5- Run ins

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"Dev let's eat please I'm starving!" I giggled "ok ok let me pay for my things and then we can go" "yay!" She giggles and we go up to the register and she pays for her things. "ok Sammy let's go" I nod and we leave the mall. "Let's go to chipotle I've always wanted to try it" I said spotting a chipotle "yeah let's walk there!" I nod and we start walking there. We get inside "Sammy I really need to pee" Devyn said lifting one foot them putting it down then the other and continuing doing this I giggled "ok go I'll hold your bags" she nodded and handed me her three bags and practically ran to the bathrooms I giggle and I walked to a table and put the bags down and I leaned against the table scrolling through my phone.

"Sammy!" Devyn says as she comes over and I put my phone away and I look up and smile "do you know what you want?" She asked "no I haven't had it before so I don't know what to get" "oh I've had it once I'll just get you what I'm getting" "yeah, ok" she nodded "I'll be back" I nodded and she went to the front "Hi!" Someone said I furrowed my brows and looked up seeing a guy with brunette hair the tips dyed red and with blue eyes "oh hi!" I smiled "what's your name?" "Sam" I smiled "what's yours" he furrowed his brows "you don't know me?" "Um no? Should I?" "I mean.." he glances down and looks at my hoodie "I'm Colby" I'm confused on why he did this but I didn't question it "nice to meet you" I smiled "Colby come on were gonna be late" a guy with dyed sliver hair said coming over "oh Jake this is Sam" he said Jake looked over at me and also looked at my hoodie "oh hi!" He smiled "um hi" "Sammy!" Devyn called "oh well I have to go" I smiled they nodded "ok see you later" they smiled and left and I went up to Devyn "what's up?" "I needed help carrying all the things to the table" "oh ok" I grabbed some things and we walked to the table.

We finished eating and we got an Uber "oh Sammy it's here" "ok" we grabbed our bags and we got in the Uber and headed back to the hotel. We got there and walked in our room and set our bags down "movie night?" "Yeah" I smiled we got in bed and turned on a movie. "Hey Sammy let's get some snacks" Devyn said after the first movie "yeah let's go" we got up and left the building "there's a store near by we can just walk" I nodded and we started walking. We get to the store and we went to the snack section and got a lot of snacks and joked around then out of nowhere Devyn squealed and dropped the things she had in her hands "Dev why di-" she ran over to some guy I giggled a bit and I grabbed a basket and put all the snacks in it and walked to Devyn "can we please take a picture!" She asked the guy he laughed a bit "yeah of course" she turned "Sammy take a picture" she said giving me her phone I shake my head with a smile and a small giggle they posed and I took a couple pictures "thank you so much!" She said excitedly and took her phone "you know your the one fan that's acted like this about meeting me" the guy said she giggled then it hit me that's Corey "I'd say" I said with a small giggle "Sammy you better not" Devyn said slapping my arm "ok ok fine I won't tell him that y-" she covered my mouth with her hand and Corey started laughing "that you what?" he asked "nothing!" Devyn said quickly I giggled and moved Devyn's hand "sh-" "Sammy!" I giggled "ok fine I won't tell him" "you guys seem fun to hang out with" Corey said we talked for a little until Corey said he had to leave "oh wait what was that one thing you guys were talking about earlier?" "Oh nothing" Devyn said "she-" "Sammy!" I giggled and Corey chuckled a bit "well I'm guessing you guys are going to the meet and greet tomorrow so I'll see you guys there" he smiled "yeah bye" Devyn smiled and then he left "ok let's pay for our things" I said she nodded and we payed and then walked back to the hotel.

We walked in and Devyn chose a movie to watch "let's get changed" I said and she nodded and I changed into a large hoodie and Devyn changed into shorts and a tank top and we started movies and we ate some snacks for the rest of the night. 

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