Chapter 66: 3rd POV and Zhan's POV

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I already announced the reason for me being late on my page.

Thanks for the wait, guys.... So.... this chapter is sliiiightly longer that the others ....

*caugh* 16.700 words *cough* 

Please ignore any mistakes.... I  tried my best to finish this chapter today and might overlooked a few.

I hope you will like it and remember. Its my fist time writing their lovemaking scene.... so bear with it!

Have fun <3 <3 

3rd POV

Bowen woke up when something wet hit his face. He opened his eyes and saw LanLan nudging him with his snout. After a look on the clock he noticed that it was already 9 am. 

LanLan barked.

"I got it. I am getting up already. See?" Bowen said and climbed out of his bed while LanLan rewarded him with another bark and a tail wagging before walking to the bedroom door.

"I know what you want but at least let me take a shower first. Okay?" Bowen asked the dog and opened the bathroom door. LanLan passed him and jumped into the bathtub.

"Hey! I wanted to take a shower!" Bowen complained but the dog ignored him and sat down. Bowen gave in and sighed before bathing the impatient dog. "LanLan, if you shake your wet body, I swear I will go without you!" Bowen warned and LanLan put his paw on Bowen's arm.

After the bath, Bowen dried the dog and then took a shower himself while LanLan laid on the towel waiting for Bowen to finish.

Once Bowen was done he walked down the stairs and saw the breakfast was served already. On a note on the dining table XiaoQing bid farewell and announced she would be back in a week. Seeing that the breakfast was not touched he assumed his parents were still sleeping.

LanLan barked again.

"Be quiet! Mom and Dad are still sleeping. We will go after I had my breakfast! You should eat too, XiaoQing prepared something good in your bowl. Be a good boy and eat." Bowen told him and sat down before he eating his breakfast.

After Breakfast he wrote a note for his parents that he will be gone and comes back in a week as well. He looked to the stairs and was unsure if it was a good decision to let them alone. Sure his parents were adults but ... his father was clear with his intention and his mother seemed to totally agree with that.

"What do you think, LanLan? Is it okay to let them be on their own?" Bowen looked at the dog who barked again.

"Is that really what you think or is it only because you want to see your ZhanZhan as fast as possible?"

LanLan barked two times before snapping Bowen's shirt and pulling him towards the door.

"I got it. I got it! They are old enough to do what they think is right. Then lets go, buddy!" Bowen said, grabbed the leash, put it on LanLan's collar and made his way towards his car.

"Hey, you better behave yourself when we arrive there. You are a good boy, I know that, but still... You will not hunt the bunnies, you will be careful around the others, especially in front of the little boy living there, and you will listen to what someone says to you. Got it?" Bowen asked the dog who barked in agreement.

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