Chapter 3 Kion Starts to Realize..

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*Kion was running towards the limping Fuli with the help of Chulunn and sees Rani running back to tell Nirmala and starts to growl at chuluun until she spoke up* 

What is going on here! *Kion spoke up* What Happened?

*Fuli rolls her eyes and turns to kion* None of your concern Kion, Chulunn found me wounded and decided to bring me back home like a true friend would and besides Chulunn did NOTHING wrong. 

*Kion was jumping back from her tone of voice and frowns* Fuli.. What has gotten into you, You've been acting weird this past few months.. This isn't you. 

Chulunn spoke up and growls at kion specifically* Why do YOU care? She has done so much for you that you don't even see it in yourself! *putting fuli on her back* We don't need you fools. *runs off* 

*Bunga yells* HEY GET BACK HERE! *The rest of the nightpride was just stunned at Chulunn's words and decided to stop for a minute* 

Nirmala: *Thinks: I knew this would happen* *walking towards the pride*

*Rani spoke up* Where's Fuli? Didn't you stop her?

Ono: No your majesty.. Chulunn took her away

Bunga: Well we'll get her back right kion? Kion..? *looking at his friend*

*Everyone starts to look towards kion and notices how he stood silent and almost in fear*

*Kion shakes his head and growls* What! It's been a hard day, Let's get some sleep

Besthe: Oh no.. Not again..

Surak: What is it? *he turns and all eyes were on besthe*

Besthe: Well, This was like when he had that scar.. he started getting angry all the time.

Bunga: I'm sure it's just a faze

Ono: Indeed, it's been a long night. 

*Rani sighs and sees anga looking towards a distance and walks over to her* Hey anga! 

*Anga looks over at rani and flies down* yes? 

Can you go look around to see if you can spot Fuli anywhere and report back to us if you seen her? *rani asks*

*Anga replies with a nod before taking off* On it! Anga-lenga! 

*Back with Kion-*

*Kion started acting weird and he sat down by a hill to think for a little bit then all of the sudden Mufasa comes up and speaks to him* 

Kion! *looks down on him with a smile* 

Oh hey Grandfather.. *kion looks down with a frown*

What's the trouble kion? You know you can tell me anything. 

*Kion looks up at his grandfather and says* Hey Grandfather.. What do you feel like something is missing from your heart and you can't find it? 

Kion.. Are you sure it's someone and not something? *he raises an eyebrow with a smile* 

*Kion looks at his grandfather in confusion* Well.. I've been having a hard time without fuli around. She isn't around me like she used too when we were kids and don't get me wrong, I respect her independence and her bravery but.. 

*Mufasa looks at his grandson with a smile and says over him* Kion, I believe Fuli is more than what you see in her.. If you want to tell her how you feel, let your heart embrace what you want. 

You think? *kion looks at his grandfather* But what if I lose her... I don't wanna loose my friend. 

*Grandfather Mufasa just sighs and repeats* Remember Kion, I'm sure Fuli understands that your not around anymore. Your a great leader and your a good friend to all your friends. It's only up to you what is right for you. 

Thank you Grandfather.. I better go do some patience training again *bows before running off* 

*Mufasa disappears and towards the course of the reflection river, Kion starts to see a limping cheetah and realizes its azzad and walks over* 

Greetings Azzad, What are you doing here? *sitting down*

Oh Hey Kion, I just come down here to think *looking down* 

Really? I didn't think you would like it here cause of water? *kion replies with a smirk*

*Azzad just laughs and shakes his head* No no.. this place reminds me of my friends.. Have you seen Rani? *he looks up at kion*

*Kion looks back at Rani with a smile* Yes, she's with the rest of the nightpride taking a break today. Why? 

*Azzad started looking away embarrassed* I gotta be honest with you Kion.. It was hard seeing you with Rani and I'm not saying that you don't deserve her, it's just that I had a big crush on her when were kids and I know where different species but Idc what the real world says as long as she likes me back* 

Oh? What about Fuli? *He looks at him surprisingly* 

*Azzad just chuckles* Oh Fuli, She's great but she has been thinking about you a lot recently and honestly I can see why she cares about you so much. 

Oh.. *looking back at the water* 

Kion.. *looks at him with a reassuring smile* I know what you feel and I'm with you 100%, I'm grateful to have you all as a friend. 

Thanks Azzad.. I appreciate that *He gives him a smile before getting up* Why don't you stay the night at the tree of life? It would give us all a chance to catch up. 

*Azzad gets up as well giving him a smile* I'd like that very much. 

(In my stories, I see Azzad like a cool brother/mentor to Kion and the rest of the nightpride all together and idc what anyone says :) )

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