23- Break in..

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I woke up to a loud crash downstairs "Colby" I shook him and he hums "t-there was a loud crash downstairs" he holds me tight "it's probably one of the roommates" he mumbles I nod and relax closing my eyes but I jump up as there was another loud crash so I got out of Colby's arms and left the room closing the door quietly. I got to the first platform of the stairs and I seen a very familiar figure standing in the room I squinted my eyes then I realized who it was, it was my dad.
My eyes go wide and I went back upstairs quickly but quietly "Sammy? Was that you?" I look over and see Devyn "no but please don't go down there" I whisper "what why??" She says rubbing her eyes tiredly "my dad is down there" her eyes go wide "just go back in the room and lock the door I'm calling the cops" she nods and goes back in closing the door quietly and I walk back in Colby's room shutting the door and I go back to the bed and sit on it grabbing my phone and dialing 911 "911 what is your emergency?" "S-someone broke into my house" "ok stay calm, what is the address?" "Um (address)" "ok state your name" "S-sam golbach" "ok is there anyone else in the house?" "Y-yes 4 o-ther people" "ok are they all with at least one other person?" "Uh no" "make sure they are safe we are sending people over" "o-ok b-but the person h-here i-is my dad, k-kirk golbach th-the one that escaped" "oh.." she trails off and I hear her typing on a keyboard "ok is he armed?" "I-i don't know" I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I get off the bed and lock the door and walk back to the bed "Sammy?" Colby mumbles "shh" "ok just stay on the phone" the lady says "Sammy what's happening?" Colby whispers sitting up and rubbing his eyes "m-my dad is inside" his eyes go wide and he goes to get up "no Colby don't go out there" I grab his arm "is everything ok?" The lady asks "y-eah" I respond "Colby t-tell Jake to lock his d-oor" he nods and grabs his phone texting him "ok the police is almost there I'm gonna let you go just stay quiet" "o-ok" she hangs up and I let out a breath and then my phone goes off making it ding and I pick it up quickly and put it on silent and seeing it's from my dad 'where the fuck are you!?' I then jump hearing the door handle jiggle and tears start to form in my eyes I put my phone in my pocket and Colby pulls me in for a hug "shh it's ok" he says quietly and rubs my back "I know your in there f*g!!" He yells banging on the door and jiggling the handle. I'm now shaking and crying and Colby pulls me in his lap and rubs my back rocking slightly "let's hide in the closet" he whispers and I nod we get up and then the door swings open and I jump my dad chuckles dryly and Colby pushes me behind him protectively.

"Aww your boyfriend protecting you, how pathetic can't even help yourself" he spat stepping forward "your the one pathetic hurting someone for being themselves" Colby spat back and my dad raises an eyebrow and chuckles dryly looking at Colby and they start yelling at each other and then Colby steps closer and punches him in the face and I gasp, my dad wipes the blood from his lip and chuckles and punches Colby back "n-no stop" they ignore me and Colby punches him again then I seen a light out the window and I looked over to it seeing the cops pull in and I look back over to them and I seen my dad reach for something in his pocket I gasped "Colby stop!" I grab his hand but he pulled it back I looked back at my dad and he pulls out the knife "NO!" I push Colby out from infront of him which causes me to get stabbed in the stomach "aghh fuck!" I yell in pain falling to the floor and I hold my stomach and Colby leaps at my dad tackling him to the floor "In here!!" I looked at the door and see a police officer I close my eyes again finding it hard to keep them open "s-sammy?" I open my eyes and see Colby by my side with tears running down his face he pulls me close to him so my back was against his stomach "w-we need an am-ambulance!" Colby called "come with me there's one outside" one spoke "i-i-"


"NO!" I get pushed out of the way and I hear a yell of pain and I look next to me to see Sam holding his stomach with blood seeping through the hoodie I look up at his dad and he smirks evilly I get up and tackle him to the floor "in here!" A officer yells coming in and he tells me to move so I do and his dad tries running but fails. "s-sammy?" I ask with tears running down my face I sit next to him and he opens his eyes and smiles slightly and I pull him so his back is against my stomach "w-we need an am-ambulance" I say and an officer tells us there's one outside "i-i-" Sam says but he goes limp "nononono" the officer speaks into the walkie talkie thing "s-sammy please w-ake up" then he gets taken out of my arms I look up to see him getting strapped into a stretcher I pull my knees to my chest and cry into them
"Colby??" I look up to see Devyn and she glances at Sam and gasps "w-what happened?" "Is anyone riding with him?" One of the paramedics asks while he gets taken away by the other ones I look up at Devyn "C-colby you go" "you both can go only two can though" she adds "w-w-we'll b-both g-o" "right c'mon" we nod and I get off the floor and I grab a hoodie off the floor and I slip it on along with shoes and go downstairs. We get in the ambulance and then another person closes the back and goes to the front and then starts driving away.

We get to the hospital and Sam gets rushed to a room and me and Devyn wait in the waiting room "what h-appened?" Devyn asks tears running down her face "h-his dad got in the r-oom and h-he pulled out a knife and w-as about to stab me b-but Sam pushed me o-out of the way a-and he got s-tabbed inst-ead" "again-n" she mumbles I nod and then Corey, Jake and Tara come in and Devyn gets up and hugs Corey and he hugs her back "Colby what happened?" Jake asks sitting in the chair next to me Tara sitting next to him and I tell them what I told Devyn.
"Sam Golbach?" Me and Devyn stand up quickly and the others get up after walking behind us "i-is he ok-okay?" I ask "yes but he's asleep right now" "can we see h-him?" Devyn asks "yes right this way" she turns and walks and we all follow her to his room. We get to his room and she opens it for us "here you are" she says and walks away and we all walk in and sit down.

"It's getting late we should head home" Jake says once Tara yawns "Im gonna stay in case he wakes up" I say and they nod and they say goodbye to me and then leave. I sigh and I hold Sam's hand and rub the back of it.
"C-colby?" I look up at him "oh Sammy your up" I say and hug him carefully "let me get a nurse" "no stay" "but-" "please" he scoots over with a slight wince I sigh and get in next to him and he lays his head on my chest and I play with his hair "why did you do that?" I ask softly "I didn't want you to get hurt anymore" "Sammy I wouldn't have cared as long as your ok you shouldn't have done that" "i- sorry" he sighs "hey I'm not mad I promise I'm just glad your ok" he nods with a yawn "gets some rest" "s-stay with me" "I will I promise" "thank you" I kiss his head and I soon hear soft snores I smile and close my eyes going to sleep as well.

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