Chapter 9: How Long Will You Stay?

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The bell for the door rang and Trixie ran out of her office to see the woman that she hadn't seen in 7 months.

The fake voucher for the free stay had worked, thank god.

"Кукла." Katya breathed out when she saw the other blonde. Trixie quickly got out from behind the reception counter, throwing herself in the older woman's arms as the Russian dropped the bags she was holding.

"Katya." Trixie said happily as she hugged the blue eyed girl closer to her, a bright smile on her lips.

"I missed you." The younger girl said as she pulled back. Katya placed a hand on the younger's cheek, her thumb caressing the porcelain skin like it had all those months ago.

"I missed you a lot aswell. You are hard to forget, Trixie." The Russian replied.

The pair heard someone clear their throat behind them, turning around and seeing Jeff standing behind the desk with a knowing look.

"Welcome to The Trixie Motel, are you checking in?" The man asked with a laugh, knowing very well who Katya was and having helped Trixie make the voucher to get the Russian there.

"Yes, I have free trip note." Katya stated as she placed the all too familiar voucher on the counter with a smile, laughter clearly threatening to spill.

"Put her in room 102." Trixie stated.

"Okay, room 102 it is, here is your key." Jeff stated as he handed the woman the little silver key with the pink heart keyring which had a T on one side and the room number on the other.

The pair made their way up to the room, the Russian throwing all her bags in one of the chairs as soon as they entered.

"How long will you stay?" Trixie asked, dreading the possibility of the answer being one night.

"You sent invitation for week stay, I will stay for whole week." Katya replied with a smile as she sat down on the bed, pulling the younger girl to sit down next to her.

"Really?" Trixie asked with a bright smile.

"Of course, I would not lie to you, детка. Thank you by the way, thank you for helping me get back here." Katya said with both of the doll's hands in hers.

"Don't worry about it, I wanted to, I'm so happy you're here, Kat." Trixie replied, nothing but honesty in her eyes.

"I am happy to be here. You are even more beautiful than I remembered." The Russian said, kissing the top of the younger girl's hand, making the girl blush.

In a temporary moment of courage, Trixie leaned up and captured Katya's lips in a heated kiss, overcome with the need to feel those cherry red lips on her baby pink ones once again.

Kissing the older woman felt like being alive again. The past 7 months feeling to Trixie as if she had been in a lifeless survival mode, only truly feeling alive when around the older woman again.

Fireworks wasn't enough to describe it, it more so felt as tho the entire universe was spinning around the two of them. Katya was like the sun, and Trixie the moon, so closely dependent on eachother but still so far apart. Joined by the fates of fortune for one more moment of bliss before they would inevitably be ripped apart again.

Trixie was pushed down on the bed by strong arms, the older woman climbing on top of her, the Russian's hands rediscovering the soft curves of the body her heart had longed for.

Each day since they parted had been like a month, Katya's days passing with lingering thoughts of the doll she had missed so dearly. The misfortune of her life paling when the brown eyed girl's moonlight was there once again to illuminate her dark heart.

The season's temperature violent as her tilted heart was captured by the wave of care exuding from the curvy blonde.

Katya hoped the day would never break, that this night where Trixie's moonlight shined upon her would last forever. Hoping the ring of light that protected her from the sorrowful state of her daily life could remain a little longer.

Clothes were removed layer by layer, soon their skin touching in the most intimate way once more. The seductive force of pleasure pulling them both to it as they made up for all the lost time.

Each touch of the brown eyed girl's hands erasing the pain caused by the man Katya had been with for the months the pair had been apart.

Each kiss from the blue eyed girl erasing the heartache Trixie had felt since the Russian went away.

Their hearts intertwined like their bodies as they chased their highs.
The waves of pleasure surging through them both like electricity as they finally let go and lost themselves to the other.

The magnetic pull in the air thick between them as they collapsed on the queen sized motel bed, laying together in comfortable silence as the words conveying the relief of their reunion hung in the air.

The knowledge that they had more time together relaxing both their hearts as they basked in the afterglow of release.

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