Chapter Eleven ;) ;)

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The fall air greeted me as I stepped outside and down the stone steps to the driveway. It was a beautiful September day, with blue skies and weather just warm enough to not freeze my legs. Still irritated, I walked on to the sidewalk and began down the street. You can't ground me... I thought to myself as I shoved my hands in my pockets and kicked some leaves around on the ground. Honor Roll and extra-curricular student, babysitter for stupid Dustin when his friends are around... And I get grounded for, god-forbid, going to a party?

"I'm in high school." I spoke to myself in reassurance as I turned the corner to walk to the next block.

Looking up to make sure no cars were planning on turning, I saw an all too familiar polished Camaro across the street, wedged between two dull vehicles in comparison. My brows furrowed as I b-lined for the other side of the block, curious as to why Billy was on my street. As I got closer to the car parked under a gigantic tree, I noticed that Billy was actually in the car. As I neared the driver's side door, I found the curly headed bad boy completely asleep with his head cocked against the side of his seat and the cold window. Looking at him, I noticed he was wearing the exact same clothes as last night. He slept here... My head turned to the side as the only reasoning I could imagine was that he was too drunk to drive home. I took a deep breath in and did the enviable; I knocked on the driver's side window.

Billy scrambled awake as the touch of my knuckle on the cold glass scared him awake. I watched his eyes turn from sheer panic to aggravated confusion as he looked at me though his window. He fumbled for the door as he emerged from the car to take a deep breath of cold air. Billy exhaled deeply, causing his few frontal curls to bounce up with the forced air.

"Did you sleep in your car all night?" I chuckled, kicking a few stray leaves out the way of my feet.

"It wasn't that bad." Billy confidently replied, stroking his hair back with his hand before returning it to his back jean pocket. He learned against the driver's side door, crossing one foot in front of the other.

"Not to be a creep but," I cocked my head, "don't you live like, a few minutes down that road?" I pointed to the street I was about to cross in my walk of irritation. Billy sighed as he flicked his tongue between his teeth.

"Listen," his head hung down to face the asphalt street. "I didn't know if that thing followed you or whatever. So I hung out here." His eyes slowly slung up to meet mine. I was speechless. And I thought it was because he was drunk. Billy was looking out for me. Uncomfortable with how to proceed, I crossed my arms and took a step back. Thinking about whatever that was made me want to book it for the safety of my house

"Well, thanks." I scratched the back of my head. "Hey, Billy?" I felt nerves creeping up through my neck. "What do you, uh, think that was?" I posed the question. I figured he wouldn't be as hostile now as he was last night when I asked.

"Nel," he gave me his full attention. His blue eyes shot through my eyes all the way to my feet, causing me to stand in place. "I have no idea." He confessed, moving around a toothpick he slipped between his lips not moments before. His eyes went from me to the a gaze of the surrounding trees in the upcoming blocks. "Whatever it was, it's still out there."

An uncomfortable silence filled the space only moments before Billy jumped in front of me "AAH!" he screamed, causing me to fall back, lose balance and scream louder. Noticing that I was about to trip over myself from his terrible idea of scaring me, Billy's arm extended and grabbed my wrist, stopping me from hitting the hard ground. We both looked at each other in relief as he pulled me back up on my two feet. Still holding my wrist, he awkwardly looked at me and let go, putting his hand on the roof of the car.

"Thanks." Embarrassed, I replied and averted eye contact. "Hey," I tried to change the subject. "It's like, almost noon. Are you hungry?" I asked, remembering mom's platter of food to feed at least seventeen people.

"Penelope Henderson I didn't know we were moving that fast!" he threw his arms in the air with excitement. "Not even two days in and I'm already meeting the family!" his grin gleamed in the sunlight.

"No, no, no." I shot his idea down, cracking a smile myself. "I mean," I tried to save myself as I felt my cheeks grow red. "my mom cooked a lot of breakfast so I can go and grab you a plate."

"I'd like that." He smiled as he adjusted his weight to his other leg.

"Follow me, then!" I motioned forward with my hand as we walked up the sidewalk to the house.

Despite only being a 10-minute walk, I no longer felt like Billy was this "bad boy" who just wanted to make everyone's life miserable. He told me about how his dad, step-mom and sister moved from California to Indiana which is why he has to transfer in junior-year. I told him how I have a 13-year old brother who annoys the hell out of me, which is when I found out that he has a half sister the same age. We shuffled leaves around our feet as our heads alternated between facing each other and in front of us.

"So what are you good in at school?" I asked as we crossed the sidewalk on to the street where I resided.

"I like History, but not the American stuff. I like other countries. I don't know," he paused to look for the right words, "it's cool to see how leaders were badass. What about you miss book-smart?" I guess he saw the Honor Roll list outside of the secretary's office.

"I like history, too." I chimed in as we neared the house. "I also like doing arts. And I hate math." I let out a laugh at how awful I was in that subject.

"So I can't ask you for math homework, huh?" Billy joked as we stopped outside of my driveway.

"Not at all." I switched my attention from Billy to the front door. "Okay, I'll be right back." I relayed my game-plan as I made my way for the front door. Quickly entering and making a straight shot for the food still on the table, I packed a paper plate full of eggs, my mom's perfectly golden brown bacon and a homemade biscuit. I quickly closed the door again as I met with Billy outside once more. "Here." I handed him his breakfast plate as I watched him smile with satisfaction.

"Damn, thanks." He glanced up at me and then back at the food.

"I have a question for you." I placed my hands once more in my pockets, taking a quick look at my shoes and back up to Billy. "Why do you act like you hate everyone at school but act like this around me?" I motioned to his entire body. I watched as Billy chuckled at my question before standing tall.

"If I acted normal, how was I supposed to get your attention?" he replied while licking the toothpick in his mouth. I felt my face turn beet red as I adjusted my composure. "What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked as he began walking back down to his car.

"Being grounded." I scoffed as I looked at the ground, kicking whatever was in my way.

"So what? Listen," he placed his hand on my arm to slow our walking speed down.

"I heard there's a drive-in movie theater that's playing Halloween. Let's go." Why is it so hard to say no?

"Trust me," I began "Dustin is going to find out some way to know I slipped out and if he tell my parents I'm literally never coming out of that house for the next year." I pointed back at my home two blocks away.

"Then we will just have to play it cool." Billy played devil's advocate as we neared his car.

"Okay, okay." Excited but nervous, I accepted. "But park down here again because if they hear you I'm literally dead."

"Deal. I'll see you , Penelope." He gave me a wink before getting back into his polished Camaro. I couldn't help but smile back and give a subtle wave.

"God dammit." I mumbled under my breath as I felt my body become warm with optimism and curiosity that surrounded nothing other but the boy named Billy Hargrove. 

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