Chapter 17

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'Run !Run! Run!' The words echo in my mind as I lean the on the window staring at the moving trees. My heart still beats widely and I hold on to the bags that I am carrying on my laps and I wonder how I even managed to squeeze myself in the car. The effects of running and carrying heavy things lingers in my body, pain shooting through every bone making me want to collapse even though I am sitting. Joshua stares at me with his big doe eyes, the excitement of being out of the house written all over his face and for the first time I want to be him, lost and oblivious to all that is happening. He wiggles in Lunette's lap laughing with the Liam, Helen's child and I can't help but smile at their innocence.

I wasn't supposed to happen this way. It wasn't planned and I most certainly did not think that I was waking up to leave Ballington today. But I can't lie and say that the plan is not falling into place, maybe even way better than I had imagined.

Lunette was carrying a black bag stuffed with the little clothes that she could manage to carry. She was going to try and sneak out through the back gate and run hoping that we would all realize when it was too late.

"What about Joshua?" I asked.

"I will have to find a way to get him out of the house." She answered. Which mother has to sneak out her own child, afraid that her mother in law might stop her and say it's not right for him to go out.

"You can't leave so much behind. You have no money on you, and so little clothes."

"Helen and Jack are on their way. They said they will be here soon. I have to go, this is the only chance I have. The only chance we have."

"Wait for everyone to leave the house. Be patient. Helen and Jack won't be here for the next two hours. Try packing some things but Max shouldn't see you or suspect anything."

"You sure?" she stares at me with wide eyes filled with fear. I giggle despite the situation, only Lunette would escape carrying a black bag and walk for hours until Helen and James get her.

"What's funny?"

"You are." I say laughing harder.

Max was the first person to leave the house and Lunette hurried to pack more clothes in her bags and double check on her most important documents. I stayed behind in the kitchen, my nerves racking me up so much that I had forgotten that we had a visitor. Ms. Eugene. She had arrived a week ago and we had somehow forgotten about her presence and that she was most certainly not going anywhere and if she saw us running away, she was going to quickly alert everyone else and all hell would break loose. I was going to figure something out, I always did.

James and Benjamin, Helen's brother left shortly after Max and I was finally given the chance to go and pack my own things. What are the chances that Benjamin is actually present, visiting in Ballington, the exact time his sister and brother in law will be involved in aiding with our escape. There has to be a greater power at work here..

I open the large simmering pot of beef stew and add more water so it will not burn and create more trouble for us. Half of the congregation will be arriving for a service initiated by Father and Max, hopefully and unfortunately for them, we might be long gone by the time they arrive. What a scandal it will be, the two daughters in law to the Coventrys, the most prestigious and looked upon family of the Reverend, having packed their bags and disappeared on the exact day the congregation is summoned for church. Just the thought of it all makes me twirl in circles in the kitchen, anticipation and adrenaline pumping through my veins. How will they cover that up? Will they say we are both sick and tucked away in bed? Will they pretend we have more important duties like cleaning than actually attending church? Will they pretend that nothing is going on and continue with the service?

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