Hard Time

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Toni's P.O.V
I woke up feeling arms wrapped around me and someone under me. I rubbed my eyes and looked and saw Cheryl snoring with her mouth open, and I giggled at how cute she looked. I tried removing her arms from around me but she groaned and tightened her grip on me. I tried again and the same thing happened. I looked at her neck and then decided to tickle her there because that's where she's the most ticklish.

I started tickling her neck and then she started squirming and then she started giggling. "Mmm stop ittt" she murmured with her eyes still closed. I stopped and just looked at her and was amazed by how beautiful she looked. I felt myself get sad, remembering how I ruined our relationship by doing so stupid. When I got out of my thoughts, I realized that only one of Cheryl's arms were around me, so I gently removed her arm and slipped out of the bed.

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine, and then went downstairs to make breakfast for Cheryl and I. After making some pancakes with eggs and bacon, I set everything on the table and went to wake Cheryl up. When I went inside the bedroom, Cheryl wasn't in the bed but I heard the shower running. I knocked on the bathroom and Cheryl shouted "YEAH". I peaked my head through the door and raised my voice saying "I made us breakfast, so when you're ready you could just come down and it'll be on the table". "OKAYY THANKS" she yelled back.

I closed the door and went downstairs, starting to eat my food. Minutes later Cheryl came down and I had already finished my food. She sat down and I looked down at my phone saying "We have 4o minutes to be at school just so you know". She nodded her head putting up a thumbs up while still eating her breakfast. We both sat in silence, Cheryl finishing to eat, and me on my phone playing a game. Few minutes later Cheryl was done, so she cleaned up and we both made our way to the car. We got inside the car and drove off to school.

At School
I know that I had one more week till I had to go back to school, but I wanted to come back earlier so I would have less work to catch up on. I called the principal yesterday and he said I could come back, but only if I felt comfortable with that idea . As Cheryl pulled into the parking lot and both of us got out of her car, many students were looking at us. We began to walk towards the school, and students watched our every move. "We know we're both gorgeous as fuck, but that doesn't mean we want to be stalked with all of your eyes" Cheryl yelled.

Some students turned away from us while others continued to stare. "Since you didn't get the fucking memo, mind your fucking business and stop gawking at us or else" Cheryl stated, which made everyone look somewhere other than at us. I let out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding in, and felt Cheryl hold my hand. I looked at her and she asked me "You okay Toni". I nodded my head and she looked at me as if she was asking if I was sure.

"I really am fine Cheryl, I guess I felt a bit worried just for a sec" I told her. She nodded her head and then said " Weatherbee said that he knows I can protect you in a way from those who come at you, so we now have all the same classes. First period is History, so lets go". We walked into the school and then went to History class.

It was now lunch, which meant a nice relaxing break from the classrooms. During the 4 classes that Cher and I had, Cheryl had to yell at students at least 6 times in each class. I felt much safer knowing that Cheryl was there for me, preventing the students from further harassing me, but I also felt bad knowing that Cheryl had to strain her voice from yelling. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt someone push me into the lockers. I pushed myself off the lockers and then saw that it was Betty and the boys from last time.

I widened my eyes and put my hands up saying "I'm sorry for everything I did I didn't mean to do it. I know I'm a horrible slut and everything, and I deserve to die. I mean I even tried to do it but Cheryl wouldn't let me and yeah. Just please don't hurt me again, at least not as bad if you're still going to beat me up". Betty just looked at me and said "Get at her". The boys were about to hit me and I closed my eyes, until I heard heels clacking and when I opened my eyes, I saw Cheryl and she yelled "If you as so lay a hand on her I swear you'd wish you never even tried hurting Toni at all, or even coming close to her". The boys just stood there not doing anything and then Cheryl yelled "SCRAM YOU IMBECILES".

They took off running and Betty stood there for a while and was about to walk away until Cheryl grabbed her arm. "Not so fast there cousin. Would you like to tell me why on earth would you want to attack Toni" Cheryl asked Betty. Betty shrugged and said "I mean she did cheat on you and broke your heart. I mean what kind of slu-" "Let that word slip from that mouth of yours and I'll slap the taste out of it" Cheryl cut her off.

