Chapter 1: Who Are You?

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Running a motel was difficult, time consuming and tiring, but somehow Trixie still loved it.
The young blonde had worked for years to afford making the run down LA motel what it was today. It still needed a lot of work, but now it was at least functional with rather good attendance.
The building walls were painted a light pink, whilst doors, stairways and fences were as hot pink as the motel sign out front.
Each room was painted in a pastel shade, most of them in light yellows, light blues, or light purples.
The Trixie Motel was Trixie's pride and joy, even if running it was exhausting and lonely.

When Trixie's grandfather died he left Trixie all his savings, stating that she should use it to realise her dream of owning a hotel. Well, a hotel proved to be too expensive. However by mere luck she'd come across this abandoned motel and so all the savings went into fixing it up.
And so here she was, a proud motel owner and daily manager at the young age of 23.

Trixie walked out to the reception, greeting the receptionist, Amy.
Amy had been her friend since middle school and had been kind enough to join Trixie on her motel adventure despite orginally wanting to dedicate her time to start a makeup company.
Trixie was eternally grateful as she had no idea if the pastel paradise would be standing there today if it wasn't for the short asian girl.

Suddenly a man yelling in Russian could be heard and moments later the front door bursted open.

It had been an exceedingly ordinary friday at The Trixie Motel until the pair walked in.
A business man and a beautiful woman, both Russian, accompanied by four bodyguards.
They both looked far too wealthy to be staying at Trixie's little motel, clearly belonging to the group of people who would usually stay in a suite at a 5-star hotel and order unlisted items from the resturants.

So why where they there?

Why were they at her motel?

As Trixie's honey brown eyes met the red lipped beauty's ocean blue's, she felt like the world stood still. All she could see was the woman in front of her who pulled the motel owner to her like a magnet.

"Это была твоя задача, долбаный недоумок!" The man yelled into his phone before he hung up. The woman broke her eye contact with Trixie and turned to place a calming hand on the man's shoulder.

"дышать, Алексе́й." The woman told him calmly. Trixie had no idea what the words meant, tho the last part sounded like a name. What she did know was that she would gladly spend the rest of her life listening to that voice whisper things in Russian. Something about the way those bright red lips curled around every word and how calm and sensual her voice sounded made Trixie's knees go weak.

"Зарегистрируйся, Катя." The man replied in a slightly annoyed tone, clearly not wanting the woman to insert herself into whatever the trouble on the phone was.

The blue eyed beauty approached the reception desk moments later, placing her small black purse on the counter.
Trixie took a moment to stare at the woman's outfit. She almost looked as tho she was pulled out from the 40s. A tight black dress hugging her toned body and a shawl across her shoulders, her short blonde hair styled like vintage curls and a small black hat sitting on top of her head.

"Hello and welcome to The Trixie Motel, my name is Amy, how may I help you?" Trixie heard Amy say beside her.

"We need 3 rooms, 1 for guards, 1 for me, and 1 for that man." The woman stated with a strong russian accent. Trixie swore in that moment that there was no hotter accent in the world.

"Of course, how long will you be staying with us?" Amy asked politely. The woman shrugged.

"I do not know. Just put everything on this card, I will tell when we must leave." The Russian said, placing a credit card on the counter. Everything about the woman was fascinating, an aura of mystique clouding her every sentence.

"Allright, may I please have your names?" Amy said in a professional tone.

"Not important, put them all in my name; Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova." The Russian woman replied. Trixie saw the asian girl grow flustered and uncomfortable, the short girl's desperate eyes finding hers. It was against policy to not have the names of the people staying there, but Trixie could understand her nervousness to present that rule to the pair infront of them.

"I am so sorry, but that is against policy. We need all of your names in case anything should happen." Trixie stated as she walked closer to where Amy stood.

"Ah, well it is important secret who he is. I can not say name, I apologize. Is there any way around it, miss...?" The woman's voice trailed off.

"Oh, Trixie, Trixie Mattel." Trixie stated reaching out a hand for the Russian to shake.

"Very beautiful name for very beautiful woman. I am Katya." The Russian stated as she shook Trixie's hand. The brown eyed girl now a blushing mess infront of the guest.

"Now, кукла, I know you have policy, but he is very important man and it would be bad if people know where he is. So could we forget policy this time?" Katya asked while her fingers slightly caressed Trixie's hand, her touch sending sparks of electricity through the motel owner.

"Okay.. just this once. Amy check them in under her name." Trixie instructed. The Asian girl gave her a knowing look but continued the process anyways.

"What was your name again?" Amy asked Katya.

"Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova. I can write down if it is easier?"

"That would be great, thanks." Amy stated with a smile, passing the woman a paper and pen. Katya quickly wrote down her long name and passed the note back to the receptionist. A moment later she started laughing out of nowhere.

"What?" Trixie asked with a slight giggle from the absurdity of the entire situation.

"Trixie Mattel, as in The Trixie Motel, it is very clever, very funny. You are owner, no?" The Russian stated with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm the owner." She replied simply, internally beaming at the woman finding the name funny as most found it cringy and stupid.

"Well, I am happy to stay now. Maybe motel will not be bad after all." Katya stated. Trixie didn't have time to ask what she meant because Amy was ready with the room bookings a moment later.

"Here you are, he is in room 104, the guards are in 103, and you will be staying in room 102." The short girl said as she handed Katya the room keys.

"Perfect, thank you." She replied before stating something in Russian to the 5 men which made them all head towards the staircase. The red lipped woman then turned to Trixie with a smile.

"I will see you around, Trixie." She stated as she picked up her purse from the counter and turned to follow the men.

"Yeah, I'll see you around. Katya." Trixie replied, almost in a whisper.

Little did Trixie know that her entire life was about to be turned upside down by the woman who checked into room 102.

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