Ice cream⚠️🖤🌸

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~Top tae
~Bttm kook
~A little sad
I swear i just love to torture myself ;-; i dont know why.

It was a very hot and sunny day. The sun was shining so brightly, it was blinding. The hotness was the merderer of the two hooman couple in there shared house.

Jungkook: Its so hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot~~~

Taehyung: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~

They both whined from the melting hotness. It was nearly unbearable. All they wanted was to go to the beach and swim to refresh. Bit that stupid covid-19 isnt letting them.

The boring atmosphere was all of a sudden..... not boring anymore when.....

Suddenly, the younger shot up from his upside down sitting position, before giving his boyfriend a look. Taehyung knew that look.

He also sat on there shared couch and gave the other the same look. The two looked at each other with serious eyes, before screaming the words.....

Taehyung & Jungkook: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!

At the park

The cute couple decided to go to the park. A little far from there house, but makes it even better right?

They sang, laughed, shared kisses, held hands all the way to the park.

Taehyung parked his car near the park, then they proceeded the rest of the way walking and eyeing the breathtaking nature.

After a little while, Jungkook's eyes shined and sparkled once he saw the thing he was craving.

Jungkook: Hyungie! Hyungie! Ice cream! Now! Please! Now~

The older chuckled at his baby's cuteness and nodded.

After getting there banana and strawberry ice cream, they sat at the unoccupied bench just beside the truck.

They kept laughing and talking. Having fun time with each other.

Jungkook: Oh! And-and then Jiminie hyung came to me and said "Yoongi is-

His words came to a stop, and his excited and happy expression became a very sad one. Taehyung's smile also transformed to a concerned look, he gave at the sudden change and silence of the other.

Taehyung: Baby? What happened?

The older panicked as he saw tears well up in the younger's eyes.

Taehyung: Jungkook? W-what is it baby? Tell me what happe-

He went silent when Jungkook pointed at something. He turned around and saw a very sad and heartbreaking sight, that made his own eyes water.

There stood a kid, with dirty hair, dirty and ripped cloths, old shoes; standing alone staring at the people on the ice cream truck. His expression was blank. But his face show all the sorrow he was feeling.

They felt so bad for him. He apparently wanted some of the delicious treat, but cant have it.

Taehyung looked back at his lover, who gave him a pained look back. He instantly understood him and nodded with a small smile.

They both stood up and walked towards the poor boy.

They boy looked a little scared at first, but the soft smiles on the couple's faces made him relax a bit.

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