Chapter 3

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December 2018

It was after our last trip to the Reverend's house that everything changed, falling out of place. I had left the place in good spirits, ready to be with my mom, sister and my niece again. Daila spent most of the ride crying saying it was too soon to go back home and how much she was missing everyone already. It had been three weeks and all I was looking forward to was being a regular teenager again and having my little amount of self-given freedom back.

I had spent the night of my return telling my mother and sister about how lovely it had been and they had listened with smiles on their faces, Viola sharing her own stories about how living in Ballington was before she got married.

It was after those days that I noticed Dalia growing further and further away from me, speaking less and being less lively. After days of pestering and digging the information out of her, it was then that she told me was going to get married. All our dreams of living together and travelling the world were swept and forgotten. She was to get married. Married to a man she only saw from afar and who she had only spoken to in greeting. I wanted to scream at her and ask why she never said no. Why she never told me sooner. Did she not see what marriage was doing to all the girls who we watched get married before us. How they were becoming shell images of themselves, walking around their husbands, being too respectful, staying at home and never having any careers. How was she giving up all her dreams. Just a few days ago we were talking about never getting married and pursuing our careers and now she was dropping school and doing what we exactly said we would never do.

But I did not scream or shout. I simply asked if she was okay with it, and she gave me a whispered yes. A part of me knew that she had no choice, she was chosen for a reason and it was her time to get married, even I could do nothing to stop that. A woman's place on earth is found in the presence of her husband and the children she will give life too. There certainly isn't anything more greater than fulfilling all those duties. "It is an honor and the biggest step in your life," Father has said, and refusing to follow the path chosen for you often comes with dire consequences.

"Are you ready to live with someone you do not know," I asked as we lay in my bed facing the ceiling late at night.

"No, but I know things will be easy after the first day."

"I am sure they will be."

"I am happy for you." I said meaning it genuinely. If she was happy, then I was fine with it. "I know I have spoken about how much I detest marriage but I am always there to support you."

"I know that Lilith and I am grateful," she said with a smile that did not reach her eyes.

"When will we start dress shopping. You have to be the prettiest bride," I said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Zelda will take of that. She will design a dress for me. She has already started."

"Oh" I said trying not to sound disappointed as I felt. " You'll help me pick out mine them?"

"I'm not sure. I have to leave early before the wedding"

"That's okay. I'll have to shop with mom and pray I don't end with the ugliest dress." I joked.

"I know you won't, you will look pretty. You always do. And I have hope that marriage won't be as bad as we have always thought it to be. Father says he is a good guy. He has his own car, rents his own place and has a job that pays well. I might even have a great career in a new country.

I couldn't help but feel happy for her when I saw a spark of hope flash in her eyes. She was going to be a married woman with her own house and money. Living her own life with a man who seemed decent enough. That was more than what other girls got and I had to have hope that things were going to be great for her.

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