Chapter 15

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Lunette shifts uncomfortably in her chair which is facing Father's in the confession room. The phone that is tucked in her sports bra feels heavy and she keeps tugging her jacket down with fear that it might be see.

"Father. I ask the Lord forgive me for, uhm....uhh." She stutters and fiddles with her hands, the words seeming to be stuck in the her throat.

"Do not be afraid. Take you time."

She breathes out, counts to three and resumes talking.

"Remember that time you used to have sex with me? You said you were helping me but at some point I asked you to stop....well, because.."

"Of course I was helping you Lunette. I did it out of love, and I am sure you enjoyed it as much as I did." He says with a suggestive smile on his face.

"I did not enjoy it. I asked you to stop." Her face burning with shame and anger at Father for suggesting such despicable things of her. She was a child, she really thought he was helping her but it just never felt right, but she trusted him enough to let him help. And after she got married, he did not stop, and when she got pregnant with Joshua, she did not know who the father was. Not that she ever told anyone except for Lilith.

"Oh you do not have to be shy with me Lunette."

"Can I please talk?" which earns her a nod to go ahead.

"After I told you I wanted it to stop because it did not feel right. A lot of things started going wrong and everyone basically turned against. I did not know what was happening but now I think I do. You see Father, there was a fire that started behind the storage room and no one knew who caused it. You said you would tell us, and that the Lord would reveal the culprit to you, but after a few days I learned that you had said it was me. I was shocked but mostly hurt because I had not even ventured outside on that day, so how could it have been me. And how could the Lord have told something so far from the truth. Isn't he all seeing and all knowing? Surely he would not have blamed me for something I did not do. But for some reason I let the one slide too, what was I to say anyways"

The Reverend sits straighter in his chair with a look of shock and confusion on his face.

"I would never do that to you Lunette. Who ever told you that lied to you. They are trying to break us apart. Can't you see?"

"What about that time when you called the whole congregation on me."

"You are going to go out there and apologize to everyone. You will tell them that you wanted to kill us and take our wealth. You will tell them that you tried and failed. You will tell them that you never loved us and you tried removing us from the picture so you could have everything as yours. You here me Lunette? " Father sat opposite her looking at her with cold and piercing eyes. He was leaning towards her and his presence filled the room, suffocating her.

"Do you hear me?"

"I can't do that."


"Because I have never wanted to kill you, or try to. The only thing I have done is love you."

"Well, you still have to go and do exactly what I say."

"No I cannot." she shakes her head left and right as if trying to emphasize her refusal. Her vision becomes blurry and she sucks her lips in, trying not to let him see her so week.

"Are you sure? Because there will be consequences."


"Well. You have chosen," he says with a sneer, each and every word dripping with venom.

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