Chapter 2

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*First Person*
(8 years later, 14 years old)

I wake up in my bed in Rhutlend and stretch. "______! Come here for a sec!" I hear my mom say from the kitchen. I get out of bed and go see what she wants.

"Do you remember Berk?" She asks.
"Sorta," I answer. I can't really remember Berk. Only except Hiccup, how could I forget him, my best friend?

"Well, we are moving back, so why don't you go back up your things and let's go." Mom says as she puts something in a box full of stuff we are taking back to Berk.

I go to my room and pack my clothes and other stuff. I pick up the old drawing of me and Hiccup. "Hey Hiccup," I whisper as a carefully fold it up and put it in my pocket.

(on the ship)

"______! There's Berk," mom says as she points to the familiar island. Will Hiccup remember me?

The ship lands on the beach and I hop off the boat, landing in the sand. Mom tosses me my box and I carry it to our old house.

As I walk through the town, I get weird stares. Do people remember me? I kick the door open of our house and go to my old room, where I drop my box on my bed.

Mom walks in the door carrying her big box. She drops it on the floor, "______, lets go walk around for a bit, say 'hello' to some old friends." She suggests. With a shrug of my shoulders, I walk out the door.

Mom and I go to the Grand Hall for some lunch.We get our food and I sit down next to mom, I'm scared my friends won't remeber me so I don't go sit with them. I can see my old table from where me and mom sit.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hiccup look at me. He still looks the same, just older. I look down at my plate and eat.

When we finish eating, Mom goes to say 'hi' to Stoick. I go with her.

"Hiccup!" Stoick yells. Hiccup comes running out of his house and stops once he sees me. Stoick asks, "Remember ______?" Hiccup shakes his head up and down. "yea," He says, his green eyes staring me down.

"Come on, let's go walk around, I'll show you some of the new buildings," Hiccup says as he grabs my wrist and drags me away from Mom and Stoick.

The picture falls out of my pocket, yea, its not a very big pocket. Hiccup bends down and picks it up, looking at the picture.

"You kept it all these years?" He says, tearing up a little bit. "Yea," I say as I look down. Next thing I know, Hiccup wraps his arms around me and sueezes Thor out of me.

I hug Hiccup back and bury my face in his neck. How are we still the same size? Hiccup lets me go and takes my hand, leading me to my old friends.

"______!" Astrid yells as she gives me a hug. Ruff and Tuff give me hugs too, along with Snotlout and Fishlegs.

We are all standing in the training arena when Stoick comes running up to me and Hiccup. "______, Hiccup, you two need to come with me. Your mother needs help getting settled in ______," he says.

Hiccup and I follow the cheif to my house, where we help mom fix the house up like it was when we lived here 8 years ago.

"I miss coming over here everyday when we were little kids" Hiccup says as he sits down on my bed. I sit down next to him.

"Yea, it's so weird how 8 years can seem like forever," I say as Hiccup puts his arm around me. I have to admit it, I still have a small crush on him.

Hiccup turns his head towards me and plants a kiss on my cheek. I can feel my face getting hot, oh no, I'm blushing. Ugh!

I rest my head on his shoulders and play with his hands. Soon, it gets dark out.

"I should probably be getting home now," he says as he plays with my (h/c) hair. Hiccup stands up and hold his hand out for me.

I grab it and stand up, walking with him to the door. "Bye, see you tomorrow," he says as he gives me a hug.

I go in my room and go straight to sleep.


"Hiccup!" I scream as a Monstrous Nightmare comes up behind Hiccup. He was just having a conversation with me when I notice the creature. The dragon grabs Hic by the shirt and flys off with him.
"NOO!" I scream as the dragon flies away.

"No!" I say as a shoot up in bed, my heart beating out of my chest. Whew, it was just a dream!

I get up and go to the kitchen to get some water. I don't think I can be able to go back to sleep now.

I decide to sneak out and visit Hiccup so I climb out of my window in my room so Mom won't hear the door open and close.

I sneak through the village all the way to Hiccup's house, where I climb the tree close to his window. If I know him, he sleeps with the window open.

I summersault through the window and land in his room. The boy is peacefully sleeping in his bed. Peaceful, I don't like it.

"Hiccup, Hiccup," I whisper as I shake his arm trying to wake him up. "Mmmmm," he moans as he tosses and turns.

"Oh gods you're pathetic," I say as I take his arm and throw it across him. "What do you waannttt??" He groans as he opens his green eyes.

"Whud are you doing in my house?" He asks. "I had a nightmare and I can't sleep, lets go to the Cliff.." I say as I pull his arm.

"Fine," Hiccup says as he sits up. I climb out the window and slide down the tree, looking up to see if Hiccup is coming too.

He slides down the tree trunk and lands next to me. "Shall we?" He says as he holds his hand out. I take it and we walk to the Cliff.

(at the Cliff)

We sit at the edge of the Cliff with our feet hanging over the edge. Hiccup is braiding my hair and i draw in the dirt with a stick. I just draw squiggly lines, nothing in particular.

When he finishes my braid he sets my (h/l) hair to the side and I lean back, with my back against chest. Hiccup wraps his arms around the front of me.

I start playing with his hands, "I miss doing this when we were younger, sneaking out in the middle of the night to come here," I say. "Me too." Hiccup says as he puts his chin on my shoulder.

I close my eyes and somehow go back to sleep, using my best friend as a pillow.

"______," Says a familiar voice. I turn around and see my father. Same beard, same scar, same peg leg. That was the work of Gobber, the peg leg. "Dad!" I scream as I start running towards him. Just as I reach him, he disappears and the next thing I see is the burning house, a crying mother sitting on the ground, hoping her children will get out safe.

"--AHHH!!" I shriek as i sit up. "What! What?" Hiccup asks as he grabs my shoulders. Tears start streaming down my face. "Father," I say as start bawling. Hiccup lets go of my shoulders and give me a comforting hug.

I hug him back, still trembling with fright. Hiccuo stands up and I do so too. He engulfs me in a hug and I just let the tears go Niagara Falls on him.

He strokes my (h/l) (h/c) hair, "Shh, shh, it's ok. It was just a dream. Everything is ok," He says trying to comfort me.

I look up at him and wipe my face. "You're right," I say sniffing. Hiccup takes him thumb and wipes away a few tears before kissing my forehead.

"Hiccup, what was that for?" I ask. His face turns a bright red. "I don't know. I guess I've always had a small crush on you," Hiccup says looking down.

I say nothing, just give him a big hug. He hugs me back and we stand there for Odin knows how long.







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