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She sat on the bed crying, and for some reason the tears didn't want to stop. After days of holding herself together, repeatedly telling herself how strong she was, for herself and everyone else, it was only a matter of time until she broke down, and today was that day.

"It's either you tell me what's going on or you pack your bags and leave." He said to her.

Of course the guy knew that she had no where to go and no one to run to. She was not stupid enough to believe that anyone would spare her a minute of their time and listen to the filthy lies they claimed to come out of her mouth effortlessly.

James, her husband, stood looking down at her, knowing he had trapped her with only those few words. She had no choice but to speak , but he was surprised to see her stand up and pull the suit case that was on the wardrobe and start packing clothes without a single word. She was not going to talk and so he left the room to talk to the only person he knew could get through anyone, his father.

She sat down and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was hollow and sad. Her eyes no longer had that wild spark that everyone often told her they saw. Her hair was covered by the piece of clothe that she had grown accustomed to wearing everyday, too busy to put effort on time consuming things like hair. How she had hated wearing anything over her head when she was an unmarried woman. It always made her feel old and back at home, she had never wanted to miss the chance to show of her lovely dark wild hair that suited her so perfectly. How quickly things change.

Gone was the eighteen year old girl with big dreams and a wild imagination. The girl who would drag her best friend into the bushes just so they could explore what a drug den actually looked like and visit abandoned buildings when her mother thought she was at school, the girl who had played her way through high school and somehow managed to pass. Maybe that was the problem, she was always too wild and very outgoing for her own good. Often putting herself in trouble and embarrassing her mother. She would see by the way some people looked at her but they would never speak out because all her dirt was swept under the rug and forgotten of and they would be known as nothing but liars especially now since she was married to the Reverend's son. She knew they never saw her as the sweet perfect girl her family claimed her to be, but they would have never said anything, they knew better than to mess with her and her sisters.

Maybe if she hadn't been so, so stubborn and listened to her mother and the teachings that were now engraved on her mind on how a child of God was supposed to be like then she wouldn't be in this situation. But she was always the wrong type of child, naughty and curious, and everyone hoped the phase would pass as she grew up, but the phase never really did pass and before she knew it, she had a wedding ring that belonged to her and the thought made her cry even more.

The sound of a closing door made her stand up and resume her packing, and she listened to her husband's foot steps grow louder with every step.

"Father wants to talk to you," and the irritation she was feeling burst into flames. Of course he did. She was packing her bags early in the morning with no reason and bawling her eyes out, and she was sure that James had probably twisted everything to make her seem like the devil they claimed she was.

She stood there in silence looking at the man she had married. Married. She laughed at the thought. She hadn't even known him except for his name and a vague image of what he looked like. She had known what everyone knew of him and his brother, often praised by the Reverend and his wife for being the most hard working children, smart and able to do all things a parent wished for their child to do. They were so smart they never needed to go to school to learn what most people would learn, always thinking of and doing the next big thing. This often got girls and their mothers swooning. "What more could a girl ask for?" asked her mother when she was told she was to get married to one of them. "Her freedom" her daughter replied at the back of her mind.

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