The fire navy ship

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     It had been around 2 months since I left Ba Sing Se. I had made my way almost entirely through the earth kingdom. Everyday I hoped that I'd run into the Avatar and ask for his help, but after all my travelling I hadn't received any sort of sign that he was close by.

      I had been careful not to airbend, just in case the wrong person saw. after all, I am the only other air bender besides the avatar, and if that information got into the wrong hands then me and my family could be in danger.

      For now I stayed in the village on Kyoshi Island. The people were kind and hospitable, but I made sure not to become close with anyone there. the closer they got to me the more likely they were to find out that I was an airbender and I couldn't take the risk.

     I sat next to the window in a small teashop people watching, just like I used to do back in Ba Sing Se.  I saw the same green tones pass by over and over again. "Man. These people really need to broaden their colour palette" I thought to myself. Until I saw a girl and a boy, both around 15, wearing blue parkas.

     "they must be Water Tribe" I figured. I watched the two of them get into an argument and then gesture to the boy that stood beside them. Thats when I noticed the tattoos that ran along the boys head.

     I let out a soft gasp. How did I not notice him before? those tattoos could only belong to an airbender. which meant that he was-

     "the Avatar." I said quietly to myself. There he was right in front of me after months of searching. I watched as the three of them began to head towards the ocean. I got up from my seat quickly and left the tea shop. I followed close behind them, mentally preparing to meet the Avatar.

     The trio stopped at a beach. My hands were shaking as I walked towards them, getting closer and closer. they turned around to look at me. I took a deep breath before stopping in front of them.

  "Uh...Hi. I'm, (Y/N)." I gave a small smile. The girl smiled back and gave a small wave. "Hi, (Y/N)! I'm Katara. This is my brother, Sokka" she gestured to the lanky Water Tribe boy. Sokka sat on one of the rocks. He gave small wave with a branch he held and then went back to drawing sticks in the sand with it.

       "And this is Aang, The Avatar." Katara pointed to the Airbender boy. "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)!" Aang said as he waved and grinned widely.

        "Nice to meet you guys!" I prepared myself to tell the avatar who I was, Hands still slightly shaking.

      "I've actually travelled from Ba Sing Se to meet you." I fidgeted with my sleeve. "There's something I want you to know...About myself. I feel like its best if I just show you"

     I lifted my hand from my side, pointing it towards Sokka's branch. focusing my energy I pushed my hand forward, sending a gust of air towards the branch and knocking it over.

     Sokka looked up, annoyed. "Aang, what the he-" Sokka's faced changed to shock when he realized it was me. "Wait a minute..."

     "You're an Airbender!" Aang exclaimed. "But how is that possible?"

     "I'm really not sure" I replied "Ever since I was seven I've been able to airbend. But I only know the basics because there was no one around to teach me which is actually why I came here. you think you could teach me airbending".

   Aang hesitated. You could tell that he was thinking things through. The look on his face made me think that I might not like the answer he gives me. I started to regret asking him.

    "(Y/N), I would love to teach you" Aang finally said "But right now we're preoccupied with trying to end the war. Not to mention I have to learn to bend the 3 other elements! I'm not sure if I have time" Aang wore a torn look on his face.

     "Then let me help you! I can join your group and aid you all on your mission."  I offered, practically begging.

     Aang paused again. "Let me ask Sokka and Katara." The trio gathered into a huddle a few feet away from me and began to discuss in a hushed whisper. My stomach churned. If they didn't agree to let me join them, I don't know what I'll do.

     The three released from their huddle and stood to face me. "Here we go" I told myself, preparing myself for whatever answer I got.

     Katara began to speak. "(Y/N), You can come with us." My nervousness fell away and I let out a sigh of relief.

  "Thank you guys!" I beamed  "I promise I'll be of good use to your team."

   Out of the corner of my eye I saw a ship coming into view in the bay. The ship was almost entirely grey and puffed steam as it treaded along the water. As it got closer, I noticed the flag that the ship bore and recognized it immediatley.

     "Fire nation" I stated under my breath. "Thats Prince Zuko." Sokka spoke up. "He's after Aang"

   At the bow of the ship I noticed a boy who looked to be my age but wore a scowl that made him appear older than he was. A noticeable scar that was definitely a burn covered his left eye. This can't be good.


"Come out, Avatar! You can't hide from me forever." The Fire Prince yelled tauntingly from the back of the rhino he rode.

"Find him" he ordered the four crew members behind him as they rode forward on their rhinos.

Suddenly from behind the buildings, the Kyoshi Warriors leaped our and began to attack Zuko and his crew. I watched from behind a barrel as Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi warriors, Charged towards Zuko at full speed.

Zuko blasted fire in Suki's direction as she drew closer to him, still running as fast as she could. The warrior leaped at the prince, preparing to attack until the firebenders Rhino knocked her to the ground with a whip of its tail.

Just as Zuko blasted fire at Suki, Sokka stepped in in her defence and fanned it way with the Kyoshi Warriors weapon. Zuko winded back, preparing to shoot fire at Sokka. I raced from my hiding spot to where Zuko sat on his rhino and threw my hands forward, sending a gust of wind towards the fire prince, knocking him off his animal.

Zuko hit the ground with a thud and began to sit up while rubbing his head in pain. He turned to look at me, wearing a look of shock on his face.

"An airbender!" the Prince shouted. I threw him a smug smile. "Really? I never would have guessed!" I mused, sarcastically.

Zuko's shocked face changed back into his trademark scowl. Kyoshi warriors began to surround him. Zuko spun around, shooting fire from his feet, sending Suki and another warrior flying.

Zuko ignited his hand and reeled back, about to hit Sokka. I stepped behind Zuko to hit the prince with an air punch, but he swivelled around me, grabbing my wrist in one hand and a flame in the other.

"Now that I think about it, I'm sure father would reward me greatly for finding you as well as the avatar." The prince stated.

"Hey! Over here!" Aang stood valiantly at the end of the street, holding his airbending staff beside him "Let (Y/N), go!" He demanded.

"Finally." Zuko said, still holding on tightly to my wrist. "She's mine, avatar! And soon, you will be too."

I blew a puff of air from my mouth, releasing myself from Zuko's grip and sending me backwards. I realized that I had backed directly into four of Zuko's crew members who grabbed my wrists and tied them behind my back. "Nice one, (Y/N)." I mumbled begrudgingly to myself.

The crew members began to drag me towards the ship as I struggle and pull against their grip. "Let me go!" I shouted, continuing to wrestle with the crew. I watched as Aang picked up Kyoshi Warrior fans and used them to send Zuko flying into a house with his airbending.

The crew members pulled me onto the ship, still fighting against my violent thrashes. I was pushed into windowless room, hands still tied behind my back. One of the crew members shut the door and with a click the door was locked. I was trapped.

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