Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry to say but it's been 5 days since your daughter has been kidnapped, from the video when she first went missing shows, it doesn't seem like there's any point in searching anymore." The officer told a very shocked Matt, Edd, Tord, and Tom. 

Tord shook his head in disbelief, "so you're just going to stop searching!? Who the hell do you think you are! My daughter is still out there and you're just fucking giving up!" Tom had to hold Tord back so he wouldn't attack the officer.

Matt teared up and started to sob into Edd's shoulder, "no this can't be I know she's still out there!" Edd tried but the officer simply wouldn't listen. "Our chief wants us to start other cases, your daughter is presumed dead." 

Woah Woah Woah, ok we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Hi I'm (y/n) as you know, confused much? Yeah me too, lets go back a ways, and when I mean a ways I mean years. 7 years to be exact, back when I was 8. Now I must warn you, not all stories are happy go lucky ones. Today's society expects a sad beginning, an adventurous middle, and a nice ending. Well this isn't one of them, hey I just call it like I see it and, hehe, I lived it. Don't get me wrong this is a good story, it's one where I found a real home, a family who loved me and matched my weirdness. This is a tale like no other, this is a tale of my 4 not so gay dads, yup 4, and they are besties to be exact. These 4 besties were named Tord, Tom, Matt, and Edd. And unfortunately, their friendship was starting to fall apart, they needed a glue. Something, ANYTHING. Now that's where I come in, ya know what, fuck telling, let me just show you...

                                                   Major time skip to 7 years prior

"(y/n) sweetie, get in the car, we need to go." (y/n) cocked her head, "but why mommy? It's night time, shouldn't we be sleeping?" (y/n)'s mom gazed at the clock briefly, the time read 9:48 pm. "We just need to go on a small trip then we can sleep ok?" 

Young (y/n) nodded, she did as her mom told her to and got into her carseat in the back of the car. Her father started the engine and they were off, after the first 10 minutes or so (y/n) drifted off for the remainder of the ride.

She was rudely awoken however by her parents bickering in the front seats, "Beca you said there'd be an orfanage this way!" "I thought there was! We don't have much time left," "then what are we supposed to do." 

(y/n) sat up in her seat and strained her eyes till she was able to see out her window. The car had been passing a fairly big park, the young girl smiled excitedly. "Mommy, daddy, park!" The two parents looked at each other before nodding and pulling over, (y/n)'s mother unbuckled little (y/n) from the seat with her fuzzy (f/a) (favorite animal) plush toy in hand. 

"This way sweetie," her mother said taking her daughter's hand and leading her into the park. Once (y/n) and her mother had walked a ways she sat little (y/n) on a bench and knelt by her side. "Ok (y/n) listen to mama, let's play a game." The girl squealed, "yes I love games!"

He mother laughed, "alright, lets play hide and seek, I'll hide and you seek. Count to 100 and remember don't peak," the girl giggled. "I know mommy," "alright I was just making sure." She booped her daughter's nose then rose to her feet.

"Ok my muffin, start counting!" (y/n) closed her eyes eagerly and covered them with her hands to be sure. "1, 2, 3...." The girl continued till she reached 100 before jumping to her feet and searching for her mother excitedly. 

Only thing was, the girl searched for hours without prevail only to find nothing. It was now 12 am and the girl was shaking out of fear and cold. "Mommy!" She wailed desperately searching for her lost mother. After a bit longer of nothing she sat down on a nearby bench and began to cry, the poor girl cried and cried till eventually she'd cried herself to sleep.


Sorry this book is actual shit

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