wanna fall asleep, not when they're on the road.

What if something happens? They haven't reached Dream's house yet.

Skeppy rubs his arm in anxiety and he hugs himself.

Bad glances at Skeppy from the corner of his eye and frowns in worry.

Skeppy sighs and pouts. He then perks up when he hears a familiar tune. He turns to see Bad smiling and humming to himself as he keeps on driving.

Bad's eyes stares back at Skeppy and he giggles. "Bam, bam, bam bam bam! Baaaam..! Baaaam..! Baaam..! Baam..." Bad sings.

Skeppy grins more. He knew this song somewhere. "Buh na-na-na!" Skeppy replies.

They laugh together.


"I hope we take him down once and for all this time, Dream. He keeps coming back." George says, looking at the road as Dream drives by the side.

"I know, George. I just need to figure out on how to bring him back to where he belongs." Dream replies, in a serious tone, his eyes on the road.

Both boys went silent for a moment.



"You know, you never told me where Nightmare came from. Especially back then when we first encountered him." George says, now looking at Dream with a curious look.

Dream just kept on driving, not replying to George.

"D-Dream..?" George raises an eyebrow in worry.

"Look, uh, George. It's complicated. I can't really explain the whole thing on where Nightmare came from, but all I can say is that Nightmare is not a person or a demon whatever. They're a thing. It's just an embodiment of hate, sadism and bloodlust. It cannot be talked into anything. It wants us dead and it wants me, do you understand?" Dream asks, stopping the car infront of a very familiar house and faces George with a serious yet scared expression.

George swallows and he nods slowly. "Yeah..."

Dream smiles and gives George a peck on the cheek then starts unbuckling his seatbelt.

George does the same, blushing.

Sapnap's car parks behind them as well as Bad's car. Zelk's car parks at the other side of the road.

They all left their car and waits for Dream to unlock the front door of his house.

Dream does so and sighs in relief, "Good thing my mom isn't here for the week." He says, gesturing for everyone to come in.

Dream walks in and they all followed.

Spifey guides Zelk into sitting on a couch as Zelk holds onto his wound.

Sapnap goes into Dream's kitchen to get a glass of water for Zelk.

"You guys doing ok?" Dream asks everyone.

Zelk nods a little, "Y-Yeah. I'm good." Spifey smiles back, to show his response.

"Yeah, same here." Skeppy replies, shrugging. Bad soothes Skeppy's back to comfort him.

"Couldn't been better." Bad says after.

Dream smiles back a little.

George taps him on the shoulder, making Dream turn to him in response. "Nightmare might come here. He probably knows we're not in Zelkam's place anymore." Dream puts his hand on George's, "I know. But there is still time to prepare for everything." He pats his hand and pries it off gently, walking off to his room.

George watches him walk away, with a nervous expression on his face. He is still uncertain about this.

"D-Dream..! This isn't you!" George starts sobbing.

The said person starts laughing evily, walking towards him with a sword in hand.

George's eyes widen, "N-No!"

George shut his eyes at the bad memory and he takes off his trademark glasses in anger.

Bad watches George walk away to the other side of the living room, sitting on a vacant couch.

Skeppy is now asleep on his shoulder. 'The muffin couldn't stay up for long...' He thought.

Bad lays his head on Skeppy's a little bit, smiling.

Zelk starts coughing and accidentally spills a bit of water on himself.

"Zelkam, damn, don't fucking drink fast!" Sapnap exclaims as he pats Zelk's back repeatedly as Spifey took the glass from Zelk's hand and wipes the wet spot on Zelk's shirt with a spare handkerchief from his pocket.

"Language, Sapnap..! Also, you ok Zelkam?" Bad asks.

"I'm fine, ok. I don't need your pity right now, I'm perfectly fine." Zelk snaps.

"Says the one who has a bullet wound." Skeppy mutters, his one eye slightly open then closing again, his face against Bad's shoulder.

"Hey! Shut up!" Zelk exclaims as Sapnap pokes his bullet wound which made Zelk scream a little the he hits Sapnap's arm.

Sapnap bursts into laughter despite the pain.

"Here we go, boys." Dream spoke up, walking into the room with a big bag.

He places it on the table and unzips it, revealing weapons of all sorts.

"Now, let's beat this son of a gun." Dream grins.

A/N: omg hi i know its been 14 years. Sorry cos college and writer's block. Pls forgive me uwu btw this was in drafts for like 3 days, im sowwy

Also Chapter 19 and then Epilogue, end's near guys ;w;

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