Chapter 1:Alex

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Monday morning.

My name is Alex Quinn and death is my friend and my enemy.

It was 6:30 in the morning. I hated mornings, well I mostly hated coming out of the house during the day.Grandpa thinks I'm a vampire.

I dragged my ass out of bed, washed up, put on a pair of my many black skinny jeans and a pierce the veil top and put on my make up. I didn't do much with my hair, my black hair was short and in a full fringed Bob.

I said my goodbyes to grandpa. I never ate breakfast Grandpa always worries about me not eating breakfast, he always checks if I ate my lunch that he prepares for me. I love my Grandpa, he is the only family I have left. I'm an only child and my parents died in a car accident three years ago.

"Alex, do have your lunch?" Grandpa asks this every morning before I leave.


"Good" he says under his breath.

"See you when I come home!"

I get on the school bus and I can hear girls whispering and I get the feeling as if someone punched me in the stomach.

" omg, Serena look at what Alex is wearing" I hear Kate whisper to Serena, trying not to laugh. Serena's hair was straight and beautiful and her hair was brown. But her hair was longer and she was skinnier than me, so was Kate and her hair was tied in a tight high ponytail. As usual.Kate James and Serena Choi were best friends. They had their little group that always gives me a hard time. I don't know what I did to them. We used to be best friends. It's kinda hard to believe that we used to be best friends. I just came in to school and Serena yells "Alex your a fat whore!" It got worse from there.

"Who the Fuck is pierce the veil?"

I look through my hair and see Serena with a disgusted look on her face.

"My cousin Drake listens to them. They're some emo band"

"Drake listens to that sort of music" Serena looked shocked, even though he invited her to see them on their world tour yesterday.

"Yeah! Do you still like him?" Kate says with a smile.

"Yeah! That's hot!"

Serena fancied Drake since we were 13 and now we're 16.

The bus journey to school was long. They were picking on a 10th grade girl, with long curly brown hair. She looked as if she was gonna cry.

"Shut up Serena!" The bus went silent and the girl smiled.

"Don't tell me to shut up emo!"

I could see most of the boy's trying not laugh. But before it got worse we were already at school.

I was one of the first to get off. I was walking as fast as I could to get to my locker.

"Wait!" I heard a girl shout. I turned around and saw it was the girl Serena was being a bitch to. She came up to me panting and starting to sweat. "I just wanted to say thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"For standing up to Serena. She's such a bitch."

"Don't worry about it" I gave her my bottle of water for her to drink. "What's your name?"

She took the bottle and took a drink.

"Sia. Sia Crystal" she handed me the bottle.

"You can keep the bottle. I'll see you later"

I continued walking to my locker trying not smile, because if Serena or Kate or anyone from their group saw, I had to prepare for the worst. But luckily they weren't there.

When I got to my locker, I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. I looked to my left and saw Drake. He was with Serena. She was getting books out of her locker, talking to him at the same time, but he was looking at me. He winked at me. I smiled even more and I got a weird feeling.

"Serena, I'm gonna go. If you see Kate tell her I'm gonna be late tonight." Drake kept on looking at me. I had to hide.

"Ok." Serena had an angry tone in her voice. She walked away. I was just glad she didn't walk in my direction.

I closed my locker and hurried towards the library.

"Hey, Vic!" Drake said running towards me.

"That's not my name"

" I know but your wearing a PTV shirt so I thought it was fitting." Drake was good looking. He had black hair that almost touched his shoulders, he always runs his fingers through his hair pushing it back and his eyes were green. All the girls he flirted with, would always talk about his eyes and how mesmerizing they are. They're right.

"I've got tickets to go see their world tour. Kate told me to get two so I could give the other to Serena but I know she hates this kind of music. so I was wondering if you wanted to go"

"I'd love to go. When is it?"

"Next Saturday"

Damit!. Next Saturday I promised grandpa I would go with him to the football game. Grandpa loves football. I couldn't just skip it, I rarely get time to spend with him.

"I can't I'm busy next Saturday"

"Bummer." He stepped closer to me. "It would have been fun. Especially with you."

"Sorry. Guess your stuck with Serena"

He laughed.

"Hope you can change your mind" he walked away looking back at me "I'll see you around"

I never mad a guy laugh before. They would usually avoid me, because they thaught I was weird. But Drake made me feel weird, in a good way, but that ment I had to avoid him. I'm only going to avoid him to protect him, because I don't want to hurt him.

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