Betty never said anything and just stared at Cheryl. "Now" Cheryl said breaking the silence between them. "From now on, you will stop attacking Toni with those little lapdogs you always carry around with you. You will stop insulting her and degrading her using your such awful and disgusting words. If I ever hear that you even tried breathing near, or looking at Toni I swear on my Mother's fucking grave that I will end you with every single drop of strength I have in my body. Am I clear dear cousin Betty". Betty just looked down and Cheryl roughly brought her face up gripping her chin, and gritted out "I said am I fucking clear cousin Betty". Betty whimpered out "Yes, Cheryl I understand".

Cheryl let go of her chin and then smiled saying "Good, now Toodles". With that, Betty turned and walked away, and Cheryl turned to look at me. "TT are you okay, they didn't threaten you or touch you or anyth-" "Yeah, I'm fine Cheryl, they didn't do anything before you came". She smiled and said "That's good now shall we make our way to the cafeteria" while holding out her hand. I took her hand in mine, smiling at her and said "Yes we shall Cher". We giggled and then went to the cafeteria to have lunch.

After School
I had ended my last class a few minutes ago and was waiting for Cheryl by her car. I was scrolling away on Snapchat, when I heard someone call my name. I looked up from my phone and saw that it was Chuck from the football team. "Um Hi Chuck?" I said to him. He put his hands in his pockets and then put on his infamous smirk. "I was wondering if you would like to come over and have some fun with me later on" he said to me. I gagged internally and then looked at him and said "I will take a huge pass on that".

He groaned and said "Come on Toni, if you could have fun with someone while you have a girlfriend, why can't you have some fun with me when you're single". I tried really hard not to roll my eyes and said "That was not intentional, so what makes you think I would willingly want to sleep with you". Now he had an angry expression on his face and then he gripped me by my waist and said to me aggressively "You will give me what I fucking want. Your body is so fucking hot, and I want to do so many things to it in my bed".

I tried pushing him off of me but it wasn't doing a thing since I had such a small body frame and he was so buff. As I continued struggling I heard a voice yell "Chuck Clayton, remove your fucking hands off of her right this minute, or you won't have any hands in the next few minutes". Chuck looked behind him and I looked also, and saw that it was of course Cheryl. Chuck laughed and said "There's nothing you could do to me Blossom.Let me just take this nice lady in front of me to my house and you'll have her off your hands". Cheryl just walked up to Chuck and then said "Oh I think I would rather have her with me than your disgusting prick self". Then Cheryl wrapped her hand around Chucks throat and started choking him. He released his hands from around my waist and then started clawing at Cheryl's arm.

"You see Chucky boy, I don't play around when it comes to Toni. Yes she may have broke my heart, but I forgave her, so when I hear these disgusting things that you say and do to her, I make it my job to protect her from you. Stay the fuck away from my fucking TT and we won't have a problem here". She let go of his throat and he immediately started gasping for air. "Did you get the message my dear football star" Cheryl said with a sickening smile. "Yes I do you crazy bitch" Chuck said, and then started running away from her.

Cheryl turned to me and unlocked the car and opened the door for me. I got in and thanked her, and she closed the door, and went to her side and got in. She put her bag in the back seat and then looked at me, and I looked back at her. "Are you okay TT, did he hurt you, cause I pray he didn't". I shook my head no, and said "He just held onto my waist and talked to me aggressively" I told her. "I'm so sorry that all of this is happening to you Toni" she said. I shook my head no and said "None of this is your fault, if anyone is to blame, it's me, cause I made a stupid mistake".

Cheryl grabbed my hand and said "Even though you made a mistake, they shouldn't be treating you like that. It just shows that there are so many horrible human beings at this God awful school. Don't blame yourself on all of this okay". I nodded and then she smiled and opened her arms for a hug and I leaned over the console and hugged her. Before I pulled back Cheryl pecked my cheek and murmured "I love you". I blushed and said "I love you too". We pulled away and the both of us were blushing. While I looked into my lap, Cheryl started the car, and then focused on the rode, and drove the way home.

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