16- Will you..?

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"Night Sammy" Devyn said yawning after "night Dev" she laid down pulling the covers over herself. I grabbed my phone and checked the time 9:45 I smiled knowing Devyn will be asleep by the time it's 10:00. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard soft and quiet snores come from Devyn I smiled and checked the time 9:58 I got up and quietly put on my shoes I grabbed a key and I left the room quietly and I walked down to the bottom.

I got to the bottom and I walked outside and I didn't see Colby I sighed and waited a bit. I was going to leave because I was waiting for a while untill I felt arms slither around my waist I jumped "hi Sam" I giggle "Colby you scared me" I turn in his arms and hug him and he tightens his arms around my waist putting his head in my neck we stayed like this for a minute and then pulled away "why did you want me here anyway?" "I wanted to show you something" I nodded "c'mon" he smiles grabbing my hand making me blush and he took me to his car.

He let go of my hand making me frown a little and I get in the car and buckled myself and then Colby got in and buckled then started the car. "So where are we going?" he smiles "you'll see" "tell me!" he chuckles "you'll see when we get there" I huff and sit back in my seat he chuckles a little.
"Ok we're here" he parked the car I looked out the window and didn't see anything "Colby we're not really anywhere right now" he laughs a bit "c'mon I'll take you there" he said getting out of the car I sigh and get out as well. I went around the car to Colby "ok c'mon" he smiles widely and grabs my hand bringing me somewhere.

"Colby why are we going through the woods?" "Stop complaining it's not that bad" he laughs a bit I huff and continue walking. "Ok" I looked around seeing nothing he laughed "I'm gonna cover your eyes" I nodded hesitantly then he went behind me and covered my eyes with his hands and then told me to walk. "Ok stop" I stop "ok ready" "yep" I smile then he uncovered my eyes and it was some abandoned house I smile a little "let's go in" he said I nod and I follow him in and I look around in wonder he looks at me and smiles "let's go to the top" "ooo ok!" he smiles with a light laugh and we walk to the stairs. We got up and the wall is no longer there and I look around the room and then my eyes land on a blanket spread on the floor with a couple of candles and a basket I looked up at Colby and smile and he smiles back and took my hand "let's look at the stars" he says and walks to the blanket and we sit down "whats in here?" I asked while opening the basket seeing my favorite snacks I smiled "oooo!" I grabbed a bag of gummy bears I opened them but all of them went everywhere "nooo!!" Colby started laughing at me I huff and looked back in the basket and grabbed the gummy worms "Sam pick up the gummy bears" I giggle and I pick them up and put them in the basket and Colby moved the basket to the side and I ate my gummy worms and then I laid down and looked up at the stars. "Sam?" Colby asked after a couple minutes "yeah?" "Can I um ask you something?" "oh yeah sure" I sat up and faced him sitting criss cross "ok um I-" he paused I furrowed my brows "Colby are you ok?" he nodded and he grabbed my hands I smile at the gesture but focused on Colby when he started to talk "so when I uh when I first talked to you I thought you were cute and um when we took that one picture I felt this tingle and I felt safe I guess I feel safe when I'm around you I guess what I'm saying is um I like you.. like a lot" we look into each other eyes and I smile a bit "what are you saying?" "Um will you, will you be my boyfriend?" I smile widely and hug him "yesyesyesyes!!" He pulls me on his lap and hugs me tight I wrap my legs around him and hug him just as tight. He pulls away and looks at me and cups my cheeks and wipe the few tears that fell "can we go downstairs?" He asks "sure" I smile he smiles back and then we get up he grabs the blanket and basket and we go downstairs "ok this way" he says going the opposite way I was so I follow him he reaches over and then fairy lights get turned on and he walks in fully and puts the basket and blanket down and sits on a love sac and I look around and it's a small room with two love sacs and a table in between them and an air mattress on the other wall across from the love sacs then some other furniture here and there "c'mere" he opens his arms I grin and I go and lay in his arms with my head on his chest and he pulls me close and kisses my forehead and we sit in a comfortable silence.

"Hey Sam?" Colby says quietly I hum with my eyes still closed "let's get you back to your hotel" "no" I say tiredly and cuddled further into him he chuckles lightly and wraps his arms around me tightly and I sigh contently. "Ok let's go" I snuggle into him almost asleep "Sam get up" "uh uh" I hum tiredly he chuckles "right, I'll carry you back to the car then" I don't answer him since I didn't really know what he said since I'm half asleep. Then I felt myself getting picked up I whine slightly and clung onto him he laughes a bit and stood up and he held his hands under my thighs he starts walking and I nuzzle my head in his neck.

I felt myself being put down I sigh at the loss of warmth then I jumped awake by hearing the drivers  door closing "oh I'm sorry" Colby laughs a bit and started the car and I sigh and look out the window as he started driving. I look down at my lap as I feel Colby put his hand there I smile and put my hand on top of it and he turns it over intertwining them together and I smile and I look out the window and slowly drift to sleep.


"Sam" I hum still half asleep not knowing what's happening "wake up were back at your hotel" I don't say anything and drift back asleep. I feel myself being picked up so I cling onto him nuzzling my head in his neck.
"Ok Sam we're at your room" he whispers I whine and hold him tighter "ok get down" I huff and release my legs and then my arms once they touch the ground. "Bye" "noo" "I wanna stay with you too but I gotta leave" I frown and he hugs me and I hug back "I'll see you later, ok?" He pulls away keeping his hands on my hips and massaging them with his thumbs "ok" I say sadly he kisses my forehead "get some sleep" I nod "bye" he says and I hug him again "bye" I say and pull away I open my door and sigh I look at Colby and he smiles I smile back and I walk in and go straight to bed putting my phone on the charger and falling fast asleep. 

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