✨Akaashi x Pres✨

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Third person.

Today is Pres' birthday and he hadn't heard from Akaashi all day except in the morning where he sent him a good morning text and a birthday message.

The message said:
"Good morning and Happy birthday baby, I hope you enjoy your day and make many memories celebrating the wonderful day you came into this world. I have something planned for you so forgive me if I don't answer, I'll text you when I'm on the way to come pick you up. I'll try to make it as quick as possible but no promises, I love you and i'll see you soon <3."

Yeah Akaashi said he was doing something but the day has almost ended and pres was grew tired of waiting, I mean it's his birthday and his boyfriend wasn't texting him or calling hime so can you really blame him, but Pres calmed down because he knows Akaashi, he even told him to wait and he gave him heads up so he just sucked it up and decided to take a nap till he called.

~Meanwhile with Akaashi~

He was making food for his special night with Pres, he felt bad since he hasn't been texting him all day and basically left him to himself on his birthday, but he'd ruin the surprise if he texted or called him, because he's weak to Pres and would tell him almost anything in an instant. Could you blame him though, Pres was adorable and had Akaashi around his finger, in a good way of course.

Akaashi spent hours in the kitchen but he finally finished the food and put everything in containers to keep them warm then he put the food in the basket.

He grabbed some blankets and pillows and put all the items in his car and began his drive to pres' house.
He went over how the night should go in his head thousands of times, he knew he would have to apologize to Pres' immediately for taking so long.

He sent him some texts but he didn't answer.
Akaashi parked at Pres' house and got out of the car and knocked on the front door. Pres' dad opened the door and welcomed Akaashi in and told him that press' was asleep, Akaashi thanked his dad then went up to his room and opened the door.


He walked over to his boyfriend and sat on the side of his bed.
"Pres wake up." He softly shook him and he groaned.
"Whaaaat." Pres said as he pulled the blanket over his head.

"It's me, Akaashi, I came to pick you up."
Pres sat up and looked at Akaashi in his barely open eyes before fully waking and realizing his boyfriend was sitting in front of him.

"Keiji!" He said and hugged and jumped on him, causing the two to fall off the bed.

"Shit sorry."

They both got up and Akaashi gave the shorter male a proper hug.
"I'm sorry i didn't text you today, i feel super bad but i can make up for it."

"It's fine i mean you told me you wouldn't be able to so it's okay, and you're here now."
Akaashi gave a soft smile and kissed Pres on his forehead.
"So what do you have planned?"
"Let's head out and you'll see."

Akaashi and pres left after saying bye to his parents and the two hopped in his car, and Akaashi began driving.

A wonderful scent hit pres in the face and he was curious as to what it was coming from.
"Were you cooking?"


"I can smell the food, what are we doing."
Akaashi bit his tongue and shook his head at him, making Pres frown.

"Ughhh, guess i'll wait." He turned on some music and looked out the window.
After a few minutes they arrived at an open hill area and Pres' looked confused.

"Stay here." Akaashi said and got out of the car and started setting up a picnic-like venue. Akaashi opened the truck and put the food down on the blanket and put the pillows down, after he finished he opened the door for Pres and walked them to the blanket.

"I know this isn't an ideal birthday date spot, but i thought it would be nice."
Pres jumped for joy and kissed him on the cheek. "Keiji this is wonderful!"
"I- Really?"

"Yes!! I love it, thank you." Akaashi smiled at the sight of his boyfriend happy over such a little thing.
They both sat down and Akaashi handed Pres a plate of spaghetti. "You remembered." Pres said and started digging in.

Akaashi really knew how to cook and the food was delicious, he made tiny desserts and even little sandwiches just in case.
He even managed to make Pres, a birthday cake and design it.
After they ate, they put the food to the side and sat and talked for a bit.

Pres laid on the blanket looking up at the stars, Akaashi stared at him awe then laid next to him pulling another blanket over them.
The two started in the sky in silence and enjoyed the stars, the atmosphere and each others company, everything was perfect.
Pres cuddled onto Akaashi and he wrapped around him.

"Thank you... for tonight, I really enjoyed this time with you."
"Of course. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

Akaashi began kissing Pres' neck and slipped his hand under his shirt.
"We're in public..."
"It's late and no one is around." Akaashi pushed Pres down and got on top of him.

"I love you Keiji."
"I love you too."

Akaashi places his lips on his and pres ran his hand through Akaashi messy locks.

"Happy birthday baby~"

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