(Miya Atsumu x Fem!Reader): You're Late

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It's after high school and you're living with your boyfriend Atsumu who's become a professional volleyball player since graduating. He's become so obsessed with his work during the season that he's been neglecting you, but he's quick to make up for it.

What to expect:
Fem!Reader, Dom!Atsumu, Daddy kink, Bondage, Dirty Talk, Biting, Spanking, Light Choking

Main Characters:
Reader, Atsumu

Secondary Characters:

This fic was requested by the lovely urlocalw33bst0ner ! I hope you enjoy, the prompt you gave was a lot of fun to write!


It was Friday night, you'd scheduled a date with Atsumu but he ended up forgetting like usual. You sighed as you sat alone on the couch as your boyfriend was glued to his desk watching a recording of his team's last match. The last few weeks you haven't really spent much intimate time with him despite living together. You knew how serious he was about volleyball but you wish he'd give you more attention.

You got a text from your friend Yui, her and a few other girls were getting together and going out for a girl's night. It's been a while so you decided you'd join, it was much better than spending the night do nothing at home. When you went into your closet you found some revealing outfits you had worn prior to you and Atsumu becoming official, taking them out to revel in the memories you had with them. You looked at a dress in your hand and smiled as you remembered Atsumu couldn't keep his hands off of you the first time he saw you in it.

You bit your lip, smiling as you decided to put it on to surprise him, maybe changing the tides of your night in one last attempt to get his attention. You gave yourself one last look over, checking yourself out before strutting over to him. With a sway of your hips you leaned onto the desk to try to get his attention.

"Atsumu~ How do I look?~" you purred. The man glanced at you for a moment before his eyes went back to the screen in front of him.

"You look good" he mumbled, blatantly focusing more on the game recording than you, which felt like a slap in the face.

"I'm going out tonight" you stated, immediately walking over to grab your purse.

"Ok" he called out after you.

You walked over to the door, putting your hand on the doorknob as you grabbed your keys with the other hand. "I'm going drinking and clubbing with my friends."


"I'll be home by 1" you mumbled, opening the door.


You stood there for a moment, feeling a wave of disappointment. You didn't know what you wanted--did you want him to be jealous? To stop you from going? To at least give a little semblance of a shit where you were going or with who? Maybe all of that and more, you just wish he gave you even a little bit of attention tonight.

You headed out without saying goodbye, slamming the door behind you.


You stumbled through the door with your heels in your hands, giggling as you recalled the night you spent with your friends. You always had a lot of fun with them, and with you guys getting older and moving away from each other it was harder to meet like this--you had a genuinely memorable night.

You put your keys on the hook by the door and yawned as you walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, throwing your heels to the side of the entry way to pick up tomorrow.

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