18- Drugged

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The door opens and we look up seeing Colby "come in!" he says with a smile stepping to the side letting us in and not much people are here "it hasn't started yet cause we wanted you guys to meet our other friends" I nod and he leads us to the living room "ah you must be Sam and Devyn!" A guy says "yeah" "well that's Brennen, Chaz, Elton, Tavin, Aaron, Amanda and Amber" we say hi and Colby leads me to the couch and we sit down and Devyn sits on a different couch next to Corey.

People walk in the door without knocking they just walked in it was maybe 20 people. Then more and more people showed up and then next thing I knew the house was crowded and music was blaring and it smelt of alcohol. I sat on the couch quietly and fidgeted with the fishnets I have on "I'll be back I'm gonna get a drink" Colby whispers in my ear so I can here him I nod with a small smile and he kisses my cheek and gets up. Someone sits next to me where Colby was I look up and see Devyn "hey Sammy you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine" I smile "ok where'd Colby go?" "Getting a drink" she nodded "well I lost Corey" I giggle a bit "can you help me find him?" "no I don't want to get up" "please!" "Dev you know how I feel I'm not getting up" "I'll stay by you I just need help" I sigh "only for a bit" "ok thank you!" We stand up and Devyn grabs my hand and we walk around and scan the place. We get to the kitchen and I see him talking with Colby "Dev he's right there!" "What where!?" I giggle and I pull her over to them "I looked here multiple times!" She says frustratedly I giggle "hi baby" Corey says "hi!" She smiles. I lean on the counter and look around then Colby's in front of me and he puts his hands on my hips I giggle and look up at him "hi!" "hey" he smiles and then lifts me up and puts me on the counter I giggle "are you ok? your quiet" "yeah I'm ok" he smiles "yo Colby come here!" someone yells but he ignores them and continues talking to me "Colby!" they call again "Colby you can go" "are you sure?" "Yeah go ahead" "ok" he kisses my cheek and grabs his drink and walks away I jump off the counter and go to Corey and Devyn "hey Sam!" "Hi Corey!" "Where's Colby?" Devyn asks "some guy called him over" they nod and we start talking.

I jump badly as I feel arms slither around me "Sammy it's just Colby" Devyn says calming me down and I let out a breath of relief. Colby moves and leans on the counter and pulls me in front of him wrapping his arms around my waist and I lean into his touch "his drinks might be kicking in" Corey says with a small chuckle "what makes you say that?" Colby says slurring his words a bit I giggle making Colby coo a bit which makes me blush. "Where's the bathroom?" I ask "here I'll show you" Colby says and he grabs my hand and leads me to a bathroom "ok let go of my hand" I giggle "nooo" he slurs whining a bit "I'll be quick" I giggle he pouts and let's go of my hand I giggled and kiss his cheek and go in the bathroom. I dry my hands and open the door and get hugged right away I giggle "you took long" he mumbled nuzzling his head in my neck I giggle "no I wasn't" "mhm" he hugs tighter "ok let's go back by Corey and Devyn" he pulls away and grabs my hand and we go to the kitchen "oh guys we're gonna go to the living room to sit for a bit" Devyn says we nod and we also go to the living room. Colby sits down and I sit next to him and he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer and I smile leaning into him.

I shiver and cuddle closer to Colby "are you cold?" "mhm" "ok c'mon" I furrow my brows and he stands up then he pulls me up and he interlocks our fingers and then he pulls me somewhere. He leads me up stairs to a room I'm guessing his bedroom. He pulls me into his closet and then he lets go of my hand and goes to a section and looks through it and then grabs a hoodie off the hanger "here wear this" I grin and take it putting it on it stopping mid thigh "awww cute" he says putting his hands on my hips I blush "Sam, Colby You in here?" The voice of Jake calls and me and Colby walk out of the closet "do you guys wanna play a game?" "What game?" "Truth or dare!" he says exciedly "no we're ok" Colby says "you sure?" "Yeah" "Alright suit yourself" he says and leaves the room.


We're talking to Devyn, Corey, and Tara right now "can someone get a drink with me?" I ask "yeah I'll come" Tara says I smile Colby gives my hand a squeeze and then let's go of it and me and Tara walk to the kitchen. "Ok which one?" Tara asks after grabbing a cup "that one's fine but not too much" I point to a bottle that someone just put down and it was almost gone she nods and she pours it in the cup then drinking the bit that's left "here you go" she hands it to me "thanks" I take a drink and we walk back to the group.

I yawn getting tired but I stay up and keep talking then some guy sits next to me glancing at me I got a wierd feeling about him so I move closer to Colby he let go of my hand and wrapped an arm around me I smile and lean into him and continued talking. "C-colby" "Sam are you ok?" He asks frantically "I-im di-dizzy" my vision then gets fuzzy "here drink some water" Devyn says handing me a water bottle and I take a drink making it a bit better "w-wait I'm dizzy too" Tara says holding her head. My vision gets fuzzy and I feel light headed and it feels like I might pass out "p-pass out?" I question then everything goes black


"P-pass out?" Sam says before going limp "nonono Sam" they guy next to him chuckles a bit "I'll help you" he says smirking I furrow my brows "I-im gonna-" Tara says then goes limp in Jake's lap making the guy smirk more "oh my god your disgusting!" Devyn yells at the man "guys get them to your rooms and stay by them that guy drugged their drinks!" Devyn says angrily I look at the man in disgust and I see him move his hand towards Sam's thigh I stand up and pick up Sam "what are you doing!?" The guy yells "taking him away from you!" I yell angrily "Colby what's happening?" Elton asked coming up to me "this guy drugged Sam's and Tara's drinks" the guy chuckles "it was only supposed to be him" he says and smirks reaching for him again but Elton punches him "take him to your room!" he says and I nod and I walk up to my room and I lay him in my bed and I take off his shoes and cover him up I change into joggers and then there's a knock on the door so I go over and open it and see Devyn "what's up?" "so Sam.. this happened to him before either two or three times" my face dropped "oh.." "so when he wakes up he's gonna freak out and have a panic attack thinking he got taken by that person so, you have to calm him down before he passes out but if it does happen it might take a bit but just soothe him what helps the most is if you hold his hand and rub it with your thumb and whisper to him like it's ok or I'm not going to hurt you things like that and he will wake up and if he's still freaking out hug him but keep holding his hand and keep whispering the things to him" I nod still processing everything "if you have troubles just come get me I'll be in Corey's room" "ok" "thank you, I'll let you sleep" I nod and she leaves I close the door and walk to bed. I lay in bed and pull Sam close holding him tight and I kiss his head and soon fall asleep.

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