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Blow my Brains Out ~ Tikkle Me

♫Unlucky me, who knows way too much

Who fights to make changes, and music, and such

Unlucky me, aware of the pain

All 'cause I happen to have some brain ♫

"So, do you accept?"

"Of course, it seems like an unfair trade to be honest. We don't even want her."

"Well, that makes it all the easier for me, now doesn't it."


"Say, why is it that you're so desperate to have her back, Chrollo? It's not like she's worth anything."

"Have you no brain, Illumi? She's the product of the Zoldyck bloodline and possesses the genetics of our late Number 8... you can connect the dots."

"I see, so nonetheless, she's still just a tool?"

"It's almost as if she was bred to destroy... It really is a shame your father killed Number 8, I'm sure they would've made a great team."

"It was a warning, as well as a safety precaution. My father is a stupid man, imagine if the world found out he had an affair and a secret child."

"Yes I understand, your warning was effective. This deal is merely to put an end to our futile battles. You return the girl and we stop interfering with business."


"May I ask, Chrollo, what do you plan to do with her once she is in your possession?"

"Well, she has the potential to become an incredibly skilled nen user, so we can use her as a weapon. However, she has yet to learn how to control nen, so until then, she's somewhat 'free'."

"Somewhat free, hm? I hope you've employed a trusted teacher. It'd be a shame if something were to happen..." 


"I'm entrusting you with the girl. Make sure she masters nen to her full potential, but under no circumstance let her know about the true nature of her power. Illumi still has his needles implanted, so if you need help call me. Do not mess this up, or you're dead." 

"Of course, Master Chrollo," a voice returned.


"She's nothing but a tool of destruction, huh? A bunch of fools," the voice muttered, "Haven't they learned not to trust a jester?" he spoke once more, followed by a trail of laughter.

♫Lucky is she, who lives unaware

Who doesn't get bothered by all that's unfair♫

[A/N] a short one today, im sorry! the next chapter is, well, you'll find out... :3

sorry for being so inconsistiant with uploads, with school starting they might be a little spotty. I'll do my best though! I've got a lot planned :0

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