Chapter 5 Love is in the air

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*It was the middle of the night, Both Rani and Kion were thinking and realized their love for each other weren't compatible and decided to confront to one another as Kion starts to run back at the tree of life only to find Rani talking to her brother Bailyo before noticing Kion and making her way towards him*

Hey Kion, What's wrong? 

Hey.. Can we um.. Talk? 

*Bailyo bowed before making his way to his den and The King And Queen of the tree of life made their way to where they first talked*

What is it Kion? You know you can tell me anything after all you've always helped me *she smiled before frowning*

Rani.. Your being a good queen but.. I have feelings for someone else.. *he expected her to be angry only to be surprised by a warm smile*

Let me guess, Fuli? *she looked up at him*

H-How did you-? 

It's really obvious how you act around her.. I wanted to apoligize, My family have always respected the circle of life and all but I can see how close you and Fuli have that we unfortunately don't share.. Your a good friend kion and will always be welcomed here at the tree of life. *Rani smiled warmly at Kion* 

Really? *He remarked* 

Yeah.. I mean, It's my turn I confess. I really like Azzad. He was a really sweet and loyal friend i've made when I was young and we've always been close but when queen janna was still here she wouldn't let me be with him like I wanted but now that I'm queen, I know she would understand. 

*chuckles a bit* Yeah, I bet she would. So.. Are we still friends? 

Always Kion *she nuzzled him in a friendly way before she made her leave back to her den for some rest*

*Kion was relieved but also very grateful that Rani understood the decision he made and goes to remove the mark on his forehead before making his way to find his true lover*

*Meanwhile with Fuli*

Where is he? *slows down to catch her breath*

*starts to pick up her pace before spotting a lion and slowly hides in the grass* 

*With Kion*

*He was looking at the water at his reflection with a frown* Oh Fuli...How I miss you and your adorable face.. Your sassy grin, Your determination to get everyone to safety.. I hope you would find me soon.. *unknowingly to him, Fuli was in shock at Kion's words before making her way over to him quietly*

Kion? *she spoke out softy*

F-Fuli! *he jumps and landed in the water making a splash*

Hah! Gotcha, here let me help you *grabs his paw and helps him back up*

What are you doing here-? 

I came to find you kion.. 

Really now? In the middle of the night?

Yeah, Ofc I would! How could you say that? *she remarked*

Alright...Alright you win but I wanted to talk to you about something important.

Well.. Alright sure, Lead the way

*He nodded before walking towards a hill and sits down and sees her sitting besides him*

so.. What's wrong? *she looks at him*

*sighs and turns directly at her taking her paw within his* 

Fuli.. Before I became leader of the lion guard, I've loved having you around much more than just company.. I saw the real you, when I chose you as the fastest in the pridelands. I knew I made the right choice and when crazy things started happening, You never once left my side. You always knew what to do even when I didn't notice.. and when I had my scar.. I was so resilient.. I couldn't do much.. I was always so angry and I pushed everyone away.. but You.. 

*Fuli kept listening very closely urging him to continue but to also let him know I'm here*

You always were here with me. Always reminding me that my scar isn't going to change the real me. You are the reason I'm still alive.. I-I can't thank you enough for how much you've been at my side for many years to come.. Fuli what I'm trying to say is.. I love you fuli. I thought Rani was my answer but no.. she doesn't share what we have.. she doesn't share the same spirit that I see in you. Fuli Will you be mine till the pridelands end? *he looked up at her only to see tears but before he could say anything else*

Yes Kion, I would be honored to be yours until the pridelands end. Truth be told.. I've always had that small thing for you until it grew into something more and I respect the circle of life and always got jealous seeing you and Rani together, I thought you would never feel the same way. I know your family treat me with respect and I know they appreciate me bringing you home safe like I promised..but are you sure you wanna be with me? 

*Kion doesn't say anything besides giving her a soft lick on the muzzle* I choose you and yours alone

*Fuli in return gave him a soft kiss on the muzzle*

Well.. Should we head back? 

I think they can wait a little longer 

I can say the same kion *leans against his shoulder smiling*

*he smiles below her before looking up at the stars*

*Meanwhile with Azzad looking for Rani, Not knowing that she was at the tree of life waiting for him*

Azzad! *rani gets up and runs to him tackling him to the ground*

Y-Your majesty! You got me?

*Chuckles* Just in time azzad 

Well, what's this about Rani? 

*Sigh* Azzad.. ever since we were kids. You never saw me as a bad person, You never saw me as a bad future queen.. Your parents respected my parents and we always became close.. but when our parents left.. it was always hard but you were always there for me.. and as years grow by, I never noticed that you have always treated with me with such respect and kindness, what I'm trying to say Azzad is that I love you and I want you to be my mate if you want too be.. 

*Azzad didn't know what to say but he smiled and began nuzzling her affectionately before she returned the same gesture and heading to the den*

*The Next Morning*

Good morning Sleepyhead *she ruffles his mane*

Heh, Good morning sweetheart. *he licks her cheek before stretching* ready to go?

You know it *smiles before walking side by side heading towards the tree of life*

*With the rest of the guard and the new King and Queen at the tree of life*

Where are Kion and Fuli? *Besthe replied*

Here they come! Here they come! *Bunga replies with a smile* 

Hey everyone! *Fuli replied with a smile* 

Good morning Fuli, Kion *Rani explained* Did everything go alright? 

Yeah, everything went alright. I'm guessing yours went fine? *Kion replies with a smile*

*Rani nuzzled against Azzad and he did the same back with a proud smile*

ALRIGHT EVERYONE LET'S PARTY!!!! *Everyone laughed but also got ready for the day as they celebrated this happy reunion as the tree of life gets stronger as each moment glows with every step of the journey as their lives continue*


Kion X Fuli Love In the right DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now