Chapter 3

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(The next day)


Hiccup and I have been up since I had that last nightmare, we just walked around the village. "______, I need to show you something," Hiccup says as he grabs my hand and leads me to RavenPoint. When we get there, he takes me to a black mound wound up in ropes that is sleeping.

"Hiccup It's a Night Fury!" I whisper as I tug on his arm, basically saying that I am scared to get near it. "______, I know. I did this to it. You gotta help me set it free, I can't kill it," He says as he places his hands on my shoulders.

I take my pocketknife out and hand it to Hiccup. He walks over to the Night Fury and starts cutting the ropes one by one to help the dragon free.

Once the creature is free, he flys up and pins Hiccup to the ground, staring at him and breathing heavily. Hiccup struggles a little until the Night Fury roars in his face, and then flys away.

"Hiccup! Are you ok?" I ask as I go over to him and squat down, laying my hand on his chest. I can feel him breathing hard, probably from fear.

The auburn haired boy looks at me with his wide eyes and says, "I thought I was gunna die," I let out a small chuckle and help him up.

Hiccup walks a few steps before his legs go limp and he falls on the ground. "Hic!" I yell as I run over to him, tripping on a rock and falling on top of him.

"Well hello there," He says as his face gets red. "Hey Hiccup," I say as I let my head rest on his chest. His heartbeat is fast, like a train.

Hiccup wraps his arms around my waist, "Hey ______."

I sit up and straddle my legs across Hiccup's middle, my hands laying on his stomach. The boy is still laying on the ground, his hands on my hips now.

I let out a sigh and look around. I'm not really looking for anything in particular, just observing our surroundings.

I look back down at Hiccup, his green eyes staring back up at me. "Come here," I say.

Hiccup sits up with me still straddled across him. His hands wrap around my waist so I won't fall backwards.

"Yes Milady?" He asks. "About what you said last night, I like you too." I say as a smile appears on Hiccup's face.

Hiccup leans in and kisses my nose. I can feel my face turn red, oh gods. He leans back and lays down on the ground again, pulling me down with him.

I get out of the straddle and just lay down on top of Hiccup. "I missed you, ______," Hiccup says as he starts playing with my hair that is scattered everywhere.

"I missed you too, Hiccup Haddock." I say as I drift off to sleep.

(A few hours later)

I wake up to the sound of Hiccup snoring. Awww.

I can't really move without waking him
up since I am still on top of the kid.

"Hiccup," I whisper, then blow in his face a little trying to wake him up. "______," he moans as he wakes up.

"Morning sleepyhead," I say. Hiccup looks at me, and pushes me off of him. "Five more minutes," He says as he rolls over.

"Odin help this child," I say as I stand up, "Hicccuuuupppp! Come on you can sleep at your house." I shake the sleeping boy, trying to wake him up.

"Come down here," He says as he pats the ground next to him. "Ugg," I whine as I lay back down, this time facing Hiccup.

He looks at me with his sleepy eyes. "Go back to sleep," he says as he puts his hand over my eyes, making me shut them. "Fine, five more minutes," I reply as he wraps his arm over me.

Sorry it took me so long to update!





And Straddle Hiccup😏

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