✨Jo x Yaku✨

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Third person.

Today was Jo's birthday and Yaku decided that he wanted to take her out and show her a good time. These two have been flirting with each other for a long time and Yaku thought this would be the perfect opportunity to ask her out.

Don't get me wrong these two have shared few kisses but because of dares from their friends and these two would never back down from a dare or the chance to kiss each other. so they already have a deep connection.

People already thought they were dating from how close they were and from the many encounters people have witnessed.
But the two were still unofficial and in the "talking stage" that they had no clue they were in.

Jo was overwhelmed with happiness when she got that text from Yaku saying he was taking her out for her birthday.
She immediately gathered some outfits and began picking which one she wanted to wear.

Mom jeans.

No Makeup?
Just a bit won't hurt.

Curled hair?
Straighten hair?
Curled hair.

Jo's outfits were always great and everything looked good on her so she wasn't to worried in her choices
Just like that Jo was ready for her day with Yaku.

'Day or date?' She thought to herself honestly anything with Yaku made her happy so it didn't even matter.

She posted her outfit on snap and replied to her birthday messages sent from her friends, she was so overwhelmed with joy at all the love she was receiving.

Jo was 18.
She was on her way to adulthood and there was nothing stopping her.

After a few minutes of her final preparations she got a text from Yaku saying he was here then the doorbell rang and she ran down to the front door being greeted by the libero.

He admired her with a slight blush on his face and handed her a bouquet of flowers.

"Happy birthday. You look.. Amazing."  Yaku was memorized by her beauty which made Jo blush a bit.

"Thank you... You don't look too bad yourself." SHe said with a smile that was followed by laughter.
She smiled and set them in an empty vase and quickly filled it up with water, then out the door she went.

Yaku opened the car door for her and hopped in the car after he made sure she was in.
Then they made their way to the first destination playing a mixture of both of their taste in music.

They arrived at a nice restaurant  for lunch and Yaku once again opened her door holding her hand as she got out closing the door behind her.

They walked to the area that Yaku reserved for them and he pulled out her chair then pushed her seat in the sat next to her.
Yaku smiled as Jo looked at the menu, he couldn't help but stare at her and get entranced in her beauty.

He didn't hear her

She put a bit of volume in her voice."Mori!"
He snapped out of his trance and looked at her,
Jo tilted her head and laughed a bit. "Stop drooling over me and think about what you want to eat."

His face turned red at the teasing and he looked at his menu.
Yaku asked Jo what she wanted to order as the waiter came to their table and he ordered for the two.

"So you're finally 18. Welcome to the club." Yaku joked
Jo laughed and looked at the libero "Yeah my youth has left me and i'm a old person like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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