(Hinata Shoyo x FemReader!): Good Boy

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You offered to tutor your boyfriend Hinata so he could get strong enough grades to stay on the volleyball team and ended up making a game out of it to help him out.

What to expect:  
Fem!Reader, Gentle!Dom!Reader, Sub!Hinata, Sex game, Masturbation, Teasing, Praise kink, Pet names, Multiple Ejaculations, Money shot

Main Characters:
Reader, Hinata

This fic was requested by the lovely haikyuu87 ! Hope you enjoy 💗


"Thanks for offering to tutor me (y/n), I really appreciate all the help I can get!" Hinata smiled brightly at you as you greeted him at your door.

"You know I'll always help you out whenever you need it" you returned the smile back at the redhead as he walked in.

"Are your parents here? I want to say hi" he smiled as he brushed past you and walked into the kitchen to grab a mandarin orange from a bowl on your counter.

"Nah they went to their friend's dinner party so it's just us tonight" you grinned as you saw the boy freeze for a moment before peeling his orange and tossing the scraps into the garbage.

"C-cool" he blushed.

"Let's go get set up?" you gestured to the hall that led to your room.

"Yeah sure" he smiled sheepishly as he excitedly walked over, making you giggle.

You both sat on some plush cushions in front of the low table on your floor.  He pulled his bag over to him as he took out all of his materials, giving half to you to help him and keeping the worksheets in front of him. After your grabbed some drinks and snacks for you both, you got to work immediately.


At this point you had already studied for hours and it sure was rough as hell. Hinata wasn't the most adept when it came to school subjects so you had to repeat a lot of the same material. Thankfully he was able to retain a lot more than you expected by the end, eventually even being able to come up with the answers completely by himself--you were so proud!

You could tell his mind was starting to get fried, it was probably a good idea to start winding down the lesson for the day. Suddenly an idea struck you, a devious smile tugging at your lips as you looked at the gentle redhead in front of you.

You snuck your foot across under the table to slowly rub his crotch which prompted him to look up at you quickly with surprise and a faint blush.

"What are you d-doing?" he asked innocently, not able to meet your gaze.

"Just thought maybe we could try another way to help you study~" you hummed as you increased the pressure of your foot, pleased to feel your actions getting a reaction as his member hardened beneath it.

"What's that?"

You removed your foot and went over to the other side to give him a deep kiss before tugging at his shirt. He let you pull it off along with his shorts and underwear, though his face was beet red at this point.

"You take something off too, this is embarrassing~" he whined as he tried to cover himself under your gaze. You chuckled lightly in response, making him pout even more. 

You proceeded to sit behind him and spread your legs, patting the space in between for him to sit so his back was against your chest as you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Here's what we're gonna do--I'm going to ask you some questions and each time you get them right I'll stroke your cock even faster."

You heard the boy gulp. "A-and what happens if I get it wrong?"

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