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[A/N] from now on i think i might include snippets of songs at the beginning or end of each chapter, just to describe the ~vibes~ a little better. please comment if you like this idea and want me to stick with it <3

Looking Out for You ~ joy again

Just the way you're glancing at me

Something about you

Just makes me feel guilty

The 7th day on Zevil Island had arrived at last, and as relieved as you were, your mind was plagued with worry. As you were making your way towards the assigned location, you were struck by the realization that Kurapika might not be there.

How could I just leave him in that state? He clearly wasn't ok, what were you thinking Y/N? That's such a douchey move... he told me to leave though! What was I supposed to do in that situation. Just stop thinking about it ok? I'm sure everyone else is fine and we'll all see eacho-


The young boy from before was running straight towards you, arms open. In the blink of an eye, he was already latched onto your torso with no way of getting him off.

"I missed you so much! How was it? Did you find your target? Did anyone attack you? Are the others here?" he said with as much energy as usual.

"Hi Gon, lot's of questions today huh?" you smiled, patting his back. "Everything went well," you lied.

"That's awesome," Gon shouted, "My target was Hisoka and it was NO FUN! I spent all this time training to attack him, I even got his tag! But then this other guy came in and paralyzed me and then..." he droned on and on, caught up in the excitement of recounting his adventures.

The two of you continued on towards the shore where you would be meeting with the others, praying that Kurapika would be there.

As you were getting close, Gon stopped in his tracks and began to twitch his nose.

"Uhhh Gon? Are you alright?" you asked, concerned.

"I'm checking to see who's here, I've got a great nose so I'll be able to recognize their scents," he explained.

Uhm, that's not strange at all.

"KILLUAAAAAAAA," Gon yelled, sprinting straight through the bushes towards the seaside.

You trailed behind him, your stomach beginning to do flips from nervousness.

How does that kid always have so much energy?

You took in a deep breath and pushed aside the brush that was separating you from the rest of the successful applicants.

The view was beautiful. Standing on top of a natural stone ledge, you could see the sea stretch for miles and miles unto the horizon. Beneath you was a pit with a handful of large rocks jutting out from the ground, a few surrounded by water. Scattered throughout the landscape were many off the participants, but you had yet to see the one you were looking for.

You scanned the scenery, looking for a sign of the bright eyed boy you had watched collapse. Sitting atop of a jagged rock, you caught sight of the blonde you had longed to see. He was staring right back at you.

Wind flowing through your H/C hair, you beamed at Kurapika, the butterflies in your stomach flapping their wings with vigor. He blushed, but tried to hide it by breaking his gaze.

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