Chapter 4:Alex

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I heard Serena punch one of the lockers, she always had a way to deal with her anger. Then I saw Drake running towards me. I slammed my locker shut and I bumped into another guy who looked a lot like Drake.

"Alex. I see you've met my brother. He's in the year below"

"Sup!" Callum gives me a nod.

I kept my head down.

"Alex can I speak to you. In private" He spoke with a commanding tone as though I have authority.

"Don't you have some girl waiting for you" I sound angry. Probably because Callum stopped me from avoiding Drake.

Drake took my hand and stepped closer, his green eyes bright.I felt weak. I didn't know wether it was because I haven't eaten in a week or if it was his him.

"Can I please talk to you. In private" he softens his tone and I knew that he was worried.

"Fine" I sighed.

We walked outside to the front of the lunch room.Drake was still holding my hand.

"Are you ok?"

I was getting tired of him asking that.
"Yes. Why wouldn't I be"

"Because you were crying ast night" his eyes pierced straight into my soul and at that moment I released my hand from his.

He knew something was wrong. I just  kept my head down and stayed quiet.

"Alex?" He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing" I couldn't look him in the eye as I lied...

The bell went for first period. I let out a sigh of relief.




I managed to avoid Drake but it was still difficult to avoid his brother Callum. He was like a ghost in the wall. Today, I won't be able to avoid Drake because the girls were doing karate with the boys in P.E. Although, I couldn't stop thinking about him and every time he called or texted it was hard to not answer.

Bell went for first period. First period was P.E.Crap.

  "Girls and boys are going to fight against each other, showing us what they have learnt.' Mr Crosby, our P.E teacher, he hated me but he liked Serena. honestly, every teacher liked Serena and hated me, apart from Miss Bing my English teacher. She was kind.

  "Alex.Drake! You first"

  "Shit!" I muttered. I wasn't worried going against Drake I saw how he faught. Not very impressive. I was worried because I felt like I was going to faint or have a painic attack.

  "Alex. Drake now!"

  "Sorry sir!" Drake looked at me. He looked slightly worried. He mouthed "Are you ok?"

I nodded.

Before he could say anything else Mr Crosby yelled and told us to fight or we fail.

I threw the first punch, Drake blocked, we went back and forth, until Kate tripped me up and her and Serena giggled. I looked at Mr Crosby, he was shaking his head in disappointment.

My anxiety started to kick in and I lost my speach.

Drake held his hand out, and he helped me up.

I ran outside.

"Pussy!" Serena and Kate shouted in unison.

"Oh Shut up Kate!" Drake said.

Serena was about to laugh.

"You too Serena. Alex is not a pussy, you two are!" He looked at me through door Windows. "You both pick on Alex when she hasn't done anything wrong. When you say something horrible you both laugh and walk away. Well, walking away is what a coward does because they're afraid. That's what you are a coward!" He smiled at me, I smiled back. He ran toward the changing room doors.

"Not very nice to call your cousin that!" Kate looked pissed. I close my eyes and prepare for the worst.

Drake stopped and looked back. "Kate, you were never nice, you're always a bitch"

  I tried to calm myself down before my panic attack got worse, I already started to hyperventilate and my hands went tingly so I took deep breaths and sat on the grass outside.

Drake got up to the gym doors and walked up to me.

"Hey Alex" his voice was soft and gentle.

I took a deep breath and managed to say "thanks for standing up for me"

"Don't worry about it" he held my hand. "I'm sure you would have done the same for me."

My bob was all messy and in my face. Drake put it back behind my ear. I looked into his bright green eyes and he stared into my hazel eyes. He was leaning in and so was I, I didn't know what I was doing, I was calming down but before our lips touched, I backed away. "Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"You flirt with every girl but you're worrying about me and defending me. Why?" I tried to hold back my tears but at least my panic attack was calming down.

"You're different" he tried to take my hand. I rolled my eyes and moved my hand away.


"You two detention!" Mr Crosby came out from the gym and at good timing.

  It was lunch and I was walking to the table where I always sat, the table in the corner by the fire exit. My books fell from my hand. It was Serena. She knocked them out of my hand.

"You know your really great at acting" She had a sarcastic tone to her voice with her arms folded and her head tilted to the left.

"What?" I said as I picked up my books.

"That little stunt you pulled in P.E very impressive.Pretending to have a panic attack. I should try that." She couldn't be serious, she seemed to look as if she was actually planing a stunt to get drake's attention.

"I wasn't pretending." I walked passed her but she grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

"I never said you could leave"

Everyone was staring at us. Where are the teachers?

"Let go!" I grabbed her hand trying to free myself from her hold.

She let go of my hair with a vicious force that knocked me into the table behind me.

"Girls!" It was Miss Bing. Thank God. Seeing her helped me relax. Her blond hair and her kind eyes always helped ease a dilemma. "What on earth is going on?"

"She attacked me miss" she put her hand on her shoulder as if she was hurt.

"What? Miss i didn't do anything"

"Miss Bing she's lying" she sounded pathetic trying to make herself sound like the victim.

"Miss Choi your always getting into a lot of trouble, you're parents have had enough"

"Please don't call my parents" this is the first time I've seen her, Serena choi, beg.

I remember Serena always complaining about her parents, they were so strict. They wouldn't let her dye her hair or anything like that.

"I won't call your parents but you have to get along with Alex she hasn't done anything to hurt you, has she?"

  "No Miss"

  "You're on dinner duty. Both of you."

Serena left flicking her hair in my face. I was glad it was Miss Bing that stopped us instead of some other teacher.

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