Chapter 15: What Should I Do?

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The week went by too quickly.
The days flying away as the pair became inseparable. They had spent their days together going on dinner dates, discussing dreams and goals,  constantly testing new places to eat breakfast and lunch, and learning about eachother in every way possible.

The last night was here now, the storm finally catching  up with them, Katya's departure growing closer by the minute. In the morning, dawn would break and the Russian would be traveling to yet another unknown location, and Trixie would loose her forever.

They were laying on Katya's motel bed, holding eachother as if they were afraid one of them might vanish.
Of course, one of them soon would.
If there was a way to stop time and freeze them in that moment, Trixie would have used it.
She would have gladly lived in that moment forever, just holding onto Katya in comfortable silence.

Feel the blue eyed girl's warm gaze on her as she layed on her toned chest.
Feel the strong arms that protected her against any harm.
Feel the soft red lips as they placed kisses on her skin.

"Trixie, look at me." Katya said suddenly, the younger following her request. Her brown eyes meeting the bright blues of the other woman, feeling the care they expressed.

"I love you."

"Huh?" The brown eyed girl asked, her eyes growing large.

"I love you. You will most likely be only person I can ever say those words to, so I was forced to say. I am sorry." The Russian said embarrassed, making the younger shake her head quickly as a bright smile spread on her lips.

"No no no, don't be, I love you too." The girl said with tears in her eyes, cursing herself for how easily droplets filled them.

"Really?" Katya asked surprised, showing off those stunningly white teeth that Trixie loved.

"Yes, you idiot." The younger said as she leaned up to kiss the Russian, never fully ready for the warmth that filled her and the sparks of electricity that spread throughout her body whenever those cherry lips touched hers.

Trixie layed down on Katya's chest again, the blue eyed woman tightening her grip on the girl's small waist to pull her impossibly closer, hating the fact that her arms would soon become empty once more.

"Aah, what should I do? When I miss this moment too much when I'm older, what should I do? I've never feared the future, but what if this is the last time I'll be able to receive love like this?" Trixie said, the tears now falling at an unstoppable pace.

"Look at me, детка." Katya said as she placed one hand beneath the younger's chin to lift it up. When her eyes could meet Trixie's honey brown orbs once more the Russian continued as she gently wiped the girl's tears away.

"It will not be so. You are too easy to love to stay alone. You will find someone, кукла. I promise."

"Maybe, but I find myself wondering more and more if it will even matter if it isn't you." Trixie replied.

"I know feeling, but you must move on, Trixie. It will be too sad if we are both unhappy. For me, live your life as best you can, okay?" Katya begged.
Her life was destined for misery, a new unhappy marriage waiting for her when she returned to Russia.
She could only hope that Trixie wouldn't suffer a similar fate.
The last thing she wanted was to see that wonderful, bright young girl waste away like she herself would.

Trixie was so oblivious to how incredible she truly was in Katya's opinion, so utterly clueless as to how even a simple smile from her could make someone's day. Her beauty on the surface immaculate, but more importantly the kindness of her heart unprecedented.

Even if they were lifetimes apart, Trixie existing in this world would be enough reason for Katya to fight to some day be able to return to the brown eyed beauty.

"Ah, I have going away present." Katya suddenly remembered, gently moving Trixie off her as she sat up and reached into her bag which was placed on the floor beside the bed.

"It does not have to mean anything if you do not want it to, but if you want it can mean something." Katya said nervously as she retrieved two identical silver rings, one engraved with a K and the other with a T.

"Forgetting did not work, so maybe it is better to try to remember. Remember all good memories that we had together." Katya said as she slid the ring with the engraved T on her own finger, handing the one with the K to the younger girl.

Trixie stared at it for a moment before taking it and putting it on her finger. Another tear escaping her eye as she thought of how similar the rings were to wedding rings, the sting of a marriage with Katya being impossible hitting her hard.

Still, it was a beautiful keepsake, something to connect the two women forever, no matter how far apart they were.

"I love it. I will look at it and remember you when the sun shines the brightest." The brown eyed girl said as Katya wrapped her up in her arms again.

"And I will look at mine when the moon sits high on the sky." The Russian said as she kissed the top of the younger girl's head.

"I will miss you so much." Trixie sobbed out as her grip on the older woman tightened.

"I know, I will miss you too,  кукла." Katya said honestly, feeling tears threatening to fall from her own eyes for the first time in years.

"Promise me you'll say goodbye this time." The brown eyed girl requested, the memory of waking up to the empty bed too fresh in her mind.

"I promise." The Russian confirmed.

"Good." Trixie whispered out.

"You will be okay, детка. I swear, it will all be okay in time."

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