Chapter 13: Will You Go Out With Me?

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While Katya was sleeping in, Trixie was already at work, a raging hangover and a constant light blush on her face as she thought of the previous night's events.

"Trixie, could you get out here?" She heard Jeff call from the reception, clearly annoyed by something or someone. The brown eyed girl reluctantly made her way over, putting on her fake customer service smile as she forced herself to seem eager to help.

"This man says that he booked a room with us and prepaid, but I can't find him in the system." The receptionist explained.

Trixie looked the man over, clocking the suspiciously young girl who was sitting in his car, looking completely uninterested in the check in - drama . The man seemed to be in his 50s, looking like the typical type who peaked in high school and wanted to live in their past, constantly thinking that whatever power they held the  was still in action.

"Hello sir, I'm the owner Trixie Mattel. How can I help you?" The brown eyed girl said politely, to which the man only grunted in reply.

"Wow, charming dude." Trixie thought to herself.

"Listen lady, I don't care who the fuck you are, but you better find me a fucking room. I made a reservation, payed for it, and y'all fucked up." The man yelled, Trixie's head pounding at the loud volume.

"Listen I apologize if there has been any mixup, but we have no record of receiving any payment from you nor a reservation to begin with." The blonde tried to explain calmly.

"Bitch, the money was sent! Are y'all fucking con artists or something? This a scam you running?" The man yelled, his hand about to slam down against the counter when it was suddenly pulled behind the man's back with force, a familiar blonde Russian woman holding him in a firm grip.

"That is not how you speak to a lady. You treat motel owner with respect, not anger." Katya stated, sounding pissed. Trixie couldn't help but admire how her muscles flexed as she tightened her grip on the man's arm while he struggled to free himself.

"Who the fuck are you? Mind you own goddamn business, woman!" The man screamed, making Trixie cower slightly. Katya stepped on the man's foot with her high heeled boot, making the man yelp in pain.

"You are harassing beautiful woman who happens to be my girlfriend, so it is my business. Now, take your low rent, run of the mill hooker, and your ugly, vomit color car and go away. You are not welcome. If you do not go, I will rip your arm off. It will be very easy for me to do." The Russian said strictly.

To Trixie's surprise the man actually headed towards his car, mumbling some slurs on his way out, but at least getting out of there. However the brown eyed girl couldn't seem to really focus on anything other than Katya's words as they replayed in her head.

"You are harassing beautiful woman who happens to be my girlfriend"


How she wished there was a way for that to be the truth.

How she wished she could actually be with Katya.

How she wished that word could be a part of their every day conversation.

Of course, for that to happen you also need to actually be seeing eachother everyday, which Trixie knew fully well that they wouldn't be.

"Are you okay, детка?' Katya asked, concern showing in her eyes as she leaned over the counter to see the Barbie more up close.

"I'm fine Katya, thanks for helping." She said, leaning in to lightly peck the older woman on the lips.

"Good, I have surprise for later. Tonight we have dinner together at special place, okay?" Katya said.

"Like a date?" Trixie enquired.

"Да, like date." The Russian said, excitement clear on her face.

A real date with Katya.

Trixie couldn't imagine anything she wanted more.

"Okay, yeah. I should be finished at around 6.30 today, so I'll meet you at 8?" Trixe suggested. The older woman gave a slight pout.

"Why I must wait so long?" Katya said, sounding like a kicked puppy.

"Because I gotta make myself look pretty." Trixie said with a giggle as she leaned over the counter to kiss the pouting woman's cheek.

"You are always pretty, if you get more pretty, you will kill me. But okay, we meet here?" Katya said.

"Perfect." The brown eyed girl replied as she wished the day could pass quickly so their date could come sooner. The day now only seeming like an obstacle hindering her from meeting with the beautiful, blue eyed Russian.

Trixie silently thanked whatever God or magic creature that had blessed her with the possibility of dating Katya.

Even if it wouldn't last forever, she basked in the perfect state that things were in at that moment.

Nothing could ruin the happiness she felt as the promise of the evening to come shined like a twinkling star above her.

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