Chapter 59: Xiao Zhan's POV

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Here I am with 11.200 words ... 0.o 

Cant believe it myself ^^

Have fun <3 <3

When I woke up the first thing I saw was Yibo looking down at me in worry. I looked around the room and before I could ask where I was, Yibo answered my unspoken question.

"You are in the university's infirmary. You blacked out after you saw Ziyi and that girl fighting. I will not ask you what exactly happened because your answer will probably be 'I dont know'... I called brother already. He is on his way together with Dr. Wang. Are you okay?"

I nodded and then looked again around the room and realized we both were alone.

"Where are the others?" I asked him.

"They are in their classes. They wanted to wait till you woke up but its enough if I am here. Until brother comes you will have to be content with being alone with me." Yibo answered while taking my hand in his gently stroking it.

'We are alone... and in the infirmary at that ...' I thought and had to grin remembering Ziyi's words from this morning.

"What are you grinning for? What is so funny?" Yibo wanted to know and I shook my head after a smile.

"Nothing... I just re-rem-remembered something."

Yibo, who thought for a moment, looked at me in shook and shook his head. "Don't tell me .... Ziyi?" He asked carefully and I giggled.

"Zhan! You are a pervert! You were once so innocent.... Where did it go?" He asked me in disbelieve but I could see the hint of a smile.

"I am still i-innocent for as long as you did not s-s-sleep with me." I explained and saw Yibo nodding his head.

"Well I guess I have to wait with that for a long time then, if that is the only way to keep the last bit of your innocence." He said and chuckled.

I widened my eyes. "Don't you dare!!" I shouted out before the door was slammed open and my Father came in followed by Dr. Wang.

"Xiao Zhan? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Yibo what exactly happened?" Father asked us I felt guilty making him so worried like this.

"He blacked out after seeing Ziyi and another girl fighting." Yibo answered.

"I am fine. I am not hurt." I followed up.

"Let YiZhou decide if you are fine or not, okay?" He said to me and I nodded in agreement. While Yibo told Father every detail about my blackout I was examined by Dr. Wang who told us afterwards I was fine but should take a rest for today.  

"Thank you, YiZhou. Thank you for clearing your schedule to come here with me." Father thanked Dr. Wang who smiled back at him.

"You can always count on me my friend. You know that. I will go now back to the hospital. Make sure Xiao Zhan take a rest for rest of the day. See you."He said and bid farewell after I had to promise him to take it easy.

"Let's go home Xiao Zhan. Yibo you go back to your classes."Father said while I climbed out of the bed. I was sad. Today should have been the day for me to stay with Yibo in university. It was my first time here and I totally loved. I sighed before wearing my shoes.

"Cant I come with you?" Yibo asked pleadingly but just one look from Father was enough for Yibo to pout and go back to his class, of course not before giving me a soft kiss on my lips and promising me to come home directly afterwards.

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