Chapter 1

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(6 years old)

"Hiccup! Try and catch me!" You yell at your best friend Hiccup. The two of you are racing to the Grand Hall for supper.

"______! Wait up for me!" The little brown haired boy yells as you stop at the doors of the Grand Hall. He runs to you and stops, bending over to catch his breath.

You give him a slight punch in the shoulder and he laughs as you both walk through the doors of the building. You hear the familiar shouts of your friends coming from your regular table.

Tuffnut and Ruffnut are arguing, as usual, over the last piece of chicken. Snotlout, Astrid, and Fishlegs are discussing dragon hunting.

You and Hiccup grab your plates and sit down with your friends. You stuff your face with the chicken leg on your plate and Hiccup does the same. "Hey ______! Wanna sleep over tonight?" Hiccup asks with his mouth full of food. "Ok, let me go ask mommy." You say as you get up from the bench and run over to where your mom is sitting.

You tap her shoulder. "Mommy! Can I sleep over at Hiccup's tonight?" You ask. "Sure _____," your mom says as she ruffles your hair. "Yay!" you say as you give her a hug and skip back to your seat.

"I can sleepover Hiccup!" You say as you stand beside Hiccup who is at the edge of the bench. He stands up and the two of you jump in the air and bump chests. When you meet in the air, you both scream, "UUHH!". It was your handshake.

After everyone at your table finishes eating, you all head over to your house, where you pack up a few things to take to Hiccup's. Once your stuff is together, You and Hiccup walk to his house while the rest of the group goes seperate ways.

Hiccup opens the door for you. "Thanks Hic" you say as you walk inside and up the stairs to his room. You drop your stuff on Hiccup's desk and hide behind the door. As Hiccup walks in the room, you jump out from behind the door and scream, "NIGHT FURY!" The boy screams bloody murder and drops to the floor.

You walk over to the scared boy laughing. He takes his foot and kicks your feet out from under you. You fall on the ground and Hiccup starts laughing as you roll over and laugh too. Hiccup stands up and dusts himself off, then reaches his hand out to help you up. You gladly take his hand and he pulls you up.

"Hey! I'm trying to sleep down here!" Stoick yells from downstairs. "Sorry Dad!" Hiccup yells from the bedroom.

"Let's go to bed," You say as you start to stretch and yawn. Hiccup pulls the small sleeping pad out from under his bed and grabs a blanket. You jump on the pad as Hiccup is putting the blanket down. Hiccup lets out chuckle as he climbs into bed and gets under the covers.

(The next morning)

"_____, wake up!" Hiccup screams as he jumps up and down on your mattress. You take your arm and wack his feet out from under him. Hiccup falls down on the sleeping pad and laughs as he roll off the pad, landing on the foor with a 'thud'.

"Hic! You ok?" You ask as you hold your hands out offering to help him up. Hiccup grabs your hands and you pull him up. "Yea, I'm good. Let's go get some breakfast." He answers.

You grab the extra set of clothes you brought and shove Hiccup out the door so you can change. After you change, you walk out the room and go downstairs, to find Hiccup sitting on the couch.

"Let's go," you say as you nudge his shoulder. Hiccup walks out the front door and starts walking to the Grand Hall. You run up behind him and jump on his back. "I am hungry as Thor." You say as Hiccup reaches the doors to the Grand Hall.

After you eat breakfast, you and Hiccup run back to his house and you gather up your stuff. He walks with you back to your house and when you get inside, you drop your stuff in your room and turn back to the front door, only to see your mom walking in.

"______, can I talk to you for a minute?" She says. "Um, ok," you answer as Hiccup shrugs his shoulders and walks out of the house, closing the door behind him.


"What do you mean we're moving?!" You shout at your mom. "Ever since your father died last year, I just can't stand to be here," she says.

Your father died last year during a dragon attack. He was in a house that a Monsterous Nightmare has set on fire saving some children when the roof caved in on him and killed him.

"_____, go pack up your things and lets get a move on, we are going to an island called 'Rhutlend' (honestly just made it up)

You run outside to your best friend. "Hiccup! Hiccup!" You say as he turns around looking at you.

You give him a big hug as tears run down your face. "Mommy said we're moving!" You say as you squeeze him tightly.

Hiccup hugs you back and starts crying. "No, you can't leave!" He says choking up.

Your mom comes up behind you and lays a hand on your shoulder. "______, it's time to go," "No! I don't want to leave!" You say as you look up at her then go back to squeezing the crud out of Hiccup.

Your mom picks you up and pulls you off of him. "NOOO!!" You scream as you are pulled off of your best friend.

Hiccup runs after you and your mom as she carries you to the ship she is taking to Rhutlend. He puts a small piece of paper in your hand and follows your mom as she puts you on the ship.

As the ship takes off, Hiccup is standing at the edge of the dock waving goodbye.

"Bye Hiccup! I'll miss you forever!!"
You shout at the little boy.

You look down and open up the piece of paper. It is a drawing of you and Hiccup. 'Best Friends Forever' Says the caption under the drawing.

"Best Friends Forever," you whisper as Berk gets smaller and smaller.





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