✨Aone x Faith✨

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Third person.

Faith and Aone had been dating for over two years and they were a very happy relationship, Aone confessed to Faith a few months after dating her, she was overfilled with joy since he never really seemed interested but what else do you expect from the iron wall.

It was Faith's birthday and Aone had planned a very eventful day for her, he didn't tell her no matter how much she begged him to but he never gave in no matter how cute Faith was when she was begging him. But finally the day was here for him to spoil his girlfriend and spend time with her.

Aone drive to Faith's house he texted her beforehand to dress formally but also casually. Faith called her friends over to help her pick out an outfit and then decided on a short sleeved black mesh skater dress with some 2 inch black heels she also curled her hair.

When Faith walked down the stairs and met Aone at the door he felt like he was falling in love all over again, i would say he was speechless but he's always speechless especially when he's around Faith.

"Are you ready?" She said snapping him out of his trance.
"Uh yes." He said regaining his composure, he handed her a bouquet of flowers and she smiled and put them in a vase that she filled with water, then the couple made their way to Aone's car, he opened the door for her and she got in the he got in and started driving to their first destination.

"You look b-beautiful."
"Thank you, you look very handsome." She blushed.
"Are you hungry?"

"A bit."
"I made reservations so we can go eat first if you'd like."
"That'd be very nice."

Aone nodded.
After a few minutes they arrived Aone once again open every door open for his small partner.

She was flattered even though he always did this. They went to their table and he scooted out a chair for her and she sat with the biggest grin as he pushed her seat in.

Aone sat down and looked at the menus and made small talk. Aone complimented her and got her hyped for their date.
Their food arrived and they ate in silence enjoying the food and each other's company.
After they finished their meal, Aone paid and led faith back to the car and they began driving t o their next destination.

Faith was taking videos of Aone because she wanted to show off how awesome her boyfriend was and that these other girls could never.

"Have you ever ridden a horse?"
"No, Holy crap are we going horseback riding!?"

Aone nodded and Faith basically jumped out of the car when Aone parked and opened the door for her.
He got a shoe box from his back seat and handed faith a box with flats since he figured she was going to wear heels.
She sat in the car and Aone changed her shoes for her.

"I can change my own shoes you know." She laughed.

Aone let out a small chuckle and walked with her to the stables with the  horses and the guide.

"Are you Aone-Kun?"
"Two horses right?"

He nodded.
She opened the stalls and got the horses out.
She instructed the couple to pet the horses that they'd be riding so they'd trust them.
She put the saddles on the horses.

Faith was having trouble but Aone came in clutch and helped her up.

"Thank you."
Aone grunted in response and got on his horse and the couple followed behind the tour guide through their very scenic route.

"This is so cool, and the view is beautiful!" Faith exclaimed.
Aone smiled a bit, feeling accomplished that his girlfriend was happy.

"Are we allowed to go faster?" Faith asked, fueling with excitement.
"Aone-kun you know the area well why don't you two go off."

Aone nodded and the tour guide turned around and Aone looked at faith as she waited for him to give her the okay.

He gave a quick snap of the rope and let the horse start galloping faith did the same holding on tightly, the horses were really fast and surprisingly faith had great control of her horse, Aone was surprised that she never ridden a horse before.

Faith caught up to Aone and they were at the same speed and enjoying the ride.
After about an hour of riding the couple returned to the stables and let the horses back in their stalls to rest and eat.

"Thank you." Aone bowed at the tour guide and Aone and Faith left to their final destination.
It was getting to be night time but that's exactly what Aone wanted.

Faith was excited but sad that theri night was coming to an end soon, she had spent the first half with her family and the rest of it is being spent with Aone, she didn;t want the night to end she was so happy. 

Aone had parked in the parking lot In front of a carnival.
Faith loved these but she hadn't been to one with Aone yet and she was very excited.
They got out of the car and walked in, admiring all the rides that lit up and all the carnies with their games.

"What would you like to do first?" He asked
"I don't know, there's so much to do!" She said putting extra emphasis on the word 'to'.
"Would you like to play some games?"
"That'd be nice, let's go!" Faith grabbed Aone's hand and led him to the games.

The night was great, Aone had won Faith so much stuff and that they had to put the prizes in the car.
Faith was enjoying everything, she had played every game and every ride except the Ferris wheel.

"We should go to the Ferris wheel."
"Uh, really?"
Faith took a deep breath and smiled.
"Okay, l-let's go."

Aone and faith made their way to the ferris wheel and waited in the line.
After about 5 minutes of waiting they finally got into a cart and Faith sat really close to Aone who pretty much made her look like a pebble. Her fear was beginning to rise as the ferris wheel began rising. Aone noticed and put his arm around her.

"You're okay, i'm here."

She looked up at Aone's blushed face.
She nodded and took a couple of deep breaths. They finally reached the top of the Ferris wheel and looked onto the night. The view was beautiful but Aone couldn't help but look at Faith and how she glowed in the moonlight.


"I-I just want to say that I really love being with you and you make me very happy. These 2 years have been wonderful, you're a great girlfriend. I love you Faithlyn." He said and his face turned red.

"Aw Takanobu, I love you too. Today was an absolutely amazing baby." They shared a hug then Aone put his lips on hers contenting them further than before.

"Happy birthday~"

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