Chapter Five

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A/N: Haha Mega go brr

I heard Mega was said to be a Canadian but for story purposes, he currently lives somewhere in Texas.


"Are we almost there?" a6d asks, looking out the car window.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are since this is what Zelk sent me." Bad answers, focusing in his driving.

They continued driving around the neighboorhood until a6d shouts and starts pointing at a certain house, "There..! There!"

Bad stopped the car, "Don't do that, you muffin! You almost killed us!"

"Look, there's the house..!" a6d points more.

"Oh! You're right, sorry." Bad then turns the car around and heads towards Mega's house.

When they got closer, they see Mega outside the house with his cat so Bad parked the car immediately and got out.

Before a6d can confront Mega, Bad stopped infront of him, "Calm down. We can handle this in a proper way and just ask him nicely."

a6d nods in agreement.

Bad turns around to face where Mega is and starts walking towards him.

"Snuffles, come on. Just get inside-" Mega caught sight of Bad and his eyes widen.

"How did you-"

"No time, Mega. We need to talk to you." Bad interrupts him.

"Who's 'we?'" Mega asks, in a suspicious tone and glares at Bad.

a6d then walks in Mega's view and Mega's eyes widen.

"Oh, so it's just you and..a6d?" Mega asks Bad for him to confirm it.

Bad nods as well as a6d.

"Mega, we need to tell you something." Bad says as Mega's cat, Snuffles walks up to Mega and purrs.

Mega then picks up Snuffles and hugs him. "What is it?" He asks in a serious tone.

Bad takes a deep breath, "I know the news about the cafe exploding and you know it too right?"


"Well, Skeppy has gone missing." Bad finishes.

"Wait, what!?" Mega exclaims in surprise as his cat hisses at the loud sound.

"Yeah, he was basically kidnapped and the only thing they found at the crime scene was Skeppy's hoodie." a6d explains.

"And his phone." Bad adds.

"Oh my god. Is this actually true? Dang, I hope Skeppy is okay. Are the police gonna try and find him?" Mega asks.

"Uhh," Bad looks at a6d nervously and back at Mega. "There's something else."


"When the cafe exploded, it was when me and a6d went to the crime scene and we both barely escaped. It was as if that trap was for us and to destroy evidence." Bad explains.

"Dude, doesn't that mean someone is after you and a6d? And they took Skeppy too! Is he after everyone then!?" Mega asks, feeling a afraid for himself and everyone he knows.

Especially Zelk.

"Mega, you got a point. They might be after some of us..!" Bad's eyes widen in realization.

As Bad and Mega talk to each other, a6d looks around and admires the garden. He then spots a gnome and smiles as he remembers the gnome as part of Bad's donation pics.

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