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Rhinestone Eyes ~ Gorillaz

I'm a scary gargoyle on a tower

That you made with plastic power

Your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away

"The Nostrade family... I haven't heard of them," you said.

"I see..." Hisoka smirked, "Well you'll know them soon enough. Your ride's here. Good luck, Y/N."

You hopped into the backseat of a small black car. You couldn't see who the driver was, your only view was out the window.


As the car sped through the streets of YorkNew, you caught glimpses of a world you had never known. People everywhere, doing as they pleased. 

"This is your stop," the driver called back, "Walk down this alley and turn right. Follow the path and you'll reach the back entrance to the company."

"Oh, thank you," you said, hopping out of the car.

You watched in silence as the car sped away, catching only a glimpse of the driver. 

What an strange man, I've never seen someone with a forehead tattoo before.


You were all alone now. Nothing but you and the dark alleyway.

"Alright, Y/N," you said to yourself, "You got this."

You followed the directions the driver gave you and found yourself facing the back door.

This is it. I go inside and there's no turning back.

You took a deep breath and slowly turned the handle. A cold breeze rushed out from inside. Stepping into the dark room, you carefully shut the door behind you. This was it—all or nothing.

The room was pitch black except for a faint glow pouring out from underneath a door on the opposite side of the room. You slowly walked towards it, unable to see anything in your path.

You leaned back against the wall next to the door. Shadows of footsteps danced in the light, reminding you that this was no game. You activated your In, therefore making sure no one could detect your presence. This was real life, with real consequences. 

This is serious business... one wrong move and I could be out.

You took another deep breath and turned on your Hatsu, Event Horizon. The glowing black chords returned once again and wrapped themselves around your arms. 

You kicked the door open and were immediately greeted by unfriendly faces. There were guards surrounding you, all holding you at gunpoint. 

Wow, this place must hold some REALLY important information. I've never seen such tight security.

You took a step forward in an attempt to calm them, but it soon became clear that was not the right thing to do.

Bullets? Already? I thought maybe we could get along, guess not.

You used your Nen to suck up the bullets, and the looks on the guard's faces were priceless.

"I'm sorry to do this to you, but I can't get shot before I get what I need." you shouted, "If you would stay still for a minute that would make things a lot easier for me."

They're even more panicked than before. That didn't work at all. Well, guess we'll have to do this the hard way.

You shot the black ropes out like a lasso, capturing each of the guards in your grasp.

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