Let Down Your Guard

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A/N- just to make this clear this book takes place during the summer of the Titan War. During the time where we don't know what's going on at camp. Lou Ellen is currently staying in the Hermes cabin because there is no Hecate cabin. She has been claimed. We do know that there were Minor God demigods because of Ethan.

Everyone disguises their feelings. It's part of being a girl. But sometimes, like right now, it's time to take down the mask that covers you. Because when Silena Beaureguard drags you, Annabeth, Lou Ellen, and Clarisse to her cabin, it's time to have some girl talk. Silena was THE love advisor of Camp Half-Blood at the time. Everyone asked her for advice and after she started successfully dating Beckondorf, more and more people needed her help. Including us. Voluntary or involuntary.

"Ok, the blinds are closed, the doors are locked, and NO one is coming in here until after lunch. Now, who wants to be first?" Silena says with a huge smile on her face. We all looked up to her so we knew we were going to end up spilling.

"No volunteers? Ok, Annabeth your first." Putting the juicy gossip first is Silena's favorite thing to do.

"I don't understand this! It's not like my situation is going to change. He's not at camp, he's with a mortal. What else? Oh yeah, he's involved in a deathly prophecy!"

"Thank you for sharing Annabeth, I hope he comes to his senses. You definitely make a good couple. Um, Katie your turn! How's the prank war??" She says obviously excited.

"I don't know. It's not like he likes me. I just want the prank war to be over. I'm wasting time with things like this. I never should have let him get into my head." I realize as tears form in my eyes.

"Wow Katie, that sounds exciting. Who is this person?" Says a voice from behind me.

I turn around to see Travis?! How did he get in here?

"Stoll!" I scream as I try to get up to see that my feet were glued to the floor as he runs out the door. "I can't believe him!" I start crying into my hands.

"I'll talk to Chris about it. I'm sure he'll punish Travis." Clarisse says.

"Sorry Silena, I'm done for the day." I say while bending down to unlace my combat boots and slip my feet out of them. I run back to my cabin with bare feet. I can't believe I was this stupid. Silena's wrong. He never actually liked me. I don't want to grit hurt anymore.

Complications (a Tratie fanfic) -KATIEWhere stories live. Discover now