Chapter 21: How Long Can You Stay?

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10 years.

10 years of hard work.

10 years of mornings waking up and reaching out for the girl she had lost.

10 years of missing that girl's lips on hers.

10 years not knowing when she might see the girl again.

10 years of wishing she could some day return to LA.

And now here she was.

Short of breath after running towards the motel that was nowhere to be found.

"You said you would wait." The blonde woman thought to herself as she viewed the empty parking lot.

Did she lie?

Did she meet someone new?

Did her patience run thin?

No, she couldn't have.
Trixie wouldn't have.

Trixie had never broken a promise.
She was the only person the blue eyed woman knew who had never disappointed her.

Katya left the parking lot, and wandered towards the small apartment that she knew was just around the corner.

There on the mailbox in the hallway, she saw the name of the girl she'd missed so much;

Trixie Mattel.

With newfound courage she rang the doorbell, the door opening moments later to reveal a beautiful girl with blonde hair and honey brown eyes.
She looked just like Katya remembered her.

"Trixie." Katya breathed out in relief.

Trixie stood there in shock.
There in front of her stood the Russian woman, seeming like a figment of her own imagination.

"Katya.. please tell me I'm not dreaming again. Please tell you're really here. I can't take it if this isn't real." Trixie said as tears fell from her eyes.

Her cruel imagination had played the same trick on her so many times that even when the woman finally stood right in front of her, she struggled to believe it.

"It is me, кукла. I am here." Katya said as she pulled the younger woman into her arms for the first time in a decade.

"Finally." Trixie whispered into the older woman's neck.

"You have not changed at all, детка. Still so beautiful." Katya said as she pulled away from their embrace, desperately needing to view Trixie's features to convince herself that the girl was really there. Her hand caressing the younger woman's cheek as she spoke.

"Neither have you, not one bit." Trixie said honestly as she admired the beauty of the woman she loved. Lovingly gazing at the woman's red lips and ocean blue eyes. Those eyes seeming like sparkling crystals as light reflected in them.

The years no doubt had been harsh on Katya, the Russian herself knew that. Her youth had gone long ago and wrinkles at started to grow on her skin, and yet when she saw the way Trixie looked at her she felt just as young as before.

In Trixie's eyes Katya couldn't grow older. In the younger's arms she was still the beautiful woman who had first checked into the motel.
All the flaws seen so clearly and constantly pointed out by others were gone instantly when wrapped in the girl's warm embrace. So often the woman had feared how she was seen through the eyes of others, but with Trixie there was no fear.

In those honey brown eyes Katya could see the best version of herself, maybe even a version of her that she could never truly live up to.

God, how she had missed the way Trixie viewed her.

"I've missed you so much, you don't even know." Trixie said, tears falling uncontrollably as she threw her arms around the older women's neck, pulling the Russian into another embrace.

"Every time the sun came up, every time the moon replaced it at night, I only thought of you. I spent so many sleepless nights wishing that you were beside me. I felt like I was slowly going insane from missing you." Trixie cried into the other blonde's shoulder. Katya's hands moved calmly across the girl's back to comfort her, kissing the top of the blonde's head softly.

"Ah, детка, I had just the same way. Every day feeling like small death. Every breath and every move stinging a little more than day before. The hope to see you again being only thing that kept me moving forward." The Russian said as she pulled out of the embrace.

Trixie's beauty was really unmatched. Katya had seen countless beautiful women at the events she and Vladimir had attended over the years and yet none of them could ever compete with the American woman's soft curves and rounded lines.

"Кукла, can I kiss you?" She asked.

"Please." Trixie breathed out before her lips were captured by the cherry colored ones that she had spent so many nights trying to remember the taste of. No dream ever living up to the reality of what it felt like when Katya's warm, plump, soft lips touched hers.

As they pulled away, Trixie felt obligated to ask the question she feared the most. The question which's answer had brought her so much heartache in the past.

"How long can you stay?"

"For as long as you want me here." The Russian replied with a smile, laughing when the younger woman happily threw herself into her arms again.

Finally, worth came to all the years of waiting. Katya's heart calm as a pink moon protected it once more.
Trixie's heart warm as the glow of the older woman's sunlight returned.

Sun and Moon sharing the sky at last.

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