Chapter 34

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                                                               Tom's POV

Tom rolled out of bed, it was 2 am, he'd missed Becky and Noah but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything, he'd cried his emotions out. He'd cried for Tord, for (y/n), for all the built-up emotions just getting into a tighter and tighter knot around his heard. It hurt more and more till the knot snapped and he'd cried, black tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Now, Tom felt nothing. He couldn't cry any more tears, he couldn't sulk forever. He had to force himself to stand from his bed, Tom sulked over to the door. He listened to the silence that coated the house, not a single sound.

This alerted Tom that it was safe to go, he walked down the hall to the kitchen. Tom searched the cupboards for his last bottle of Smirnoff only to see an empty bottle in the sink. Tom's eyes narrowed, "so they drank my alcohol last night, great just great." 

Tom huffed, he had to go to the store. AMAZING. 

Tom quietly made his way to the front door, he already had his shoes on so he was ready. The only thing was, Edd had the keys, in this room. UGH! Tom would have to walk all the way to the store, he really wasn't in the mood but he needed to drink his problems away. Oh what he'd give just to not think about that hot red asshole for at least 1 minute!

Smirnoff was the key, the answer he needed. 

Tom trudged out the door and into the pitch-black night. The walk to the store was easy, he'd gotten the booze and was now on his way back. But for some reason the early silence was unsettling, Tom couldn't put his finger on it but something wasn't quite right.

He began to hear footsteps behind him, Tom, not wanting to turn around, began to pick up speed. The footsteps behind did the same. Tom tried to run but he tripped over his own feet and slammed into the sidewalk, hard.

The bottle of Smirnoff shattered and cut up his hands and wrists making Tom inhale sharply. The figure from behind grabbed Tom by the hood and forcefully shoved him against the wall, completely lifting his body off the ground. Tom began to shake out of fear, he tried to defend himself by punching and kicking but it was no use.

The first punch was like a wake-up call, only stung a bit due to the adrenaline. The second was full-blown agony, blood began to drizzle from Tom's mouth. Tom was unable to fight or dodge now, though he did stick a good uppercut the man seemed almost unharmed. 

By the third punch, Tom's hearing became staticky and distant. Tom was dropped to the ground and endured many forceful kicks in the gut, over and over. Tom curled up into a ball to try and shield his face. Survival instincts kicking in.

The kicks continued, the man stole Tom's wallet in the process and would have made away with it if he weren't tackled to the ground by an unknown figure. Tom closed his eyes from the pain, he hoped this was all just a dream. But it wasn't, he peeked his eyes open enough to see the figure dragging the man's body into a nearby ally before rushing to his side.

"Tom, answer me! Are you ok?" Tom nodding, grimacing from pain in the process. A pair of hands picked Tom up enough so that he was sitting up, leaning against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Leaving the house in the middle of the night alone, UNPROTECTED! If I hadn't shown up you would be dead you fucking idiot!"

Tom recognized that annoying voice, it was, "Tord?" Tom managed to sputter as blood splattered onto the pavement from his lips. As his eyes began to just he could see Tord's undeniable figure, his hair horns almost made him look like the devil himself.

Tord sighed annoyed and began to look Tom over, he took out a flashlight to better see Tom's current state. His eyes widened when he saw all the blood covering Tom. "Oh shit you're hurt, come on let's get you home and cleaned up." Tom shook his head, "no, must have Smirnoff." 

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