Chapter 1

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I fall on my knees as I reach the bus door, but the pain is dulled by the loud voices in my head telling me to hurry. I quickly pick up my bag earning a few curses when it lands on the person behind me, but I don't waste more time offering an apology. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I take off in a full blown sprint towards the house.

"Almost there, almost there," I chant to myself continuously trying to calm my erratic heartbeat.

And for the hundredth time, I pray to God that he gives me more time. Even just a few seconds, and just the thought of my mother finding out that I have not been at home the whole day sends tears to my eyes and turns my knees into jelly making me running harder.

I let out a loud joyful scream and do an uncoordinated moon walk when I find the driveway empty and the house lights off. I rush to open the door go into my room to change into my pajamas so I can give the impression that I had been lazing around all day long. I throw my bag into the closet, grab my phone and get on my knees to say a quick 'thank you God' prayer, before I rush to close all the curtains and turn the lights on.

By the time I hear the car enter the garage, I am in the kitchen preparing dinner for the both of us hoping that my shaking hands and uneven breathing do not give me away.

"Hey mom," I say almost too loudly which earns me a raised eyebrow from her when she enters the kitchen door. I try to brush it off with an awkward smile and a hug. Way to make things more awkward Lilith.

"What have you been up to?" she asks me in a very calm tone.

"Just the usual. I'm making lasagna. Wanted to surprise you," and I hear my heartbeats go calmer when she gives me a smile. My mom looks less scary when she isn't suspecting you of anything, the permanent scowl on her face eases a bit and I smile in return.

"I'll leave you to it then. Don't forget to finish packing. We leave at five in the morning tomorrow."

I mutter a silent 'yes mom' and then go back to cooking. My mood dampens a bit when I think that I won't be seeing my friends for the next three weeks. I really love the fact that I am going somewhere else, but I barely have time to communicate with everyone, which is why I decided to spend the day out. It has become a habit of mine and although I have been caught a few times, I just can't resist leaving the house to have some fun. I tried it the 'good daughter' way by asking, but it ended with a harsh and 'we are done with this conversation' No from my mother. So she left me with no choice.

When the oven signals that the lasagna is ready, I grab two plates for me and her, I make some tea and take it to her bedroom. I find her passed out on her bed with her laptop about to fall and glasses still on. I remove the glasses and place the laptop on the stand besides her bed, quickly tuck her in, place the food by her side and kiss her good night.

After cleaning the kitchen, I grab my blankets and my huge teddy bear and head to the living room planning to read books through out the whole night. I might just miss home more than I think.

I walk quietly behind my mother and my cousin wishing I could take the day just a few hours back. From the age of twelve, all of my holidays have been spent here in Ballington, and it has become a second home to me, but the first days of visiting are always the worst and the ones I dread the most.

I try not to trip as I step into the massive kitchen made of brown cupboards and glass, with granite counter tops. In the middle of the kitchen stands an island consisting of more cupboards and an electric stove. The left side of the island is surrounded by black leather chairs and colorful table mats. At the left corner of the kitchen, there is a gas stove next to a door that leads directly to the pantry and opposite the pantry there is another door that leads to the laundry room and mini kitchen. I move my eyes around looking if anything has changed at all in the past few months, and everything looks the same with only a few accessories added on the counter tops.

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